Issue: 304                           
November 2, 2017 
In This Issue

Quick Links

TCGIS Online Calendar

Upcoming Events

Nov. 9-10: Parent Teacher Conferences

Nov. 12: Martinstag Celebration at the Landmark Center

Nov. 14: PTO Meeting

Nov. 16: Picture Retake Day

Nov. 20-24: No After School Activites

Nov. 22: Early Release

Nov. 23-24: Thanksgiving Break
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Administrative Information
Get Ready to Give to the Max!

TCGIS needs your help during this Give to the Max season to help us meet our Annual Fund 'Operation Interns' goal of $100,000. This is our single biggest opportunity to make a sizable impact on our Annual Campaign goal by harnessing the power of corporate matching gifts. Click here to read more.
*Donations can be made below our spiritwear items for sale on our Square site

Click HERE to read about Julia Kuzak and Ben Brumhard, two interns we are highlighting this week.
Parking Reminder

When picking up or dropping off students, take care to avoid idling or parking in city bus stop areas, no parking zones, and in front of driveways or alleyways.
Bus Passes - IMPORTANT!

Our bussing company has recently informed us that  any student who is riding a bus for which they are not registered must have an office-issued bus pass to be allowed on the bus. 

If your student(s) will be riding a bus  after school for which they are not registered (to go home with a friend, come to school with a friend, etc.), please be sure to complete the  Daily Dismissal Form by  6am the day of the change to let the Office know a bus pass will be needed. If your student(s) will be riding a bus to school for which they are not registered, be sure to complete the  Daily Dismissal Form by  12pm the day before the change is to go into effect.

Please contact Gael Braddock at   gbraddock@tcgis.org with any questions.
NEW Spiritwear Items for Sale NOW!

We have revamped our spiritwear and are excited about the new items we're selling! Check out our online store to see what we have to offer and to place your order today. We will be accepting orders through November 17. Orders will be available for pick up in early December. These items are great gifts for upcoming birthdays and holidays!

Please note that we will only be accepting orders through our online Square store. No orders will be accepted through Boonli or in person.
Looking for After School Activity Instructors 

We are looking for instructors for the winter session of after school activities! If you would like to offer a class please fill out the attached form and email it to lkalish@tcgis.org or hand it in at the office no later than November 14. This session of after school activities starts January 1, 2018. If you have any questions about teaching a class, please email Lauren Kalish at lkalish@tcgis.org. 

All information regarding class offerings and registration will be available November 30.
 *Please note this has been moved earlier than in our printed calendar. This is to avoid any interference with winter break.
TCGIS Basketball 

Basketball season is almost here! Please click here to register today for the TCGIS Middle School basketball teams.
Last Chance to Sign Up for Parents Teacher Conferences

The sign up for parent teacher conferences is still open! Conferences are from 4:00-7:30pm on Thursday, November 9 and 8:10am-3:30pm on Friday, November 10. The master password is  ptc2017  

Before you log in, we suggest that you have the following information: 
  1. A list of all the teachers you would like to see. The online conference system will not tell you the names of your children's teachers.  
  2. The times you would like to have conferences. The system will tell you the available slots for all teachers. If the teachers you wish to see are not available, contact them to schedule an alternative time for a conference.  
For further information, please find the attached  parent letter and  parent overviewThe website to schedule conferences is  herePlease note: the sign up window will close at 8pm on Monday, November 6.

Please contact Lauren Kalish with lkalish@tcgis.org with any questions.
Now Accepting Sibling Applications for Kindergarten

We are now accepting applications for the 2018-19 school year! If you have a child that will be entering Kindergarten next year, please fill out this application form and return it to the school office at your earliest convenience. The application deadline is February 7, 2018, at 4:00pm.
Picture Retake Day and Retaking Class Photos

Our picture retake day has been rescheduled and will now be on Thursday, November 16. If you would like to have your child retake their picture, please send them with their proof or picture package on retake day. This will help ensure that the correct order is printed for their retake picture.

We will also be retaking ALL class pictures starting at 8:30am that morning. After students retake their class photos they will have the opportunity to retake their individual photos. 

If you would like to order pictures click here to login. 
Saint Martin's Day Celebration at Landmark Center

There will be a "Traditions of Germany" program at the  Landmark Center on Sunday, November 12th, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. (Please note the time change from last year's program.) TCGIS students from  grades 2, 4, and 5 will be performing starting at 2:10 p.m.  If you have a student in one of these grades, we ask that you arrive no later than 1:45 p.m.  After the TCGIS performance, there will be a short parade with a horse and photo opportunities. In addition to the performances, vendors will also be offering items such as German breads and Glühwein. In the spirit of St. Martin, TCGIS and Landmark Center have asked attendees to bring a donation (coats, hats, mittens, etc.) for Joseph's Coat. Any questions can be directed to Frau Hall ( shall@tcgis.org).
Invitation to Yinghua's Event - Dr.Tara Fortune

Yinghua Academy and their Director, Mrs. Berg would like to invite the families of Twin Cities German Immersion School to join us for an upcoming event on  December 6th from 7-8pmDr. Tara Fortune speaking on the topic, "Immersion Education, What's New and Exciting?"

Please click here to see the official invitation with more information. 
Book Fair November 6-10! 
Volunteers needed!

We cannot do the book fair without parent help. If you are interested in helping out with the book fair, please email Ginger Sanford at  gsanford@tcgis.org. Please include your name and the day/times you are able to volunteer.

We are looking for volunteers to run the cash register and monitor the book fair (it's super simple) during the following days/times:
Monday 11/6Tuesday 11/7, and  Wednesday 11/83:30pm to 5:30pm
Thursday 11/93:30pm to 8pm (during parent/teacher conferences)
Friday 11/108am to 3:30pm (during parent/teacher conferences)
Friday 11/103:30pm-5:30pm pack up
DSD 1 Verleihung

This fall 2017 we were again happy to celebrate the accomplishments of last year's 8th graders on the DSD 1 Exams taken in Spring 2017. These are the exams the German Government gives to all schools with which it works. The assessments are global and administered in both the northern and southern hemispheres. While we always have very good academic results from our 8th graders to report, this year ALL students passed ALL portions of the exam setting a new bar for school! Congratulations go out to all students and in particular to Beate Simon, the TCGIS colleague who diligently prepared the students for the exams. Below is a photo from the ceremony held in October in the TCGIS Aula.

Congratultions to our Mausmünzen Winners!

Gratuliere to Harper Freund (KC), Isaac Radecki (1A), Altay Ustun (4B), Nora Metcalfe (5C), and Eamon Lynch-McKinney (7B),  this week's Mausmünzen winners! Keep up the great work, TCGIS!

PTO Announcements
PTO Announcements

Join us for the PTO Meeting  November 14 from 6:45-8:30pm.  RSVP for meeting and childcare  here and find the p revious meeting minutes  here

GAI Announcements
GAI Announcements

Kaffeestube on Saturday Mornings
Kaffeestube European Breakfast Café, Saturdays thru November 18; 8:30am - 11am
Enjoy our European-style breakfast buffet with your friends & family! Frühstück includes German rolls, cheeses, cold cuts, eggs, spreads, and more!

Sunday, Nov. 12; 1pm to 4pm; GAI members $25.00 (non members $30.00); Age 12 and up; REGISTRATION REQUIRED
Come and learn how to make a variety of traditional Swiss holiday cookies with Katrin Erdmann and Peter Grand. Cookies baked will include Mailänderli (Swiss cut-out cookie), Chräbli (anise cookie), Brunsli (almond & chocolate cookie)

Registration now open for FallVERGNÜGEN - Conversation, Literature classes