November E-Connection
November Special Events and Announcements
Daylight Savings Time Ends
Sunday, November 3rd
Remember to turn your clocks back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday.
Sundays in November
New Series
FAQs of Jesus

Sunday, November 3rd - Communion
Erin Jamieson - "Do You Love Me?"

Sunday, November 10th
Tracy Dunham - "Why Do You Break the Command of God?"

Sunday, November 17th
Tracy Dunham - "What Is It To You?

Sunday, November 24th
Rob Dunham - "Does This Offend You?"
November Youth Events
Youth Nights
Youth Wing @ 6:30-9pm

6:30-7:00 Hangout
7:00 Start

Friday, November 1st
Friday, November 8th
Friday, November 15th
Friday, November 22nd
Friday, November 29th
Women's Ministry
All Women Welcome!
 Monday, November 11th @ 7pm
Freedom Community Centre - Youth Wing

All women are welcome to join us as we begin a new Bible study - Beth Moore's Entrusted
If you would like to be added to our Encounters email list, please let Kaitli n know.
Encounters Breakfast
Saturday, November 23rd @ 9:30am
Freedom in Christ Church

For more information or to register click here.
Men's Ministry
All Men Welcome!
Friday, November 15th-16th
Promise Keepers Conference

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8

If you would like to be added to our Frontline email list, please let Kaitlin know.
Connecting Point
Wednesdays (except first Wednesday of each month)
Connect Groups
Adults: Small groups  
Click here to find out which groups are available this semester!

JK to Grade 6: Bible lessons, games, songs and fun. 
Child Care 
Newborn to Preschool: The little ones are lovingly cared for.

Come for dinner before Connecting Point!
Freedom Community Centre
FCC Family Night
Thursday, November 21st, 2019

Volunteers are needed to host our FCC families during family night on Thursday, November 21st between 5-8pm.

If you are available to serve refreshments for anywhere between 1-3 hours during this evening please email Erin to let her know!
Deep Roots Prayer & Worship 
Wednesday, November 6th

Childcare will be provided for children ages newborn-Grade 4.
Fast & Pray Wednesday
Wednesday, November 20th

Join us on the third Wednesday of each month for Fasting & Prayer meetings. If you can't be here with us at the church, join us by fasting lunch and praying wherever you are!
Prayer Network

Our church would love to join with you and believe in faith for what is on your heart. Click here to submit your prayer request.

Want to join our prayer network to receive notifications with church prayer needs and requests? Click here
 Freedom in Christ Church
Connecting. Training. Impacting.
Equipping people to live a Christ-centered life through daily transformation.