Message from Captain Dave
Wow, so much time has passed since our last newsletter, but don't think that we've just been sitting around eating bonbons; Au contraire, Mates! We have been 'moving' so-o-o-o fast, serving the many in our special needs community. We have awesome news:
Our objective has always been to continuously improve and serve more patrons, on average a 15% increase per year.  Well, we over-achieved in 2017 by serving 2,020 patrons, an increase of 19.3% above 2016. And already this year (2018), we have further excelled having served 2,600 (28.7% above 2017's record year)!
All of this could not have been achieved without the collective commitments from our phenomenal Sailing Angels Team (all volunteers) and financial support from our sponsors and individuals such as yourselves. Without the monetary support from all of you, we would not have been able to even come close to serving so many! It's difficult to fathom that over the past 10 years of our team's charitable 'works', we have served nearly 16,000 patrons from the special needs community!

There are three (3) key reasons as to why our 'numbers' have exploded as they have:
  • Many more individuals, families and groups have become aware of our FREE service to the special needs community,
  • Although our team's size has remained relatively constant with added participation (skippers, boats & crew), we have worked harder and more frequently, and
  • We have been blessed with your financial support, thus allowing us to rent large vessels to accommodate patron registrations in larger numbers.
Captain Dave 
Sailing Angels:  One of a Kind

Our Sailing Angels foundation is like no other in the entire
United States! These attributes are why we are most unique:
  • Our therapeutic nautical adventure is FREE to all in the special needs community
  • This service is offered up to 3 times per day, 360 days per year
  • There are no limitations (age, physical/mental issues, nor social). When on our boats, everyone is treated the same (no boundaries) and all are offered the opportunity to 'work' to the best of their abilities
  • This entire team consists of volunteers (no salaried personnel)
  • Our Administrative Overhead is aggressively managed to below 4%, almost unheard of for a non-profit!   So, at least 96 cents of each dollar donated goes towards the intended purpose!
  • We neither solicit nor accept government funding. Our belief: If the community values our free service to people of special needs, then the community will demonstrate their commitment by financially supporting us... and those whom we lovingly serve!

  • Children and adults with physical, mental, life limiting
    issues, and substance abuse
  • Military (Veterans & Active) & First Responders
  • Battered families
  • Bereaved families
  • The Homeless
  • Those experiencing extreme anxiety caused by horrific events (e.g., Santa Fe Massacre, Hurricanes and more)

Significant Activities in 2018

  • Sailing Angels was graciously invited to participate in the 2018 Keels & Wheels Concours d`Elegance event. This provided us much greater visibility by the community.
  • We have been further blessed, having established an alliance with Earl Heard, Founder & CEO of the BIC Alliance and BIC Media Solutions.
  • The Waterford Yacht Club selected our Sailing Angels as beneficiary of their most recent charity event, including a Sailing Regatta and evening festivities with dinner & silent auction. What a wonderful, gracious event! CONGRATULATIONS to Suzie, winner (Raffle Ticket # 10773) of more than $4,000.
  • On the heels of that fantastic WYC event, we conducted a Boat Parade/Cruise,
    honoring our military, first responders & their families; we served a total of 246 patrons. This was another 'first' for us; it was accomplished with our BIC Alliance partner, the Cajun Navy, Landry's Kemah Boardwalk, and our awesome team of 70 volunteers and 37 boats! Here is a short clip of our boats and crews:

Some Significant Events on the Horizon for 2019

  • Mikey's Place Transition Fair (Feb 2)
  • Conroe ISD Transition Fair (March 7)
  • 2019 Keels & Wheels Concours d`Elegance (May 4 & 5)
  • Summer Sailstice Boat Parade/Cruise for
    everyone (June 22)
  • White Cane Safety Day, recognizing those blind or visually impaired. (Oct 2019)
  • Sailing Angels Fundraiser (TBD)
  • Salute to Our Military & First Responders - Parade/Cruise (Nov 2019)
Board of Directors Appointments
In order to further strengthen our foundation's long term commitment and continuity to the special needs community, we have established our Leadership Succession Plan, along with restructuring of our leadership team. I am proud to announce herein that the following has taken place:
  •   Debbie Hughes has been selected as our new Board of Directors Chairman, replacing me.  Debbie is a Founder and (since our formal inception) Board Member of the Sailing Angels Foundation; she was also a crew member in our preceding charitable work. She is a professional, employed as a Senior Business Analyst with AIG. Debbie has demonstrated her commitment and 'make it happen' abilities throughout her tenure with
    Sailing Angels, frequently organizing and connecting our captains, crew and families for Saturday morning sails, successfully soliciting sponsors, as well as creating our promotional materials. She has been voted unanimously to her elevated position as Chairman of the Board. CONGRATULATIONS Debbie!
  • I will continue as the CEO, and will also remain on the Board, but as a peer member, and will continue my support to operations.  Lisa Sostack will continue as a Board member as well.
  • Rounding out the board, we have added two more highly committed long term volunteers to further enhance our Board:
    • Ken Gallia - Ken has been a highly active
      member of our Sailing Angels Team for 6 years. He is the District Sales Engineer for the EATON Corporation. Ken's outstanding contribution has included performing as one of our most frequent boat volunteers, effective fundraiser, as well as taking the initiative to 'make it happen' wherever the need might be. WELCOME ABOARD, KEN!
    • Barbara White - Barb is retired from the
      business world and is dedicated to her family, especially to her special son, John. She has been a valued volunteer for 9 years, performing as crew, promoting our charity throughout the community, and volunteering to take on any challenge, per our needs.   WELCOME ABOARD, BARB!
The Thanksgiving holiday is almost here, but we Sailing Angels feel abundantly thankful savoring the many blessings each and every day, to employ our Time, Talent and Treasure for a Better Good!  We pray that you will help us during this season by donating to our charitable mission.
We hope that you have enjoyed our journey, and appreciate our unwavering passion and commitment to those, perhaps less fortunate than we!
As we pause to give thanks to our God for all our Blessings, we Sailing Angels appeal to you for your thoughtful generosity in support of our awesome mission! We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization; your donation is Tax Deductible. We offer you this great opportunity to serve by giving!

REMEMBER: At least 96 cents on every dollar goes to your intended purpose!
How to Donate:
  • Send your Check (payable to Sailing Angels Foundation) to:
                                Capt. Dave McCabe
                                Sailing Angels Foundation
                                1714 Festival Drive
                                Houston, TX 77062
Our Sailing Angels pray that each of you may savor Many Blessings: now and each day to come.

Capt. Dave,  Debbie,  Lisa,  Ken &  Barb

We receive many accolades and testimonials from those we serve as well as our Sailing Angels volunteers. Here are a few:

Thank you Captain Ken and Captain Steve for an amazing sailing trip. Most memorable and enjoyable experience it was for my son Brandon. His dad and I had a great time as well. We will never forget it. You'll are amazing! God Bless You Always.                                               
This foundation is wonderful beyond words! My son had the best day ever and still talks about it today. It is an awesome thing you are all doing for so many who would not normally have a chance to enjoy the adventure! Thank you all once again! Highly recommended, and very nice individuals!                           Michelle
Absolutely the most amazing people coming together to make such a huge difference in the lives of these kids when sometimes their lives are not so easy. Thank you.                                      
I feel honored to have been a participant in this event and thank you Dave for your leadership and passion to make it happen! Truly a fabulous day!          Diana
We had such a relaxing experience. Everyone had a chance to captain the boat and the kids were so impressed with themselves. We have beautiful memories that will last forever.
Seriously one of the most emotional days of my life. Pure kindness, love, generosity and joy. My son had such a wonderful time, and the volunteers couldn't have been nicer people. They offer their time, services, and do it all in such a genuine way. Truly moving, and it is a blessing that they are here doing what they do!                                   

Captain Dave is a heroic person and the Fisher House Sailing was a memorable day when Bob Scruggs and the gang made us friends and family members. Thank you. Godspeed 2018.
Sailing Angels is amazing! Captain Dave and Debbie Hughes do a tremendous job along with all the volunteer captains and crew. Thank you for giving an unforgettable experience to families who are challenged. God bless you!
Thank you very much for this huge opportunity that has been given to Alex and my family. And thank you for the feedback which was very much appreciated. Alex has a unique combination of blindness and autism; it is not easy to find other kids like him. I'm very very grateful and happy to have taken the kids sailing on their spring break. Bunch of thanks again and I am sharing with many families the amazing work you guys do.   
Angels Team was amazing! They took out three boats to accommodate all the kiddos and veterans. One of the participants is an active duty soldier and is deploying this month. He will be away from his family for a year and this was a wonderful tribute to his service! I loved how involved everyone gets to be on the outings. Hoist the sails!            

Donations Make Our Program Possible 
In order for our Sailing Angels to perform our charitable mission supporting people of special needs, this year (thru 9/30/2018) the following corporate sponsors, foundations and individuals have demonstrated their outstanding commitment to our success. We are most grateful for their generosity and pray that more of you can help before year end. OUR VIABILITY DEPENDS ON YOU!
Denise Parsons
Albert and Ethel
Herzstein Charitable Foundation
The Arena Energy Foundation
Shell Oil Foundation - Matching Gifts
Burney & Kathy Lee
James & Diana Dinn
Robert & Debra Charitable Fund
Robert Crutchfield
Seabrook Rotary Foundation
Pam Silverthorn
Network for Good
BIC Media Solutions
Midtown Cabinetry and Design
National Christian Foundation
Charles Adam
Galveston Bay Parrot Heads
Steven Gammill
O.J.'s Marine
Port of Houston
The Abby At Westminster
Waterford Yacht Club
Bob & Debbie Hughes
Texas Association of Social Sailors
Daniel Snooks
Joe Hambrick State Farm
Anchor Fundraising
The Center
Michael Rouse
Sharon Barnes
Marlene & John McNally
Janette Thielemann
Sailing Angels Foundation | [email protected]