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November / December 2024


Gina's Blog

From My Heart to Yours,

Love, David's Mom

Dearest Beloved Friends, 

As I began writing this to you, it is Election Day for our great country. Today is special to me for three reasons, it’s the birthday of a sweet grandson (Benny) because we as citizens get to vote about who we want for President, and because my dear friend, Gina Barreras and her sweet daughter Alyssa were interviewed for Sonoran Living on ABC 15 to be interviewed by the host, Terri Ouellotte. While we were there, she asked us to tell her about how we help families who have a new baby with Down syndrome...  

(pictured Terri Ouellotte, Alyssa & Gina Barreras)

Continue reading Gina's blog!

Annual Sharing Down Syndrome Christmas Party!

It's that time of year when we invite our loved ones with Down syndrome and their families to join the Sharing Ds crew for a cozy Christmas morning get-together. This year features a new location thanks to our friends at Superstition Manor in Mesa! Thanks to the generosity and assistance from Blacker Orthodontics, Just Serve, and other donors, all individuals with Down syndrome and their siblings will visit Santa's Workshop to take a gift home.

RSVP for Sharing Christmas Party Breakfast w/ Santa!

Estate Planning Workshop

We want to say a special thank you to all who attended our October 24, 2024, Estate Planning Workshop with guest speaker, Jeffrey LeClair. Whether you were in person or attended via Zoom thanks for making time for this meeting. If you are wondering why you should get your affairs in order, it is summed up in this picture of this dear dad hugging his wonderful son.

We do it so we will know all our children, but especially our child with Down syndrome will be taken care of when our time comes.

If you were unable to attend, I know that Jeff has an online webinar, and you can also go to a free consultation call his office at Phelps LeClair Law. Give Jeff a call at 480-892-2488. (If you tell him you are with Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona you will be given a discount.)

Visit for more information.

Sharing is dedicated to educating future genetic counseling students. Read here about our most recent visit to the Mayo Clinic as our group of ambassadors spoke to Dr. Katherine Brendish's class.

Thank you to the Phoenix Suns / Mercury Foundation for donating tickets to Sharing for the Valley Suns G League Inaugural home opener on November 11th and to the families that joined us at the game. It was a great night with a Tip-Off party, free t-shirts, and an escort to the basketball court for a group photo. Stay close to our social media for future game ticket giveaways. Tickets go fast and are on a first come first serve basis.

World Day of Giving - December 3rd

Only 7 days until our gift basket giveaway to the top donor on Giving Tuesday! Be a part of the World Day of Giving and join the Sharing team in continuing the work we so love to do. Your donation is likely to qualify to be claimed on the 2024 Arizona return for donations made to Qualifying Charity Organizations like Sharing Down Syndrome (our QCO code is 20543) - $587 for single, married filing separate and head of household taxpayers, $1,173 for married filing joint taxpayers.

Win the Gift Basket!

As the end of 2024 quickly approaches and we prepare to welcome 2025 - all of us at Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona genuinely thank you for allowing us to serve and support. It is truly our passion to help our Down syndrome community thrive and succeed whether it be an initial diagnosis, educational advocacy, support meetings on various topics, fun get-togethers, a walk around Tempe Diablo Stadium, or a simple phone call to ease your worries. We've loved it all for the past 34 years and we look forward to doing it all again for many more years to come!

This Thanksgiving we are grateful for all of you!

Please support our sponsors who have given to us so generously over the years. We are thankful for all of you!

Thank You To All Of Our Supporters

Diamond Sponsors

Blacker Orthodontics

The Colten Cowell Foundation

Providence Homes

The Saguaros (formerly The Scottsdale 20/30 Club)


No Missing Links Foundation (Gilbert, AZ)

Johnson Larsen Family Dentistry

Platinum Sponsors

The Global Down Syndrome Foundation

Kerr Endodontics 

Albertsons, Safeway, and Vons – Southwest Division

The Colton Cowell Foundation

Earnhardt Automotive Employees

Gold Sponsors

Farnsworth Ricks Management & Realty - Sylvia & Leon Ricks

Phelps LeClair Estate Law

All Aboard Services

Absolute HCBS

Silver Sponsors

The Tempe Diablos

Valle Luna Mexican Food & Cantinas 

Salt River Project Employees

Upside Pest Control

Sharing the Good Life Foundation

Bronze Sponsors

Foresight Chiropractic Wellness Center

Best Trophies and Awards  

Brooks Orthodontics

Endeavor HCBS

Paul Kelly Maxillofacial

Friends of Sharing 

AZ Dept of Economic Security – Department of Developmental Disabilities

Raising Special Kids

Arizona State University Sensorimotor Research Lab

Fiesta Bowl Charities

KinectAbility Athletics

AZ Premier Flag Football

...and the countless in-kind donors, families, individuals, volunteers and organizations who give us so much strength and support. We are truly grateful.


You can select our organization as your charity of choice when you sign up for Fry's Rewards.

Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and all contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. EIN: 86-0822557.

Our Arizona State Tax Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO Code) is 20543.

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