TCGIS Online Calendar
Upcoming Events
Nov. 9-10: Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov. 12: Martinstag Celebration at the Landmark Center
Nov. 14: PTO Meeting
Nov. 16: Picture Retake Day
Nov. 17: Admin Hosted Kaffeeklatsch
Nov. 20-24: No After School Activites
Nov. 22: Early Release
Nov. 23-24: Thanksgiving Break |
Administrative Information
Today is Give to the Max Day!
Just about anyone living in MN knows that today is Give to the Max Day! We are all being showered with emails and phone calls from the multitude of non-profit organizations in MN asking us to donate. Through this flurry of Give to the Max communication, please take a final moment to reflect on why you should donate to TCGIS and why your financial contribution to TCGIS is so critical to your child's education!
TCGIS Board to match $2,100 in donations made between now and midnight!
NO After School Activities Next Week
This is a reminder that there are NO after school activities next week. There is also an early release on Wednesday, November 22. School lets out at 12:45pm. |
Coffee and Morning Circle Tomorrow, November 17
We would like to invite all parents for coffee and treats AKA Kaffeeklatsch at 8.30am tomorrow, Friday, November 17. Elementary School parents can join us after Morning Circle, and Middle School families can just come straight to the foyer. This event is hosted by the school's Admin Team (Herr Anderson, Frau Braddock, Frau Haarbusch, Herr McKay & Herr Mullins). We hope to see you there!
NEW Central (Yellow) Bus Stop Times-
Going into effect
The Central bus PM stop times will be changing effective
Monday, November 20. Please see below for the new stop times:
As always, please access the 2017-18 Bussing Handbook for full bussing information! Contact with any bussing questions. |
Reminder: Order window for School Lunches/Milk, Bus Seat and Kinderclub is closing on 11/19!
Please log on to our online store website
Boonli now and place your child(ren)'s Bus, Kinderclub and School Lunch/Milk
order for December.
All orders are due by midnight on Sunday, November 19.
For questions or assistance with your account login, please email us at
Final Day to Order Spiritwear
This is a reminder that tomorrow is your FINAL DAY to order spiritwear! Check out our online store to see what we have to offer and to place your order today. Orders will be available for pick up in early December. |
Wash Your Hands!
Wasch dir deine Hände! Hand washing is a win for everyone. Germs are everywhere. Good hand washing includes wet, lather, rinse, scrub, and dry. Regular hand washing can protect families, students and staff from harmful germs and bacteria. Let's reduce germs from spreading and keep our school's population healthy! |
FireBears Robotics Team Visit December 11th
Roseville Area High School's FireBears robotics team has volunteered to visit TCGIS on Monday December 11th from 3:30-4:15 to do a demo with their robots. Students will be able to hear about what robotics is like at high school, ask questions, and even get some hands-on experience playing with robots! This is a great opportunity from a well-respected robotics team. The FireBears went to the world championships in 2016 and have earned recognition for their robot from Igus (a German corporation). Three TCGIS Alumni are on the team: Erik, Lexie, and Robert Rauer.
The event is open to students in grades 4-8th. Please sign up
here by
December 8th. Contact Esther Neu at with any questions.
Join Us for Family Hour of Code
Monday, December 4 from 3:30-5pm
Code is a one-
hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify coding and show that anyone can learn programming basics. Participants will play games and complete puzzles using
code. No experience with coding? No problem! Activities are sorted by experience level and interests.
At TCGIS we host a family Hour of Code event which is open to K-8 students and their parents. K-3rd grade students must have a parent attending. 4-8th grade students can join us on their own, but parent participation is encouraged. K-3 students in Kinderclub may be registered as supervised by Kinderclub staff, however space is limited to the number of staff available.
Make it a family event!
Code is free, but space is limited. Participants must RSVP in advance
SEAC Meeting November 20
Please join The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) on Monday,
November 20 from 6:00-7:30 at TCGIS in r
oom 100.
We will talk about what drives behavior and learn how Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports are being implemented within TCGIS.
Attention Skiers!
Attention Skiers and winter athletes alike. Minnesota Youth Ski League(MYSL) is a perfect program for 5th-8th graders looking for a winter activity. Their Skiwerx program is for kids that want to learn a variety of training skills(speed, strength, endurance, flexibility) to help them become successful and happy endurance athletes in the future. In the past TCGIS students have practiced with students from Yinghua Academy with the assistance of 2-3 coaches . We do have a parent volunteer at TCGIS who will help coordinate transportation each week to and from Theodore Wirth park. When you sign-up with Skiwerx your contact info will be automatically sent to our TCGIS parent coordinator. More info and registration can be found through the MPLS Skiwerx website. |
Share Your Culture with Drama Class!
Do you have experience with another culture (besides the United States or a German speaking country) that you would like to share with a K-3 drama class?
Did you grow up or spend extensive time in
another culture?
Do you know a dance, song or story you could share?
Frau Hall would be extremely grateful for your help! Last year's Carnival of Cultures was such a success because of parent contributions.
We would love to have you come in and present your wealth of knowledge to the class!
Please email Frau Hall with questions or if you are available to help.
Rummage Sale Donations Now Accepted!
New this year for the rummage sale! Please leave your donations at the top of the Aula stairs on Como Ave. during the following dates and times:
- Tuesdays: 11/14, 12/5 and 12/12 until 8:30am
- Thursdays: 11/16, 12/7 and 12/14 from 2:30-3:30pm
Please only drop off your items during these times.
If you have any questions contact Christine Ustun at
706 631-7941.
PTO Announcements
Culver's Ice Cream Fundraiser,
December 4! Click
here for info
GAI Announcements
Last Kaffeestube on Saturday Morning
Kaffeestube European Breakfast Café, Saturdays thru November 18; 8:30am - 11am
Enjoy our European-style breakfast buffet with your friends & family! Frühstück includes German rolls, cheeses, cold cuts, eggs, spreads, and more!
The GAI Skat Klub invites you to play cards. Join us on Saturday, Nov. 18 at 10am to learn and play popular German card games. FREE AND OPEN TO ALL! NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED!
- Mau-Mau for Kids (similar to Uno®)
- Canasta (a Rummy type game)
- Schafkopf (a trick-taking game)
- Skat (a bidding and trick-taking game)
No prior knowledge required! Each game will have a host who will explain the rules and get you started.
The GAI invites you for our annual Holiday Open Haus! Enjoy the feel of a European Holiday market with all the comforts of our Haus! This two-day event features vendors selling hand-crafted items, model trains, and seasonal food and drink including Glühwein, Lebkuchen, Kartoffelpuffer and more. Bring the kids for a visit with St. Nikolaus on Sunday
Registration now open for FallVERGNÜGEN - Conversation, Literature classes