November 2019
Renew your 2020 FOSCL Membership Today!
Thank you for your continued support!
2019 FOSCL grant recipient, the Friends Foundation of the Nancy Carson Library, are redesigning their membership remittance envelopes as part of their grant proposal. Great job!
Thank the elected official in your community who supports your library!

FOSCL Outstanding Elected Official Award

The Friends of South Carolina Libraries’ Outstanding Elected Official Award recognizes outstanding South Carolina elected officials who have been honored by a local Friends’ board. Local Friends’ Boards may nominate for consideration by FOSCL those individuals whose advocacy, support, and encouragement have been critical to the success of their own local library services.

Criteria: The nomination must be submitted/endorsed by the Board of the local friends group and by the Director of the Library to which the group is affiliated. Nominees must hold elective office in South Carolina at any government level.   The local Friends of the Library organization must have recognized the nominee for outstanding support. The local Friends group must be a member of Friends of South Carolina Libraries. This award is intended to recognize a broad spectrum of advocacy activities, including:
·          Activities that increase public awareness of the value of South Carolina’s
public libraries;
·          Activities that contribute to legislation favorable to South Carolina’s public
·          Activities that contribute to improvements in the funding and resources
that further South Carolina’s public library services.

Who are your community's elected officials?

  • Mayor
  • County Council Member
  • Town Council Member
  • State Senator
  • Sheriff
  • School Board Member

Suggestions on how can your Friends group recognize an elected official.
  • Issue a press release or proclamation highlighting the support
  • Invite the elected official to speak at your next meeting
  • Present the elected official with an award from your group

Award Nominations Must Be Submitted By February 14th

We want to hear from you! 
Please use this form to submit news about your Friends group so that FOSCL can share it with others in our newsletter and on our website and social media accounts.
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