November 2018 Newsletter
The Environment
In its latest report, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a warning that in 12 years -- by 2030 -- the global temperature may reach the threshold Earth cannot cross, without destruction of ecosystems, the disappearance of some island nations and unpredictable changes to the planet's weather patterns. To prevent this from happening, the panel of scientists said that humans must reduce the amount of carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere.
Ways to do this include reforesting approximately 4 million square miles, having renewable energy provide at least 70% of global electricity by 2050 and eliminating the use of coal.
To read the report, click here .
For more on the Environment , click here .
Nobel Peace Awards
The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad for their efforts in the Democratic Republic of Congo to reduce the use of sexual violence as a weapon war and armed conflict. For a list of previous Nobel Peace Prize recipients, click here .
A New Way to Be Church: Parish Renewal from the Outside In
By Jack Jezreel. Building on the legacy of the Church’s historical witness, the inspiration of Pope Fran­cis, and his own experiences as parish minister, Catholic Worker member, and founder of Just­Faith Ministries, presents a unique vision for renewing parish life.
Promoting an outward, mission-oriented iden­tity that connects evangelization, faith-forma­tion, service, spirituality, and social justice, makes the case that “Vatican II” ministry is done by everyone, everywhere— not exclusively by clergy and not primarily on parish property. Tied to Pope Francis’s vision of a community of missionary disciples and the call of “encounter,” concludes with a practi­cal guide for implementing these principles in one’s own parish.  Read more.
For more Justice resources, click here .
A Stranger and You Welcomed Me: A Call to Mercy and Solidarity With Migrants and Refugees
By Pope Francis. A collection of writings and sermons that remind us that Jesus and his parents were refugees in Egypt. Calls on everyone to understand the root causes of the mass movement of people, and to act with compassion and solidarity in response to their sufferings, remembering Jesus’s words: “What you have done to the least of my brothers, you have done to me.”   Read more
For more on Immigration , click here .
Blessed Are the Refugees:
Beatitudes of Immigrant Children
By Scott Rose and Leo O'Donovan SJ. Highlights the stories of immigrant children who fled Central America, having taken the dangerous trip alone to escape violence and poverty. Eight stories, each based on a different Beatitude and recounting the experience of one of these youths, are written by attorneys and volunteers of Catholic Charities' Esperanza Center of Baltimore. The stories are accompanied by prayers and artwork created by an immigrant youth and her brother. Read more.
For more on Refugees , click here .
How Does It Feel to Be Unwanted?: Stories of Resistance and Resilience from Mexicans Living in the United States
By Eileen Truax. Thirteen stories that illuminate the issues affecting the Mexican community and shows the breadth of a frequently stereotyped population. Regardless of status, many are subjected to rights violations, inequality, and violence and have profound feelings of being unwanted in the country they call home. Read more.
For more on Immigration , click here .
King in the Wilderness
A video portrait of Martin Luther King Jr. during the last years of his life, from his part in the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to his assassination in 1968, told by his close friends, touching on his personal side, his intimate relationships and the toll his work took on his mental health in the final years of his life.
For more on Racism , click here .
End Family Fire
A movement to put safety first, with a mission to promote responsible gun ownership in the home.  Learn more.
For more on Gun Violence , click here .
The Interrupters
A resource from PBS Frontline, this documentary presents profiles in courage, as three former street criminals in Chicago place themselves in the line of fire to protect their communities. The two-hour film follows the lives of these “violence Interrupters,” who include the charismatic daughter of one of the city’s most notorious former gang leaders, the son of a murdered father, and a man haunted by a killing he committed as a teenager. As they intervene in disputes to prevent violence, they reveal their own inspired journeys of struggle and redemption.
For more Peace resources, click here .
Integral Ecology and the Fullness of Life: Theological and Philosophical Perspectives
By Anthony Kelly. Presents ecology from a religious perspective, so that ideological divisiveness and closed mind-sets might be avoided. Holds that a genuinely integral ecology works in the largest possible horizon while being informed at every step by the contributions of those who have a particular expertise. Read more .
For more on the Environment , click here .
The Franciscan Way: Beyond the Bird Bath
A resource from the Center of Action and Contemplation, that follows Jesus’ path of simplicity, justice, and inclusivity with a counter-cultural movement, an “alternative orthodoxy,” that values vulnerability and union over power and independence. Offers a unique window into Franciscan thought and practice with Franciscan Richard Rohr. Invites participants to step outside of their comfortable ideas and habits to move into new experiences of God, self, and others and dive into the ocean of God’s love that knows no boundaries or limitations. Learn more .
For more Simple Living resources, click here .
Jesuit Conference of Justice and Ecology
Reflects the Jesuits’ work for reconciliation on issues such as immigration and economic, criminal, juvenile and environmental justice. It is the voice of the provincials to the Church, governments, nongovernmental agencies and others, advocating on behalf of the poor and other marginalized communities and encouraging others to do the same. The office serves as the principal liaison with the international Society of Jesus, particularly with the Secretariat for Social Justice and Ecology at the Jesuit Curia in Rome. Equally as important, the the office helps the Jesuit Conference developing Jesuit, Ignatian and other networks by collaborating and cooperating with various groups and encouraging them to live a faith that does justice. Learn more.
For more Justice resources, click here .
Paul Farmer: Servant to the Poor
By Jennie Weiss Block. An introduction to this physician and medical anthropologist of international stature whose faith has driven him to work untiringly to make a preferential option for the poor in health care. Farmer, with his colleagues at Harvard University and Partners in Health, have been instrumental in bringing the fruits of modern medicine to millions of the poorest people in the world, in places like Haiti, Rwanda, Peru, Russia, Malawi, and West Africa during the recent Ebola crisis. Challenging the conventional wisdom of global health experts, Dr. Farmer has shown it is possible to deliver high-quality medical care on a large scale in settings of great poverty and to build communities around the globe where good health and hope prevail. Read more.
For more on Health Care , click here .
Bending the Arc
A documentary that tells the story of Dr. Paul Farmer, Dr. Jim Yong Kim, activist Ophelia Dahl, Todd McCormack, and investor Thomas White who began a movement in the 1980s that changed global health. The community health model they developed to treat diseases like tuberculosis & HIV/AIDS has saved millions of lives in the developing world. Their fight for universal health equity became a global battle in the highest halls of power for the right to health for all.  Watch the trailer.
For more on Health Care , click here .
Opting Out of War:
Strategies to Prevent Violent Conflict
By Mary Anderson and Marshall Wallace. Analyzes the experiences of thirteen "nonwar" communities that made conscious―and effective―choices not to engage in the fighting that surrounded them. Tracing the steps that these communities took, the strategies that evolved in each setting in response to local circumstances, the authors find lessons, as well, with broader relevance for international efforts to prevent violent conflict. Read more.
For more Peace resources, click here .
Catholic Theology, Ethics, and Praxis
By Scott Appleby, Robert Schreiter and Gerard Powers. Catholic theologians, ethicists, and scholar-practitioners examine the challenge of peacebuilding in theory and practice. While many of the essays deal with general themes of reconciliation, forgiveness, interreligious dialogue, and human rights, there are also case studies of peacebuilding in such diverse contexts as Colombia, the Philippines, the Great Lakes region of Africa, Indonesia, and South Africa. Read more.
For more Peace resources, click here .
Compassion and Kinship
In a 20 minute TED Talk, Fr. Greg Boyle SJ, talks about his experience with young people in Los Angeles and Homeboy Industries where former gang members come to change for themselves and their children.  Watch now.
For more Justice resources, click here .
Reimagining Forgiveness
A 16 minute TED Talk, by Karli Butler who survived an acid attack and spent years recovering from it. No stranger to adversity, she discusses how she managed to turn her trauma into triumph through storytelling, reflection and empowerment. Watch now.
For more Forgiveness resources, click here .
Important Dates This Month

Individuals Honored This Month
November 8th
I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and that it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions.
November 9th
Do everything possible so that liberty is victorious over oppression, justice over injustice, love over hate.
November 9th
Peace requires the simple but powerful recognition that what we have in common as human beings is more important and crucial than what divides us.
November 14th
Only by being a man or woman for others, does one become fully human.
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