November 15, 2022

In this edition of ENews:

  • Annual Enrollment Closes Tomorrow!
  • Convention Survey Results Available
  • Sermon Resources for Advent
  • 2022 Living Compass Advent Meditation Booklets Available
  • Trinity Cathedral to Celebrate Howard Thurman
  • Commission for Intercultural Ministries Schedules Rainbow Ministry Meeting for Saturday, November 19

From the Office of the Bishop

Time is running out! Deadline for Active Employees is Wednesday, November 16th   

Need to make changes or enroll in a new plan?

For step by step instruction on how to complete a new enrollment, or make changes to an existing enrollment online, click here.

For all other annual enrollment updates, plan rates and more, click here

For general information regarding benefits for eligible employees, click here

For questions, please email [email protected]

Diocesan Convention Survey Results Available

Thanks to all who responded to the Diocesan Convention Satisfaction Survey. Click on the link below to see a summary of the survey. Please note that we have deleted any names and emails for respondents.

Click here for the survey summary.

Around the Diocese

Bishop Megan visits St. Timothy's Gridley

Last Sunday, Bishop Megan made a Visitation to St. Timothy's in Gridley. While there, she preached and celebrated the Eucharist, assisted by Deacons Mary and Dan Boeger. Following the service she was able to visit with parishioners. Many thanks to the good people of St.Timothy's for their hospitality.

Missioner for Church Life

Resources for Advent

The Brothers of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist in Cambridge, Massachusetts are providing a series of recorded sermons for congregations this Advent season. The free sermon resource can be used in a service where a preacher may not be available. The videos can also be used as an adult forum resource.

Last year, this sermon series reached over 500 communities across the United States and Canada. All are invited to join a growing cohort of congregations in this Advent journey.

If your congregation would like to receive this gift of monastic wisdom in Advent, the SSJE Brothers would love to share these resources with you!

Register at to receive the sermons and reflection questions. The 12-minute, pre-recorded sermons will be made available on YouTube for subscribers. On the webpage, users will also find access to a simple one-page curriculum if they opt to use the sermons as a seasonal adult forum.

About the SSJE: We are a community of men giving our whole selves over to living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Rooted in the ancient monastic traditions of prayer and community life, and critically engaged with contemporary culture, we seek to know and share an authentic experience of God’s love and mercy. We live a common life shaped by worship, prayer, and our Rule of Life. Learn more about SSJE at

Advent & Christmas resources from the Episcopal Church

New and updated Resources for congregations, dioceses, and communities of faith, including:

  • “Journeying the Way of Love” – Advent curriculum, calendar, bulletin inserts (also in Spanish and French)

  • “Sermons That Work” for Advent and Christmas (coming Nov. 5; also in Spanish)

  • “Preparing to Become Beloved Community” – Advent curriculum (also in Spanish and French)

  • Resources from Episcopal Migration Ministries, Episcopal Relief & Development, AdventWord, and more

Click here to download:

Antiphons for Advent in English & Spanish for 2022

A devotional resource in English and Spanish created from antiphons that families and communities can use daily in Advent. The short liturgy includes a prayer for lighting candles of an Advent wreath.

Advent Antiphons 2022 in English

Adviento para Evangelizar 2022 en español

Diocesan Partners in Ministries of Health 

2022 Living Compass

Advent Meditation Booklets 

A Free Resource!

Living Well Through Advent 2022

Practicing Simplicity with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind

Email us the number of copies you would like, and provide a mailind address. We will take it from there!

Email: Susan Wahlstrom, Coordinator [email protected]

Episcopal Foundation

The Bishop’s Partnership Appeal is a collaborative year-end process designed to support our congregations and institutions of our diocese directly. Last year, a total of roughly $28,000 was received in appeal donations, 100% of which went straight to the designated recipients.

This is a Partnership of people who love The Episcopal Church in Northern California. It is an opportunity for each of us to support the ministries and organizations we believe in and equip them for the future. When we give in this way, our Church becomes more vital, better able to reach out and engage in the work God calls us to do.

We are thrilled to share with you the 2022 Bishop’s Book of Dreams. The Book of Dreams presents a brief overview of dream project and ministries across the diocese. Because this is an interactive book, you can click on the “Give to this Dream” button on each page. If you wish to give to multiple projects, you may also visit the diocesan website at and click on the Give button.

Trinity Cathedral

Celebrating the life of

Howard Thurman:

Thursday, November 17 

Come join us for a special evening commemorating the life of Howard Thurman (1899-1981), who had an enormous influence on the civil rights movement and its leaders. We will have a special Holy Eucharist on Nov. 17 celebrating his life followed by a presentation by the Rev. Jim Richardson, associate priest here at Trinity Cathedral.

Thurman wrote a ground-breaking book, Jesus and the Disinherited, which had a major impact on one young ministry student in particular: Martin Luther King, Jr. In later years, the Rev. Dr. King carried Thurman’s book in his suitcase in his travels as a leader in the civil rights movement. Thurman died in San Francisco in November 1981.

This past summer, the General Convention of The Episcopal Church began the process that could lead to placing Thurman on our calendars of “saints.” The resolution for his inclusion was proposed by the Diocese of Northern California.

In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in Thurman’s life and work. Thurman’s books have been used in the Sacred Ground program in the Episcopal Church and as supplemental reading in the Education for Ministry program. Come join us for an enriching evening exploring his life and wisdom.

Thursday Nights at the Cathedral

When: Thursdays - 6:00 pm

Where: Cathedral & Assembly Area

Access: In person or on Zoom | Email Susan Hotchkiss at [email protected] for the Zoom link

Spiritual Formation

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Last Sunday after Pentecost

Luke 23:33-43

This will be the last of my Explorations in Luke (and John) for this liturgical year C. On this Last Sunday After Pentecost we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. It is also the Sunday before Thanksgiving, and so we incorporate the theme of thankfulness. And as we read St. Luke’s passion narrative, we are led to thank God. As we pray the words of the General Thanksgiving (BCP 101) we thank God “above all for your immeasurable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ.” All four of the gospels, each in their own way, represent Jesus’ death on the cross not as a defeat, but as a victory. This was the point of Jesus’ triumph, his anointing, his enthronement. It is from the cross that he reigns as king. The early Christians saw this clearly and celebrated it by citing the Old Testament where they saw Christ’s “lifting up” prefigured (Isa 52:13) his kingship as the crucified proclaimed: “Tell it out among the nations that the Lord reigns from a tree!” (an early Greek reading of Psalm 96:10, with pre-Christion roots).

We are also thankful for the theme of God’s forgiveness, so clearly seen in Luke’s passion narrative: “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34). This forgiveness is not just for the religious leaders or the Roman soldiers, or anyone else who had a hand in the crucifixion of Jesus.  It is a forgiveness for anyone who will have it, then and now.

Another keynote of the Lucan passion narrative, for which we give thanks is the welcome he offers. The penitent thief was welcomed into “paradise” without reservation and without delay. “Today” has a special force in Jesus’ words (Luke 23:43). And what he offered then and there he offers here and now. 

Truly these are the things, above all else, for which we give thanks!

– The Rev. Peter Rodgers

West Coast Collaborative now accepting applications for Lay Preaching Courses

The Episcopal Dioceses of El Camino Real, Northern California and San Diego are accepting applications for a course opening in the winter of 2023 to prepare individuals to apply for a Lay Preaching license. We are forming cohorts of students in Spanish and English and seeking adult learners of all ages and educational backgrounds who are actively involved in ministry in their congregations and demonstrate gifts in lay leadership. Participants must be members of a congregation within one of our three partner dioceses.

Who is this for? Lay members of our congregations with gifts for preaching and leadership in ministry.

What will we study? Biblical exegesis and preaching theory and practice.

Where will we meet? On Zoom

When will we meet? Once each month on a weekday evening

The application:


Questions? Contact the dean:

The Rev. Kathy Lawler [email protected]

Las Diócesis Episcopales de El Camino Real, el Norte de California y San Diego están aceptando solicitudes para un curso que se abrirá en el invierno de 2023 para preparar a las personas para solicitar una licencia de Predicación Laica. Estamos formando cohortes de estudiantes en español e inglés y buscando estudiantes adultos de todas las edades y antecedentes educativos que participen activamente en el ministerio en sus congregaciones y demuestren dones en el liderazgo laico. Los participantes deben ser miembros de una congregación dentro de una de nuestras tres diócesis asociadas.

¿Para quien es esto? Miembros laicos de nuestras congregaciones con dones para la predicación y liderazgo en el ministerio.

¿Qué estudiaremos? Exégesis bíblica y teoría y práctica de la predicación.

¿Dónde nos vemos? en acercamiento

¿Cuando nos reuniremos? Una vez al mes en la noche de un día laborable

La aplicación:

¿Preguntas? Póngase en contacto con el decano: 

La Rda. Kathy Lawler [email protected]

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

I Will, With God's Help: Journey Toward Racial Healing and Justice Upcoming Workshop

This one-day in-person workshop was specially developed for the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California by the Commission for Intercultural Ministries. Renew your Baptismal Covenant as we learn about forms of historic and contemporary racism and how to engage in ministry with sensitivity and respect for all.

Please note that due to the nature of the program, attendance is limited to 30 participants.

Saturday, January 21 I 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral I Sacramento


Additional workshops are being planned by the Commission for Intercultural Ministries for 2023. Be on the lookout for announcements in the Diocesan E-News and in the Beloved Community Resource Newsletter.

Thank you,

Jo Ann Williams

Editor, Beloved Community Resource Newsletter

Commission for Intercultural Ministries


Rainbow Ministry Meeting (LGBTQIA)

Saturday, November 19

11:00 am | Zoom

Please join us on Saturday to engage with others to discuss ways we can be more welcoming and affirming to LGBTQIA individuals in our diocese and congregations.

All are welcomed. 

Zoom invitation:




The Diocese

Evangelism Huddle – Let’s Talk!

Third Wednesday of each month 

12:00 p.m. Eastern on Zoom 

November 16th huddles, go to:

For more information go to:

Trinity Cathedral Christmas Market

Trinity Cathedral | 2620 Capitol Avenue | Midtown Sacramento

Sunday, November 23 | 8:30 am – 1:00 pm

Thursday Nights at the Cathedral

Thursdays | 6:00 pm

Trinity Cathedral | 2620 Capitol Avenue | Midtown Sacramento

In person or on Zoom | Email Susan Hotchkiss at [email protected] for the Zoom link

109th Annual Christmas Bazaar

St Luke's | Galt

Saturday, Dec 3 9:00 am – 3:00 pm | Sunday, Dec 4 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

35th Annual Diocesan Choir Festival In person

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Trinity Cathedral | Sacramento

All choral singers throughout the Diocese are invited

Guest conductor will be Dr. Bruce Neswick, the recently retired Canon for Cathedral Music Trinity Cathedral in Portland, Oregon. 

To add yourself to the email list, contact David Link, Canon Precentor & Director of Music at Trinity Cathedral: [email protected]

Job Opportunities Around The Diocese

St. Clement's | Rancho Cordova is seeking a 3/4 time Priest-in-Charge. 

See the position description here.

St. Paul's | Sacramento is seeking a Music Director. 

Read the job announcement here.

Diocesan Commissions | Committees | Ministries

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

Commission on Ministry

Christian Formation Committee

Episcopal Community Services

Ministries of Health Committee

Investment Fund Committee

Disaster Preparedness

Recovery Ministries

Episcopal Foundation of Northern California

Center for Bible Study

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email [email protected] by Wednesday of the prior week
Submit a Calendar Event

The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ

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