Sunday, November 17th, 2024
The Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost
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The Altar Flowers for today’s services are given to the glory of God
in thanksgiving for the 205th Convention of the Diocese of Maine
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
7:30AM in Emmanuel Chapel
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
10:00AM in the Nave & Livestreamed
Holy Eucharist
5:15PM in Emmanuel Chapel
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Welcome to the Cathedral Church of St. Luke
We are a community of faith with ancient worship and modern thought, catholic traditions and progressive theology. We proclaim a Biblical perspective for thinking people, a respect for reason, science, and a diversity of perspective. This empowers compassion and care for both the wider community and one another.
Our commitment to welcome and inclusion is central to our mission modeled on the Kingdom of God and proclaimed by Jesus Christ.
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Preacher & Celebrant
The Reverend George Stevens, Interim Dean
The Reverend Rebecca Grant, Deacon
Music Leader & Organist
Christian Clough, Canon for Liturgy & Music
Randi Hogan
Alec Thorne
Peter Carleton
Prayers Leader
William Salomon
Peter Bingham, Chester Bishop, Mary Linneman, Gail Swanton
Live Streaming
Jack Swanton, Sam Allen
Eucharistic Ministers
Joseph deKay, Maggie Gardner
The Healing Team
Gail Kesich, Mary Strnad
Contributing Ministries
Acolytes, Vergers, The Flower Guild, The Altar Guild, The Kneeler Guild,
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Service Participants
The Right Reverend Thomas Brown, Bishop of Maine
Ryan Daly
First Reader
Timothy Davidson
Service Leader
Ruth Roemer
Music Leader
Terry Foster
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Coffee Hour
Please join us after the 10:00AM service for a time of fellowship in the upper hall through the doors to the left of the altar. All are welcome!
Interested in hosting? It is an important part of our parish life and provides us with a time for connection. Hosting is fun and easy, it requires bringing in a baked good and brewing coffee the Sunday of your choosing.
Please consider signing up, a lot of gratitude comes with the job.
Check the hosting schedule by visiting the link here.
Please email Meredith Cough with your date.
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Young and the Restless
Friendsgiving Gathering
Lower Hall
Join Young and the Restless at 5:30PM today in the Lower Parish Hall for our annual Friendsgiving!
Rotisserie chicken, rolls, beverages, and paper goods will be provided. Please bring a veggie side dish and/or dessert to share.
With questions contact Phoebe Blume.
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The November Meeting of the Lesser Chapter
& Transition Teams Nominations Form Reminder
Form Due By Tomorrow, Monday, November 18
Next Lesser Chapter Meeting
Next Wednesday November 20, 2024
Loring House Conference Room
The November meeting of the Lesser Chapter (“Vestry”) will be held next Wednesday, November 20, at 6:00 p.m. in the Loring House Conference Room.
Interested parishioners are welcome to attend as guests.
As outlined in the recent lesser chapter guest policy which was shared with the congregation ten minutes are allotted at the beginning of each meeting for guests to address the group on issues of interest or concern.
The bulk of November’s meeting will be held in Executive Session (Wardens and Vestry members only). We will meet with our Dean Search Consultant, the Rev. Pamela Mott, who will guide us through the process of selecting members of the four committees that will have responsibility for different phases of the Dean search.
Committee members will be selected from the list of nominees that have been collected since October 20.
As outlined in the Reverend George Stevens reflection in October nominations are being accepted through tomorrow, Monday, November 18.
You can access the form in several ways:
It is available at both entrances of the Nave, on the vestry resource page of our website, by clicking the button below, and on the final pages of our service bulletins this Sunday.
Please return the form to George in one the following ways:
1) Please send George your completed form via email
2) Drop off the completed form to the church office
3) place them in the offertory plate on Sunday
With thanks,
Sam Allen, Senior Warden
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Soul Talk
Tuesday, November 19 at 10:00AM
The Choir Room
Soul Talk is a monthly coffee and conversation group in which we talk not so much about our beliefs but about our faith and experience of God.
It regularly meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 10:00AM.
Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, our next meeting will be next Tuesday November 19. We will meet in the choir room.
Please join us once a month or once in a while. Contact Linda Carleton if you’d like to receive an email with material for reflection before each meeting.
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Cathedral Parking Lot at 134 Park Street to be Closed
on Friday, November 22
Our parking lot will be closed for painting of new parking space stripes.
All cars must be moved from the lot no later than 4:00AM on Friday morning.
With questions, please contact the cathedral office via email.
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Portland Rossini Club Concert
Sunday, November 24 at 3:00PM
The Cathedral Nave
Join the Portland Rossini Club for their next concert on Sunday, November 24 at 3:00PM in the Cathedral Nave.
The concert will feature the following musical offerings:
Pianist Steve Blumenthal will play Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata
Soprano Torrey Gimpel and pianist Jonathan Prak will perform songs by Giacomo Puccini, Douglas Moore, and George Gershwin.
Pianist Mark Braun, and Steve Schiffman on the clarinet, with Seth Blank on the French horn will perform Nocturne by Llamazares
Pianist Sydney Patten, will play her own Waltz of the Jellyfish and Seal Slide Rag as well as a Chopin Nocturne
For more information: 207-318-7465 or visit the Rossini Club website here.
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Thanksgiving Day Service
Thursday, November 28
Emmanuel Chapel
Please join us at 10AM Thursday November 28 for Holy Eucharist in Emmanuel Chapel.
The Right Reverend Thomas Brown, Bishop of Maine, will preside.
All are welcome to attend.
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The St. Luke's Altar Guild December Polishing Party
Saturday, December 14
The Upper Hall
The St. Luke’s Altar guild is having a silver and gold polishing party to get ready for the holidays!
Join us 10AM–12noon Saturday 14 December in the Upper Hall.
Everyone is welcome! You don’t need to be part of the altar guild to participate.
Coffee and goodies will be provided. Contact Kate Leschey with any questions.
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Christmas With Renaissance Voices
Saturday, December 14
Sunday, December 15
The Cathedral Nave
Join Renaissance Voices and maestro Harold Stover, for their Christmas Concerts at the Cathedral.
Concerts will be held at 7:30PM on Saturday December 14 and at 2:00PM on Sunday December 15.
The program features music of Juan Esquivel, Sally Herman, Celia McDowell, and more!
Tickets are available for purchase on the Renaissance Voices Website here.
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The Cathedral Choir Presents a Service of Lessons and Carols
Sunday, December 22
The Cathedral Nave
Join the Cathedral Choir on December 22nd at 4:00PM for a service of Christmas Lessons and Carols.
This service will serve as our first liturgical celebration of Christmas.
Please invite friends, neighbors, and family!
This offering provides an excellent opportunity to welcome in the wider community to our beautiful space and to experience a moving worship experience.
With questions please contact Christian Clough, Canon for Liturgy & Music
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To read about stories, resources, and events from around the Diocese of Maine, read their newsletter, The DioLog, by clicking the link here, or by clicking on the Episcopal Maine Shield in the bottom of this email. | |
A Message from the Bishop
Regarding the Resignation of the Most Reverend Justin Welby as the Archbishop of Canterbury
Dear friends in Christ,
This week we learned of the Most Reverend Justin Welby's resignation as Archbishop of Canterbury.
To read the statement published by the Episcopal News Service, please click here.
In Bishop Welby's statement, he admitted mishandling an egregious sexual misconduct matter, and he lamented how his actions impact the Church of England and the larger Anglican Communion. This is a sobering reminder of the sin that continues to stain our church at every level.
There are two things I'm communicating with you today:
1. Our Presiding Bishop's response to the Archbishop's resignation:
Today I am praying for the people of the Church of England, for our siblings in the Anglican Communion, and for all victims and survivors of abuse, especially clergy abuse. Abuse in any form is horrific and abhorrent, and it grieves me that the church does not always live up to its ideal as a place where all of God’s children are safe.
I commend Archbishop Welby for calling the Church of England to address its safeguarding failures, and I pledge the Episcopal Church’s commitment to this critical task in our own contexts and in the Anglican Communion. The church must be a refuge where people can come with the deepest wounds and vulnerabilities and be nurtured, respected and never abused.
2. In the Diocese of Maine we are committed to create and maintain faith communities that work continually to prevent abuse of every kind. We do this by making sure Safe Church training and safeguarding policies are up-to-date for every leader, and by referring people with reports of abuse and harassment to the clergy disciplinary process known as Title IV.
Today, and in the coming weeks, our immediate response is to pray for the victims and survivors of abuse throughout the church, and importantly, for Archbishop Welby and his family during this difficult time of transition, penitence, and by God's grace, reconciliation.
All Christians are called to protect the vulnerable; however, elected and appointed leaders in the church are particularly responsible to seek and speak the truth. Please join me in recommitting ourselves to this holy and essential work.
May God bless you and keep you.
In Christ,
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Thank You to All Volunteers Who Served
During Eucharist for Diocesan Convention
We appreciate your gifts of time and talent which you shared to enhance worship as we welcomed guests from across the Diocese to the cathedral.
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Stewardship Campaign 2025
"Walk in Love"
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Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
-Ephesians 5: 1-2, NRSV
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This year, our stewardship theme, 'Walk in Love' invites us to journey together in faith, unity, and purpose.
Inspired by Ephesians 5:1-2, we are called to imitate God's love in our lives and our community.
As we navigate our path forward, including our ongoing process of conflict transformation, walking in love reminds us that our faith journey is not solitary but shared.
It challenges us to align our actions with our values, to support one another in times of need, and to be open to the transformative power of God's love.
Through our stewardship, we have the opportunity to tangibly express this love - whether through our time, talents, or resources.
As you reflect on the stewardship theme please use the following questions:
- What are examples of walking in love you have experienced at St. Luke’s?
- What ministry of our congregation is most hopeful or most exciting to you?
- When was a time that the community was there for you?
- How do you experience God’s abundance?
If you are interested in sharing your reflections with the wider congregation in the form of testimonial during an upcoming service, participating in a stewardship video, or sharing your thoughts in writing, please contact the parish office via email.
With any questions you may have please contact Stewardship Chair & Treasurer, Randi Hogan.
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Eco Tips & Meeting Minutes from the St. Luke's Public Policy
and Environmental Action Team
Eco-tips- for Home Weatherization
With the arrival of cold weather, many are concerned about heating costs and keeping homes warm.
A major way houses lose heat is through windows, which pull heat out of the home into the cooler air outside. In addition, many windows leak heat where the glass meets the frame or wall.
Window Dressers insulated inserts can help diminish heat loss, carbon dioxide pollution and save heating costs.
These inserts are easily installed and removed without fasteners. They are free to low -income home owners and are at low cost for middle and high-income households.
The company itself is a non-profit and volunteers provide much of the building and installing. To learn more about them visit their website here.
To read the most recent minutes from the PPEAT Meeting held on November 12, click here.
To read past minutes from PPEAT meetings, visit their page on the St. Luke's Website here.
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The Healing Team offers confidential prayers of healing, in All Saints Chapel (to the right of the communion rail), throughout communion until the end of the postlude.
The following team members will pray, with you, on the following Sundays:
November 17, 2024 Gail Kesich, Mary Strnad
November 24, 2024 Elise Magnuson, Peter Carleton
Soul Talk
Every Fourth Tuesday of the Month
10-11:30AM in the Oratory
Soul Talk is an informal coffee and discussion group exploring our faith and experience of God meeting on fourth Tuesdays, 10-11:30 in the Chapter Room. Our next meeting will be held this coming Tuesday, November 19.
Come once a month or once in a while!
If you’d like to receive materials prior to each month’s meeting contact Linda Carleton via email.
The Biblical Study Group
The Biblical Study Group meets in the Chapter Room at 8:30AM.
The topic for our sessions is the search for the one and only God, Elohim or Adonai, within ourselves.
Join us for our study of the search of becoming “who we were meant to be.”
We are led by Bob Hanson, retired university professor, Episcopal priest, author, peace activist, and Jungian analyst. With questions, contact Bob at (207)-245-2695.
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Sing With the Cathedral Choir
The Cathedral Choir is welcoming new members! We hope you’ll join us for fun, learning, fellowship, and the joy of music-making in community.
Previous singing experience is not required. Short-term commitments are possible.
Rehearsals most Thursdays 7-9PM, singing most Sunday 10AM liturgies & for several additional services throughout the year.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Christian Clough.
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Sunday 5:15PM Service of Holy Eucharist | |
The 5:15PM Service is a lay-lead worship service of Holy Eucharist and meditation which gathers each Sunday in Emmanuel Chapel. Each week we welcome a member of the clergy to celebrate the Holy Eucharist.
The service invites all in attendance into a space of quiet and stillness, with music, scripture, and reflections.
We look forward to welcoming you to future services. Please join us!
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The Kneeler Guild and
Prayer Shawl Knitters
The Upper Hall.
For additional information contact Jeri Edgar 207-303-8447 or Nancy Mawhinney 207-775-7500
Everyone is welcome, whether you are curious or want to begin. Kneeler kits cost $75, which include directions, yarn, needles & canvas. Novices are welcome; we will teach you as needed. Prayer Shawls: 26-29” by 60”; select your yarn & needles. Coffee & Tea available.
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Contemplative Prayer
Contemplative prayer meets every Thursday at 4:30 PM on Zoom.
Please join us for a half hour of silent meditation followed by a brief conversation about our experience. All are welcome. No experience is necessary.
For more information email Sarah Braik.
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Volunteer to Serve on the Altar Guild
Volunteering with Altar Guild is fun and rewarding.
Together, the Altar Guild works to enable our congregation to engage in worship that is filled with order, beauty, peace, and tranquility.
For more information, contact Kate Leschey or Rita Siavelis.
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Access Your Realm Profile
The Cathedral’s online database, Realm, is a useful tool for parishioners to manage their contact and pledging information.
Realm helps our community by improving our record keeping in a more streamlined fashion.
When joining Realm you can sign-up to be a part of the online directory in the database.
To activate your Realm profile please contact our financial administrator Nina Andersen.
Nina will assist you with the few steps necessary to access your profile.
We look forward to sharing this exciting new technology with you!
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Weekly Ministries
The Food Pantry is open from 8 am to 11 am every Thursday.
The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist is offered every week in Emmanuel Chapel in-person and on Zoom.
Contemplative prayer meets each week on Zoom on Thursday at 4:30PM
Noon Zoom meets on Thursday afternoons at 12:00PM on Zoom
Compline is offered weekly on Friday from 8-8:30pm on Zoom.
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Click on the logo above to learn about all that is happening in the wider Diocese.
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Physical Address:
143 State Street, Portland, ME 04101
Parking Available at:
134 Park Street, Portland, ME 04101
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4141, Portland, ME 04101
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