Crossroads and Finger Lakes Districts

November 12, 2024

Next newsletter is November 26, 2024

Please submit items for inclusion to the district office no later

than Friday before.

A Note from Sherri:

Dear Friends,

We have completed Charge Conference season in the Crossroads and Finger Lakes districts! With a few exceptions, every congregation has completed this important capstone work. Thank you for all you have done to prepare for and fulfill this important responsibility. 

Here are some of my reflections on our time together:

God is active and present in our churches! Our congregations are doing a lot of social justice ministry. I heard great stories about feeding and clothing ministries. Some congregations are addressing specific needs, like providing lunches during the summer, or backpacks filled with food for children over the weekend. Some are providing beds and bedding so that no child sleeps on the floor. Others are opening their buildings so not-for-profit groups have a place to meet. 

In some of our congregations, Sunday schools are restarting after the pandemic, and some churches have had success with providing programming for children and youth during the week rather than on Sunday morning. A few congregations noted a new Bible Study or small group ministry.

As United Methodists we are called to the balance of social holiness and personal piety. Personal piety is about nurturing our relationship with God through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. John Wesley believed that personal piety is a vital part of living a life in Christ, and that it involves both individual and communal practices.


Individual practices include:

  • Prayer
  • Reading the Bible
  • Fasting
  • Attending worship regularly
  • Living a healthy life
  • Sharing your faith with others


Communal practices include:

  • Receiving the sacraments
  • Christian conferencing
  • Bible study 


Wesley believed that acts of piety are practices that Christians perform with God, and that they keep the heart open to grace. He also believed that acts of piety help Christians participate in acts of compassion and justice. Personal piety is why we engage in social justice ministries.

The church is not just another social service organization. Our primary task is disciple-making. How do we balance caring for God’s people with inviting persons into relationship with Jesus? Do we tell others why we do all the good that we do? My prayer is we can restore some balance by putting equal energy into disciple making along with our social concerns and justice ministries. In addition to all the good we do for the community, lets also begin new small groups, Bible Studies, prayer and worship experiences. It’s a balance.

Grace and peace,


Just a reminder to update your contact information

for the district. All mail should be sent to:

District Office

PO Box 23206

Rochester, NY 14692

Please also update our email address to:


3rd and Final Clergy Day Apart


Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Fulton First United Methodist Church

1408 NY-176, Fulton, NY 13069

Lunch will be provided

Please RSVP by November 4th to


We all know that Advent is a time of preparation. As persons serving churches, we spend a lot of time making plans for our congregations to celebrate the coming of the Christ Child. This day apart is a time for you

to personally prepare yourself for the same. We will gather at 9:30 and share in worship at 10am. We will learn about and do two spiritual practices with time to share in both small and large groups. 

We will share in a meal and fellowship. This is intended to be a

time of rest and renewal.  Our time will be led by

Pam Kelsey-Gossard, certified spiritual director. 

This is the third and final clergy day apart for 2024."

Again, these are optional events. Please let the district office know if you plan on attending.

Crossroads District News

Church Announcements

Stewardship with Susan Ranous

Please check out the blog below

CLICK HERE for the Blog: Stewardship with Susan Ranous


November 18, 2024

Gethsemane UMC to host a Drive Thru Pasta Dinner

The church is located at 1700 Butternut Street, Syracuse NY 13208

November 18, 2024

4:00pm - 6:00pm

Menu: pasta with meatballs, Salad, bread & Butter, dessert

Cost is $15.00

Drive Thru Only

CLICK HERE for a Flyer


November 26, 2024


The Pennellville United Methodist Church will be having their next Free Will Dinner on Tuesday, November 26th from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The menu will be sloppy joes, oven roasted potatoes, vegetable, assorted desserts and beverages. Come out and enjoy some good food and fellowship. The church is located at 389 County Route 54 in Pennellville. We are a self-sustaining group with our goal of bringing community together in sharing a meal and fellowship. We appreciate those who have helped us to provide the meal through your giving, Donations are not required but are gratefully accepted. Thank you.


December 1, 2024

On Sunday, December 1st 4:30-5:30p.m. (or until gone). Free will eat-in (pork roast, mashed potatoes, vegetable, cookies, and beverage) dinner at the Oswego Trinity United Methodist Church, 45 E. Utica St. Downstairs. Info: (315) 343-1715 or


December 8, 2024

God's Country Jamboree

Sunday, December 8, 2024


Featuring God's Country Ramblers

Cicero UMC

8416 Brewerton Rd

Cicero, NY


December 8. 2024


The Pennellville United Methodist Church will be hosting their 49th annual Christmas Cantata on Saturday, December 7th at 7:00 p.m.

and Sunday, December 8th at 5:00 p.m. at 389 County 

Route 54 in Pennellville. Approximately 40 members from local churches will be singing various seasonal selections plus the main cantata,

The Ballad of Bethlehem, by Pepper Choplin. The director is Terry Sivers with Susan Candee at the piano. It's a beautiful way to enter into the Christmas season. There is no charge, but a free-will offering will be collected to be donated to the Phoenix Food Pantry and Paws Across Oswego County. Refreshments will be served in the fellowship hall following the cantata.


Finger Lakes District News

Church Announcements

December 7, 2024

Rushville UMC is hosting a Quilt Sale

10:00am - 2:00pm

All proceeds to benefit Friendship House Food Pantry

All sizes $50.00 to $200.00

Pillows $10.00

Card, Cash or Check accepted

The church is located at 26 North Main Street,

Rushville NY 14544


December 8, 2024  

 Red Creek Westbury church is again celebrating Advent with a Christmas Sing-In'. Named at a time when Sit-ins were popular , a Sing-In' Is an old fashioned Hymn Sing - All Christmas music! 


Everyone is invited to our 40th Annual Christmas Sing-In'!

Music starts at 6:30 on Sunday Evening, December 8th.

Refreshment follow in the Fellowship Hall . 


 Church address is 6837 Church Street, Red Creek. 


Choirs and individuals that want to share their music are encouraged to come. People wanting to sing Christmas from the pews are welcome too! We love to celebrate the season and start Advent on a Happy Note.


 NO Need to pre-register, just see Bonnie when you arrive- she will be the one running around with a clipboard. If you need our organist or pianist please send your music by Dec 1 so the accompanist can practice. 


It is a lot of fun and we promise not to keep you out too late.

Snow or sleet won't stop us! 


Reminder: Update your Church Information on the UNY Website:

Thank you to all the churches that have sent updates and/or corrections to their church information listed on the conference website.

If you have not sent in an update or OK as is - please send a reply

email to the district office.

CLICK HERE for the Crossroads District listings

CLICK HERE for Finger Lakes District listings

CLICK HERE to reach the district office

Crossroads and Finger Lakes District Superintendent

Rev. Dr. Sherri Rood -

Crossroads District Lay Leader

Darlene Dennis

Robert Mueller

Finger Lakes District Lay Leader


Superintendency Administrative Assistant

Betsy O'Flynn -

Office # - (585) 340-9525

PO Box 23206

Rochester, NY 14692