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                                           SEPTEMBER 29, 2016

Welcome to our 3rd Newsletter! We hope you enjoy reading our updates and will join us at an event soon to learn more about our exciting plans for this project. 
Upcoming Meetings  
We start with a 1-hour newcomers intro, then a potluck, followed by a general meeting. 

Sunday, October 9th: 3-6 pm
Location: A t the Sullivan's in San Francisco.
Please RSVP for the address

Satur day, November 5th: 3-6pm 
Interfaith Counseling Center
15 Austin Ave, San Anselmo, CA 94960 
Meetings are announced on Meetup: Please RSVP. 
Receive updates: Novato Cohousing Now Meetup

Related Event:

Explore Hamilton Wetlands on Sunday, November 6th: 11am-2pm
If you missed our last walk on the Bay Trail near our site, consider joining Greenbelt Alliance the day after our cohousing meeting for this free guided walk. Read more here.

Building Momentum for Cohousing in Marin
We're happy to report a large group of prospective cohousers joined us for our Sept 11 picnic!

Most had entertained the idea of living in community and several had fond memories of community living in their earlier years. A lively discussion ensued about the spiritual ethos we desired, and our talents and passions we bring to both cohousing and the larger community too. We will continue to share our vision for support and growth in our community in future meetings. 

After a delicious potluck picnic, we hiked the nearby Bay trail and continued in conversation. The event ended with a tour of the site and a confirmation of our need for additional core members to invest so we're able to purchase our land.

Please join us for our next event!

Questions? Contact us at
[email protected] . You can also follow us at Novato Cohousing Now (on and find further info on our website here.

Though growing awareness is essential, what we need most are future neighbors seeking to live in cohousing in the 2018 time frame. Join us for an upcoming meeting as we build momentum toward securing our site and designing our community. 
Living in Cohousing
"Modern Housing with Village Virtues"
Sept 20th New York Times Article by Courtney Martin, cohousing resident at Temescal Commons in Oakland, CA

Working families in the United States have many struggles today: expensive child care, not enough time to cook healthy meals, disconnection from nature, a sense of social isolation - what the sociologist Robert Putnam famously called "bowling alone" - and more. Older Americans, a booming population, often end up segregated generationally and in dire need of care and companionship.
What if there was a potential salve to all of these struggles? One that was introduced to Americans 25 years ago, but hasn't yet gone to scale?

That potential solution is cohousing, a form of shared living in which groups of families with their own private homes (usually about 15 to 40 households) also share common spaces - a kitchen and eating area, often a garden, tool shed, or laundry facilities, or all of them, and a set of principles and practices about living interdependently.
Most groups hold in common a belief that a high quality of life is achieved not through self-sufficiency, but through a village mentality. Families will often share meals, yard work and repair labor, sometimes even cars; they also help one another spontaneously in many other ways.

For some, the many benefits of cohousing make the challenges of creating or finding such a community feel worth it. In expensive cities, it can be cost-effective and stimulating, intellectually and emotionally, to share regular meals in a group. Rather than depending on the nuclear family unit to meet all emotional needs, cohousing participants have a wide range of people to talk to.

Temescal Commons Cohousing, New York Times author Courtney's home community
Meet One of Our Core Group: CATHY

Cathy loves to travel and enjoys traveling with her family.  Never one to shy away from new people, outgoing might be an understatement. Chatty Cathy might also apply.

She is currently the master of all things volunteer and helps with everything from school based activities to after school and (gasp!) before school Jazz activities. She is willing to try most things and enjoys learning about almost everything. 

Having lived in Cohousing at Blueberry Hill in VA, she knows she enjoys what cohousing offers and can't wait until a cohousing project gets going here in Marin.

Contact Us

Now's the time to put in the work of community building and watch our cohousing plans take off!

Please send us your thoughts to:
[email protected]  
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