November 20, 2022:
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
The Church of St. Mary :: 201 E. Illinois Lake Forest, IL 60045
Parish Office Hours: 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday - Friday
Phone: (847) 234.0205 :: Email:
“The Guild of St. Mary invites you to join us for the Christmas Tea at the Onwentsia Club. There will be a Seated Tea at 11:00am and Christmas Boutique from 10:00am to 2:00pm, in addition to a cookie walk and raffle. 

This event is open to Guild members and registration is required by November 21 at
Children's Worship Bulletin for November 20, 2022:
for ages 3+ HERE for ages 7+ HERE
SCHEDULE: Saturday, November 19 - Sunday, November 27, 2022

Saturday, November 19, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 8:00am: Confession - Church
+ 5:00pm: Livestream & PUBLIC Mass
Sunday, November 20, 2022:
Donuts, coffee, and juice will be served
after the 8:00 & 10:00am Masses
 in the Upper Grade Center Cafeteria  
+ 8:00am: PUBLIC MASS
+ 10:00am:  Livestream & PUBLIC MASS
+ 12:00pm: PUBLIC MASS
+ 6:00pm: COR Youth Ministry - PC

Monday, November 21, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 7:00pm: 1st Reconciliation Parent Meeting - MPR

Tuesday, November 22, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 7:00pm: Adult Choir - Church

Wednesday, November 23, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 5:00pm - 6:30pm: Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction - Church
+ 6:45pm: RCIA - PCLR
+ 7:00pm: Adult Choir - Church

Thursday, November 24, 2022: ~ Thanksgiving Day
Parish Office Closed
+ 9:00am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS
+ 7:00pm: Bible Study - PCCR
+ 7:00pm: Adult Choir - Church

Friday, November 25, 2022:
Parish Office Closed
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am

Saturday, November 26, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 8:00am: Confession - Church
+ 3:00pm: Advent Wreath Making - Church
+ 5:00pm: Livestream & PUBLIC Mass
Sunday, November 27, 2022:
+ 8:00am: PUBLIC MASS
+ 10:00am:  Livestream & PUBLIC MASS
+ 12:00pm: PUBLIC MASS
+ 3:00pm: The Other 167 presentation - Church
To find ways to volunteer within our community and to seek assistance from the parish please click here.

Here is a List of Places You may watch Mass on TV, Radio or Online:

  • Online:
  • Church of St. Mary Livestream can be found on our Facebook Page. View past celebrated Masses or join us for a current Livestream Mass according to the schedule in this newsletter.

  • TV: EWTN
  • DirecTV Channel 370
  • Dish Network Channel 261
  • Verizon Fios Channel 285
  • XFinity Channel 33, 291, 1668

  • Relevant Radio:  
  • 1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT. 
  • These Masses will be broadcast live on your local station, on the Relevant Radio® app, at, and on my Father Rocky Facebook page so you can tune in from wherever you are. The Mass will be rebroadcast each evening at 8:30pm ET / 5:30pm PT on your local station.
To read the Daily Scripture readings you may go to and select "Daily Reading" at the top left menu.

You may also go to "Today's Reading" at
Please remember in your prayers those who are sick, especially:
Beni-de Dieu Atibalentja
Brooke Bloom
Tom Brown
Carmie Caluag
Michael Caringello
Joan Dolan
Tanya Dornik
Jim Ferguson
Karl Grubert
Mary Dale Houston
Christian Jenko
James Krueger
Caroline Lyczko
Carolina Martinez
Bob Matthei
Nancy McCaughey
Kit O'Brien
Eileen O’Keefe
Ricardo Pedemonte
Sheila Uy Rayner
Migdalia Reyes
Dominick Roberti
John Sternberg
Andrew Twyman
This new sick list began on September 1 and will continue through November.

 If you would like to add a family member to the Prayers for the Sick, please call our Parish Office at: 847.234.0205.
Please remember in your prayers those who have gone to their eternal rest with Our Lord, especially:

Ildefonsa Montemayor
(sister of Rosalio Flores)
Mass Intentions will be prayed for during a private or public daily Mass.

Saturday, November 19, 2022:
7:30am: Lou G. & Rose Holthouse; Stanislaw Mezyk; Ehret-Carey Families
5:00pm: Emile Johnson; Daniel Dressel; Eliseo Elisei; Katy Hoch Rogers
Sunday, November 20, 2022:
8:00am: Philip Sheridan, Sr.; Msgr Frank Cimarrusti; Mary Theisen
10:00am: Helen M. Stomp; Stanislaw Adamiec; Ollie Corra
 Noon: Catherine & Tom L. Sullivan; Jack Dhamer;
--------Special Intention for the Vlies Family; People of St. Mary’s

Monday, November 21, 2022:
7:30am: Peter Gillespie; Dolores Hynes; Rosemary Sheahen
Tuesday, November 22, 2022:
7:30am: Loretta Nacius; Bob Potts; Jane Wanner
Wednesday, November 23, 2022:
7:30am: Emil Wagner; Yolanda Wilson; Dolores R. Dwyer
Thursday, November 24, 2022: ~ Thanksgiving Day
9:00am: People of St. Mary’s 

Friday, November 25, 2022:
7:30am: Elizabeth Ruth Steffes Surane; Joseph Milite;
-----------Special Intention for the 60th Anniversary of John and Kathie Hunt
Saturday, November 26, 2022:
7:30am: Rev. Walter Mischke; Ernie Hiltebrand; Joseph Milite
5:00pm: Germaine Clifford; Roy Gregory; Dorina Mentuccia
Sunday, November 27, 2022:
8:00am: Betty Milite; Loretta Nacius; Dee Dee Dudley
10:00am: Richard Lombardi; David Craigmile, Sr.; Philip Sheridan, Sr.
  Noon: David R. Bibbs; Janet MacNaughton; Jack Dhamer; People of St. Mary’s
If you would like to request a special Mass Intention, please email our Parish Receptionists at: and they will kindly assist you!
“….giving thanks to the Father, who has made you fit to share in the inheritance of the holy ones in light.”     COLOSSIANS 1:12
God wants us to be happy! Instead of looking at the Ten Commandments as being restrictive and telling us what we can’t do, look at them as guides for living a joy-filled and peaceful life. Most of our problems arise when we put our own needs first or spend most of our time trying to acquire “things”. Try putting God first in all things instead. Ask Him how He wants you to use your gifts.
Sunday Collection-------------------------------------------Actual----------------Budgeted------Surplus/(Shortfall)
November 13, 2022-------------------- --------------------- $36,419------------  -- $25,000    ------------ ( (-$11,419
Total Sunday Collections Fiscal 2023 YTD---------- $459,071----------------$500,000-----------------($40,929)

Total Sharing Collections Fiscal 2023 YTD----------$38,915
We are grateful for the outpouring of support from parishioners while we navigate financially. Thank you for continuing to support your parish as well as our sharing parish, Most Blessed Trinity. Thank you for mailing your contribution to the Parish Office or scheduling your online donation. Offertory basket will be made available during Sunday Public Masses as well for your offering.

Ways To Give

+  Drop in the Offertory Basket during Public Mass at the end of Mass
+ Mail Your Contribution:
----- Church of St. Mary
----- c/o Business Office
-----201 E. Illinois
-----Lake Forest, IL 60045

+ Online Giving:
Schedule your recurring donations via our online Giving safe and secure portal, GiveCentral Go to:  Church of St. Mary GiveCentral or click the image to the left.
Thank you! 
Church of St. Mary Website
Bookmark our parish website for information on all parish ministries, events, contact information, and more!  
Information on our Mass Schedule, Sacraments, School, Religious Education, Youth Ministry, Guild of St. Mary, Liturgical Ministries, Bible Study, RCIA, Bulletins, Gospel Reading Podcasts, Homily Podcasts, and more can all be found on our webpage.
Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook Page 
Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook Page to get notices on viewing Livestreamed Mass! Prior recorded Masses can also be watched via our Facebook Page.

Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook page to see regular updates from popular Catholic pages such as the Archdiocese of Chicago, Cardinal Blase Cupich, and the USCCB. See news from the School of St. Mary, Guild of St. Mary, Religious Education Program, Youth Ministry, and upcoming events at our parish!
The Church of St. Mary has a YouTube channel! Once we have 1000k subscribers, we can stream live! Look for the black and white image of the Church of St. Mary when searching for the channel or click on either image here to go straight there! Don't forget to subscribe!