Issue: 267                               
November 10, 2016 
In This Issue

Quick Links
TCGIS Online Calendar

Upcoming Dates

Nov. 1-17: Give to the Max 2016 Campaign

Nov. 13: St. Martin's Day Celebration

Nov. 15: PTO Meeting

Nov. 17: School Board Meeting

Nov. 17: Give to the Max 2016 Ends

Nov. 18: K-8 Morning Circle & Kaffeeklatsch

 Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please fill out an application here. Vielen Dank!
Like us on Facebook

Administrative Information
Upcoming Spirit Week
November 14-18

Join us for spirit week on November 14-18 to celebrate Give to the Max! This week is totally optional, but we'd love for your kids to participate! This week has been organized by our student council.

Monday: PJs and hats
Tuesday: Fancy
Wednesday: Fandom
Thursday: Green
Friday: TCGIS spirit wear

December Order Window for Bus, Kinderclub & School Lunch/Milk opens November 11!

It's time to place your child's order for December! Please log on to our online store https://tcgis.orderlunches.com  starting November 11 , and place your Bus, Kinderclub and School Lunch/Milk. All orders are due by Midnight on  Friday, November 18 .

If your family is new to our online store, please click here for more information on our online store, how to "Register" for an account and how to navigate the website. Please note the school password needed during the registration process is TCGIS1 .

If you are a returning family and you need assistance with your Account Log-In information, please email us at
ordering@tcgis.org .
Now Accepting Sibling Kindergarten Applications

We are now accepting applications for the 2017-2018 school year! If you have a child that will be entering Kindergarten next year, please fill out your application and return it to us at your earliest convenience.
Winter Clothing Drive for Service Learning

During conferences Service Learning is having a winter clothing drive! Please bring used/unused winter clothing. There will be boxes around the school that you can put your donations in. These donations will be donated to homeless people, so they can have a warm winter. Please consider helping us out this weekend. 

TCGIS Service Learning Group
Recruiting Developing Skiers!

We will have a Nordic Ski Team.  Developing skiers are welcome - w e are hoping for more skiers to build up the ski team.

  • Students should have some experience on Nordic skis, but they don't have to know how to skate ski
  • Students who possess enthusiasm for a racing season 
  • Students who are interested in growing their skills
For more information - look at the Skiwerx TCGIS home page
To sign up - click the registration link

Equipment rentals are this Sunday. Once you submit a registration, Britta Walker will email the details. Rentals cost an additional $130 - includes two pairs of skis & poles and combi boots.
Call for After School Activities Instructors

Session two of after school activities  will be starting after the winter holiday and we are looking for instructors! If you would like to offer a class please fill out the  attached form  and email or hand it in to the office by  November 23.  Session two of After School Activities  will be starting the week of January 9. 
Middle School Election Party 

All middle school students are invited to the middle school election party! There will be food to purchase, music, dance competitions, other party games, and we will say who becomes the Middle School president!

When: Friday, November 11
Time: 3:30-5:40 pm
Where: Aula
Save the Date - Maskenball is Back!
Saturday, February 4, 2017

It's a new year and things will look a bit different: different venue, more comfortable conversation options, and full bar. But we are keeping the fun, costumes, and dancing, of course. 

If you would like to help with this event please contact Kristi Johnson at kristirjohnson@gmail.com or use this form to help you discern where you can help best. Watch this video and share!
Be Safe. Be Responsible. Be Respectful. What Is PBIS?

PBIS ( Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) is a new effort underway at TCGIS.  The main idea of PBIS is that there are three main school-wide agreements that our community follows: be safe, be responsible, and be respectful. Come learn more about this proactive approach Monday, November 21 from 6:30-8pm in Room 100 - sponsored by the Special Education Advisory Committee.

RSVP for the meeting here. Free Babysitting is available. You must RSVP by Nov. 18 if you plan to use babysitting. 
New Math Support Group

Math support with Pippi Langstrumpf in grade 1 started this week, along with round two of German literacy intervention in grades 1 through 4. The six week interventions provide extra support for struggling students.

Curriculum & Instruction Corner
A Word from our Interns

Starting last spring we began preparing for a revamped TCGIS Intern Program. Tina Haarbusch has made great strides in building relationships with universities abroad and in finding very talented young Europeans who are in teacher prep programs wanting to be primarily primary and middle school teachers. This is only one part of a major, successful shift we are in the midst of for the upcoming academic year 2017-'18.

However, the real work and the value of this Intern Program is the tireless work and the creativity young interns bring each day into the classrooms of your sons and daughters. Therefore this week you are hearing directly from two of our interns:  Lisa Rödlach and Florian Pichler.  Click here for their contribution.
PTO Announcements

Click here to find out more about these upcoming events:
  • Parents' Night Out at Urban Forage Winery & Cider House, Nov. 10, 5:00-8:30 pm , f eaturing cider by glass and wine by the bottle, with 20% of proceeds going to the PTO
  • PTO Meeting Nov. 15, 6:30-8:00
  • Kaffeeklatsch, Nov 18th at 8:30 after morning circle. Thanks to Clare Roney and Julie Alkatout for signing up to host.