Landscaping update
The Novela Board HOA is excited to announce a change in our landscaping provider. After listening to our residents dissatisfaction with our current supplier, we requested bids from Mainscape and two new suppliers. The Juarez Lawn Care company stood out as the best and comes with a great reputation. They provide landscaping for several Palmira neighborhoods i.e. Bella Vita, Avallon and others. Each neighborhood President couldn’t say enough great things about their service. They are professional with on site English speaking managers, carry equipment to do the largest or smallest part of our yards and hire full time employees who get to know your yard and your plants over time.
We have invoked the 60 day termination provision with Mainscape and will begin with Juarez Lawn Care as of September 1, 2024. The new Juarez Lawn Care contract with the Novela community will include lawn care, edging/trimming, pest control, irrigation and general maintenance of our properties. Additionally, Juarez Lawn Care has agreed to work for the remainder of 2024 at the existing Mainscape rates. This allows us to maintain our current 2024 HOA fees. In 2025, the assessments will have a slight increase for lawn maintenance.
We thank Mainscape for their long partnership and wish them continued success with their business.