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UW-River Falls
University Advancement
310 South Hall
410 South Third Street
River Falls, WI
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UW-River Falls Foundation gala

Saturday, April 28, 2012


All alumni and friends are invited to a special benefit for student scholarships. 

Details are forthcoming.

Alumni Calendar
The Jazz Nutcracker and Holiday Swing Dance

Friday, December 9, 2011


The University of Wisconsin-River Falls Jazz Ensemble, directed by David Milne, will perform in a special holiday event, "The Jazz Nutcracker and Holiday Swing Dance," on Dec. 9 at the Landmark Center in St. Paul, Minn. 


Click here for more information.  


2012 MNLA Northern Green Expo
Thursday, January 5, 2012


All alumni and friends are cordially invited  to the 
Season's Rotunda in the Minneapolis Convention Center
Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012 from 
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm.


The Expo is a major annual Green Industry convention and trade show drawing over 5,000 industry professionals.

For more information, contact or call 715-425-3535.


WCPA Reception

Tuesday, January 10, 2012   


Join us in January for the annual alumni reception at the Wisconsin Crop Production Association conference in Madison at 5 p.m. in the Michigan Room of the Clarion Suites Madison -Central, adjacent to the Alliant Energy Center.   


For more information, contact or call 715-425-3535.



Track & Field Alumni Event

Saturday, January 14, 2012


All Track and Field alumni are invited to attend the annual event held at the UW-River Falls campus.


For more information and to R.S.V.P., email or call 715-425-4280. 



Men's Hockey Alumni Reunion

Saturday, February 11, 2012


The annual Men's Hockey Alumni Reunion is set for Feb. 11, 2012. R.S.V.P. to David Almquist at or call 651-353-5035.



Arizona Alumni Event

Saturday, February 18, 2012


UWRF alumni & friends in Arizona are cordially invited to a reception with UWRF Chancellor Dean Van Galen at the Arizona Golf Resort in Mesa, Ariz. at 5:00 pm.

For further information regarding any of these events, contact Dan McGinty in the Advancement Office toll-free at 1-877-258-6647 or by email at 

For alumni and friends of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls
In This Issue

From left to right: Anne Kao, 

Charles Kao, Mary Van Galen,

and Dean Van Galen. 

Kao Family Donates River Falls Home to UW-River Falls


Charles and Anne Kao announced the donation of their River Falls residence to UW-River Falls at a ceremony held on campus Sept. 16. The home will be used as an international center and temporary residence for visiting scholars.


Charles Kao is the founder and chairman of the Commonwealth Publishing Company in Taipei, Taiwan. He taught in the Department of Economics at UWRF from 1964-98 and served as department chair from 1971-80. Kao was named the UWRF Distinguished Teacher in 1974.


To read more, visit the UWRF news release.   


SuccessStorySuccess Story

UWRF in Top Tier by U.S. News and Princeton Review


UW-River Falls has once again been listed in the top tier of Best Regional Universities-Midwest by U.S. News & World Report. UWRF's most recent ranking appears in the U.S. News & World Report's 2012 edition of Best Colleges, released in September.


UWRF is one of ten University of Wisconsin System institutions ranked in the top tier of Best Regional Universities-Midwest by U.S. News & World Report.  


In August, UWRF was one of four University of Wisconsin System institutions included in The Princeton Review's list of the "Best in the Midwest."


To read more, visit the UWRF news release.


Sue and Bill Ammerman with 2010

scholarship recipient Courtney Hintermeyer.

Students Value Scholarships at UWRF  


UW-River Falls celebrates students' achievements and donors' generosity with the annual UWRF Foundation Scholarship Recognition Event. This year's event took place  Oct. 30.


"What a fine group of students we have with us tonight," guest speaker, scholarship donor and UWRF alumna Shirley J. Christenson said in greeting. "Our nation's future is in great hands." Christenson went on to say that she relied on scholarships when she studied at UWRF years ago. As a first generation college student and the fifth of six children, she said that scholarships were a necessary and vital part to her college experience.


To read more and view the PDF, visit The Student Voice

NeedtoKnowNeed to Know

Memorial Dedicated at UW-River Falls


Some 50 family, friends and UWRF staff attended a memorial dedication at UW-River Falls Oct. 26 on South Hall's east lawn where two crab apple trees shade a landscaped area with two benches.


Originally the site had three trees planted in remembrance of Tatia Williamson, director of annual giving at UWRF, who died in an automobile accident in July 1998. The benches and landscaping were recently added, funded by donations in the memory of UWRF custodians Brad O. Johnson and Joan Forss, both lost to cancer in the past year and a half. 


The area honors the three staff members from South Hall who loved casual conversations and the aspect of friendship, said Mike Stifter, UWRF director of the Physical Plant, during a short program that included poetry and shared memories. A short social gathering following the dedication. 
InandOutIn (and Out) of The Classroom

 2 + 2 Program Benefits Students in Ag Engineering Technology


In August, UW-River Falls and the Fox Valley Technical College (FVTC) in Appleton announced an articulation agreement that will greatly benefit students interested in careers in agricultural engineering technology.  


The 2 + 2 program allows students who complete the prescribed curriculum at FVTC to earn an associate degree and then transfer into the agricultural engineering technology program at UWRF as a junior, on track to complete a baccalaureate degree in two years.


To read more, visit the UWRF news release.