Message from the Statewide Master Gardener Coordinator
If you've made it this far, thanks for being here and reading this newsletter. I know our inboxes and minds are constantly inundated with information and it can be hard to choose what gains our precious attention.
August 2023 marked two years since I joined Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and took on statewide coordination of the Iowa Master Gardener program. This milestone, coupled with November being the time of year we think about and share all the things we are grateful for, made me think I should pop in and share a few words with all of you.
The past two years have been a time of considerable learning and growth for me. Both this program and ISU Extension and Outreach are intricate organizations with many complexities to learn. Thank you to everyone who has welcomed me, taught me about their local programs and projects, and shown me why our Master Gardener program is so special. The county staff and volunteers I have interacted with on my visits to county offices, gardens, and symposiums have been nothing short of caring, intelligent, and skilled in their craft.
A huge thank you to all of you volunteers for your hard work and dedication to the program and bettering your local communities. This program would not exist without the volunteers, and it certainly wouldn't have the clout or reach that your knowledge, skills, and character provide. The work you do is vitally important and you are valued.
Thank you for a great year! Enjoy some well-deserved rest as your gardens are put to sleep. May the upcoming holiday season bring you peace, happiness, and joy, things that we all could use much more of.
Thank you again for all you do and all you are.
Alicia Herzog