November 2017 - In This Issue:
Worship Services
Sunday Worship
8:00 am Traditional
10:30 am Contemporary
9:15 am Adult Education
9:30 am  Children's  Sunday School

Holy Communion
Communion is served at both services every Sunday.
Lutheran Church of the Cross
28253 Meadow Drive
Evergreen, CO 80439
PO Box 2800
Evergreen, CO 80437-2800

P - 303-674-4130
F - 303-670-7987

Church Office Hours
Tues thru Fri - 10:00am - 2:00pm

Church e-mail

Church Website
Church Staff
Pastor - Philip Reimers
Ministers - All of our People
Youth Director - Open
Music Director - Patrick Stone
Choir Director - Elinore Quander
Office Manager - Stephanie Park
Council Members
Nonie Willisch - President
Mark Selman - Vice-President
Mike Lofing  - Treasurer
Sara Esau - Secretary
Open  - Business Manager
Claire O'Brien - Education
Gloria Owens - Evangelism
Open -  Activities
Eunice Bollinger-O utreach/Missions
Paul Mohrmann - Prop & Grounds
Open  - Stewardship
Vicki Thompson - Worship & Music
Open - Youth & Family

Welcome Visitors
We want to welcome last month's visitors. Thank you for worshiping with us!

   Sign up to sponsor flowers on the chart posted in the Fellowship Hall or talk to Stephanie in the church office.  The cost is $30 for two bouquets and you get to take them home following the last service!  Thank you for helping make the sanctuary beautiful during our Sunday services.

Pastor's Message
Reformation 500th Anniversary

If you were in worship on October 22 nd you heard my sermon on my joys and sadness of the Reformation.  As a life-long Christian with a Lutheran expression Reformation Sunday has traditionally been a time where I have felt great pride for my heritage as a Lutheran.  While I recognize that Martin Luther as a person had his flaws I do great appreciate his love of God and desire to get things right from a theological standpoint.  His commitment to Scripture; studying its truths and translating that to practical theological understanding, his work to translate and place in the hands of people God's word to read for themselves are commendable.  His great desire for all people to understand themselves as a part of the priesthood who should be empowered and released into the world to make Jesus known is of utmost importance.  And his courage to stand for what he believed.

The sadness I have over the reformation comes from the great division that has occurred in the body of Christ through the reformation.  This was not Luther's intent but it was clearly a process that has occurred over and over again.  The church instead of working together and through difficult topics continues to divide over and over again.  These divisions occur over both insignificant and very serious issues.  Some concepts such as the need for Jesus as our atoning sacrifice for salvation is a core of our Christian faith.  Yet some churches that would call themselves Christian even compromise the need and divinity of Christ.

So, this is my hope and prayer for continued reformation.  That we would continue to seek truth while not belittling others.  That we would whenever possible look for ways to unify the body of Christ.  That we would speak well of and work together with Baptists and Methodists and Charismatics and even other Lutherans.  That we would live out every day the truth that we believe in Jesus.  That they would know we are Christians by our love! 
Take a few moments today to sit quietly in prayer.  Ask God to reveal to you what ideas, thoughts, behaviors in your life need reforming.  Make a commitment to allowing God to work and develop those things in your life.  And may each of us be faithful to God's call upon our lives.

Pastor Philip


Pastor Philip   


Two or Three?
Cheryl Touryan
" Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20. We have two - and are looking for a third! Please feel free to join us for prayer, both personal and for the church, Wednesday afternoons, 2 pm, in the LCC War Room.

Join us in the  War Room on  Wednesday afternoons at  2:00 pm when we bring our requests before our Heavenly Father.

Operation Christmas Child
Jill Hansen
It is time to drop off your boxes at LCC for Operation Christmas Child  for donation to the less fortunate in the poorest places of Mexico and Central and South America.  We are collecting all month and love to see the boxes coming in as we stack them into a giant Christmas Tree shape, in the hallway outside of the Sanctuary. Any questions may be directed to the Chairmen: Kailyn, Andy, Kaiden or Sophia.  If you prefer to donate and let Chari Pashman & Jill Hansen do the shopping, please make your checks out to  LCC and in the subject line write
"OCC"  drop your check in the offering plate or give it to Chari or Jill for processing. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support. This is a much loved & fun project. Boxes will be turned in on November 19th.

Men's Bible Study

Our Men's Bible Study is scheduled for the  first and  third Thursday  of the month. 

Conta ct Mike Lofing with any questions -

Thursday, November 2 -
6:30 am
Thursday, November 16 -
6:30 am

Please join us in the church fellowship hall.
Women's Bible Study
Women's Bible Study meets weekly 9:15 - 11:30 during the school calendar in the Fellowship Hall. Please contact Eunice Bollinger for more information.

All Christian women in the community are welcome to attend!
Prayer Warriors
Every  Wednesday at
2:00 pm we are inviting members to join Cheryl Touryan and Gloria Owens in the War Room to pray for our church, our community and world issues. All are welcome.
Prayer Requests
Please remember to check the Prayer Request page on the back of the Sunday bulletin and contact the church office to update any prayer requests!

Happy Birthday!
11/02      Mike Lofing
11/02      Mark Selman
11/03      Alisa Darrow
11/04      Maya Killough
11/04      Wayne Faust
11/09      Spencer Lofing
11/10      Pat Roske
11/11      Jodee Manfred
11/13      Ashton Leinen
11/19      Beth Murphy
11/22      Chari Pashman
11/22      Mary Stults
11/24      Jackie Mohr
11/27      Maggie Blake
11/27      Sherman Bollinger
11/28      Rosemary Neville
11/28      Xander Willson
11/30      Nonie Willisch

Happy Anniversary!
11/12    Roger & Liz Tullberg    

11/21    Larry & Jane Von Thun

11/24    Al & Gayle Veinberg

11/25    Greg & Robbin Sellers

11/28    Kelly & Kristi Leinen

11/29    Wayne & Sally Faust     

Love Offerings
Each month we will highlight an outreach or special ministry. Loose cash offerings and designated offerings will be given directly to those ministry opportunities.
In October we collected
for Lutheran Family Services Refugee Program
November Love Offering
Adult Missionary Support Fund is a fund that helps offset expenses of adult members of LCC to encourage participation in a Christian mission trip.

Saints Alive!
"We have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all our saints..." Col. 1:4
We give thanks for all people who have helped support our life together as a community of faith!

Service Helpers Needed
We are always looking for helpers for Altar Guild, Sacrament Assistants, Ushers, Coffee Hour, Sunday School and Children's Church. If you'd like to share your gifts in any of these categories please speak to Suzanne Pecoraro.

November  Service   Helpers   

Choir Practice  

Join us for choir practice at 6:30 on Wednesdays  and after the second service on Sundays.  Contact Elinore for more information! 
LCC Library: Under construction. Please Pardon our mess! 
Linda Mohrmann

The update to the lists of library contents is nearing completion. The lists will not only categorize the books by topics but within each topic a list will be alphabetized by author and another list will alphabetize the books by titles. A copy of each list will be placed in the checkout binders. Books in each section will be reshelved alphabetically by author. This should make the books easier to access. The target for completion is sometime in November. You may continue to check out books any time.
Care Notes available include topics geared for adults, teens, and children. Adults: Your child and bullying, marriage, prayer, forgiveness, Finances, single parenthood, difficult emotions and if God feels far away. Teens: Peer pressure, grieving, being happy, fitting in, bullying, anger, and keeping God as a friend when peers don't. Children: Right and wrong, when bad things happen, and death and grief.
It is every Christian's responsibility to help raise all the children in their lives in a manner pleasing to God. The featured book for November is Whatever is a Choice. A young Person's Guide to the Virtues and Vices by Cheryl Touryan. The book is illustrated by Benjy Whelan, Cheryl's grandson. "Let 'Grandma' Cheryl Touryan share her Christian-based stories of morality in an entertaining guide meant to educate 'tweens' and teens about making positive choices." The book is on the stand on the fire place in the War Room.

Youth Leadership/Glenwood Hot Springs Trip - Saturday, November 4 
through Sunday, November 5
Pastor Philip and Elizabeth have found a fun/easy hike (weather permitting) and of course there will be soaking in the hot springs.  Our devotional focus will be on leadership traits and discipleship. If you are interested, sign up in the Youth Room.

Alternative Gift Fair
November 11 and 12  Volunteers are needed in all positions to help with this Evergreen tradition that brings non-profit vendors from around the world!  Sign up at    to volunteer at the fair!  Over 200 volunteers are needed!  Bake sale items are also needed - and this is a wonderful way for LCC to help out and spread your name in the community!  Contact Stephanie in the office for more information.
Women's Bible Study
Join the weekly Women's Bible Study on Tuesday morning at 9:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall for a discussion and DVD from the Beth Moore study "Entrusted" based on 2 Timothy. All are welcome.

Direct any questions to Eunice Bollinger at
Youth Group Food Donations
We are stock-piling some semi-nonperishable items for snacking and "emergency" feeding needs of our hungry teens.  Next time you see any of these items on sale at the grocery store, feel free to grab extra to toss in the youth room fridge (upstairs).
  • Frozen Pizzas (Cheap ones like "Tombstone" are fine - Pepperoni, Cheese, and an occasional sausage topping are the favorites)
  • Cans of generic (store-brand) soda pop
  • Single-serving chip-bags
  • String Cheese
  • Wheat-Thins
  • Fruits &/or Veggies are always welcome - but please contact Elizabeth before bringing so we know they are coming! 
New Member Classes
Join us to become a part of the LCC family!  New member classes will be held on November 12 and November 19.  Please contact Pastor Philip  or Gloria Owens for more information.

Helping Hands
Want to go on an event but have a tight budget?  No worries!  Our Helping Hands program is back in place.  If a student wants to go on an event but needs help with the cost, we supply them with a service project (either in the church or with an appropriate chaperone through the church).  Every hour a student works on the project, they receive credit to cover the cost of the event fee from our Helping Hands Fund.  It's a win-win for everyone!
Would you like to donate to Helping Hands?  Simply mark your donation to "Helping Hands" and leave it in the church office or in the offering plate.  Your donations make a big difference in the lives of students and the people they help.

Mission Statement:

As people of Church of the Cross, we proclaim the Love of Jesus Christ in all we do for the Glory of God.