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Rabbi's Message

Jerry Cutler
If you missed this past year's High Holiday services, you missed a resounding spiritual outpouring from everyone who participated in bringing the Jewish New Year to a crescendo. And, the joy left within the Sanctuary and hallowed halls of the Westwood United Methodist Church, still reverberates with high emotion, positive feelings and laughter.                                                                                          
Prayers and selected songs chanted by The CAT Eclectic Electric Choir, was thrilling and at times bombastic led by our Charismatic Choral Conductor, Gary Nesteruk. Nolan Porter and his wife, Patrice Zappa Porter came as close as humanly possible to a standing ovation in the midst of a solemn service with their rendition of, "Freedom." Cantor Elizabeth Cohn solemnly chanted the prayers in the age-old melodies, Cantor Chelsana, who missed Rosh Hashana due to an earlier commitment to Renee Taylor and her cats (don't ask), was her usual perky and sensational self, singing her chosen prayers and meaningful songs.

My profound thanks and deep gratitude to you, our congregation, Katy Haber without who, our ark openings and Torah readings by Yossi Oseary, would have been very chaotic. And, lest I forget, those lovely CAT Ladies who cheerfully welcomed all of you as you entered the Chapel and handed out your seat locations.

Also, the guy and gals who came to our house in the Valley, and helped send out Tickets and Warm Wishes for the Holy Days. I ' d be remiss if I were to forget our Worker Bee, Janice, who is in constant contact with everyone and sometimes acts as my  conscience. She is indispensable as is our once a year visitor from Chicago, Jackie Bonds, who has built an Ecumenical Bond with each and every one of us. She is the Pope's emissary and an important cog in our well-oiled machine that keeps us and our proud Jewish heritage moving towards bigger and greater every day miracles.

And, once again, the gal with the strange name   of Jeff, who orchestrated the entire service, as she has been for 40 masterful years, a personal note of gratitude.
Jeff, you have motivated me beyond my own expectations and have made Rabbi Jerry Ram Cutler feel like a real Rabbi who made a difference. You have been the quintessential Rebbitzen who has ingratiated herself to the Jewish community via the Chabad Telethon and our successes as a Temple.  You have followed the essence and carried out the words you uttered upon your conversion 36 years ago...They are the words of our Biblical Heroine, Ruth ,who uttered the following Biblical words,
"Wither Thou Goest, I shall go, Your people shall be my people."   How lucky can a Rabbi get?

To each of you, A Happy, Healthy, Meaningful 5780.
Most Sincerely, 

Rabbi Jerry 

Our Next Shabbat Service

7:30 pm on Friday,  November 1, 2019 


Going west on Wilshire as you approach Warner Blvd., one long block west of Beverly Glen, turn into the driveway that has the sign "Church Parking" and park on levels P2 or P3. Take the elevator up to P1 (which is also the lobby). Services are in the Town Hall room directly across from the elevator.

High Holidays at CAT

Calling all the photographers who snapped those pictures and filmed those videos during our High Holiday services!  

We would love to see all those special moments that you collected.  Our staff was too busy tending to our patrons to take pictures, so if you have pictures or videos you would like to share, would you send them to [email protected]? We will post them in our newsletter and mention your name. 

Arne's Corner

High Holiday Services, as always were great, 2nd to none. Our esteemed Rabbi, the 2 Cantors Liz and Chelsana, the choir, Tanja Solnik, Gary at the piano, the "readers", the volunteers, and Rebbitzin Lady Jeff the Conductor, that made it all work. OUTSTANDING!  Thank you!

Judaism High Holidays are finally at an end. I'm talking, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah all rolled into just short of one month. In the meantime, In Israel, Bibi couldn't manage to form a gov't, so he handed the gavel back to President Rivlin who has now given Benny Gantz (Blue and White Party) 28 days to see what he can do to form a presiding gov't. What are his chances? He has 32 seats plus 8 more from the Arab parties -going in. Minimum 62 seats are needed. IF NOT, the Knesset gets the ball to see what it can do. IF NOT, Israel goes to a 3rd election.

 It's the "system", not the candidates. In Israel, voters vote for a "party". AND, anytime 2 Jews get together, you get 3 opinions.
Arnold Charitan


Creative Arts Temple would like to thank all those who donated to Sova this year.  We are told this was one of our best years with 185 pounds of food being collected.  We couldn't have done it without you! Thank you!

Renew Ralphs Community Contributions Now!

grocery cart
Please Register today!
For your convenience, step-by-step website registration instructions can be found at, click on Community, click on Community Contributions, click on 'Enroll Now'. 

If you don't have computer access, please call Ralphs at 1-800-443-4438 for assistance.

CAT NPO# 92136
Ralphs Rewards Card
Donate to CAT while you grocery shop

Participants are required to register for the new term online at or by calling Ralphs at 

You will be asked for The Creative Arts Temple NPO number. It is NPO# 92136

Please Note!!
The Scan Bar letters will no longer work at the register.

To verify if Creative Arts Temple is your charity of choice, look at the very bottom of your receipt next time you shop at Ralph's.  It should say "At your request, Ralph's is donating to Creative Arts Temple."  If you do not see that, you will need to register through the Ralph's 

Gelson's Discount Cards

Yes, it is Hanukkah all through the year.  Gelson's has offered to provide the temple with discount coupons.  They are for $5 off your entire order of $25 or more. Pick them up at a Friday night service or call the temple for your coupon(s).  Gelson's will honor any expired coupon.  Take one or a few!

Do you shop on Amazon?
Support CAT when you shop on Amazon!

I f you want Amazon to donate to Creative Arts Temple, you need to start each shopping session at  and they will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases.

Monthly Events
Services, Dinners, High Holidays 
( Dates are subject to change)


Friday - November 1, @ 7:30 pm
Shabbat Services 
Belmont Village - Town Hall
10475 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Parking at Belmont Village starting at P2

Friday - December 6, @ 7:30 pm
Shabbat Services 
Belmont Village - Town Hall
10475 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Parking at Belmont Village starting at P2

131 S. Rodeo Drive  Suite 100
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Cell 310-995-0340
Bus 310-248-6440

I will be with you every step of the way. That is my promise, that is my commitment. 

Also, a FREE mezuzah hanging on your new home from our esteemed Rabbi. 


Follow me on
Clickable Links

grumpy cat hearts
November Anniversaries
Mazel Tov to our CAT lovebirds!

Norm & Joanie Crosby 11/1/2019
Martin & Phyllis Gilmore 11/1/2019
Godfrey & Barbara Dekovner- Mayer Harris 11/5/2019
Aaron & Nina Bush 11/8/2019
Irv & Mallory Sobel 11/30/2019

Tribute Cards
A Thoughtful Remembrance 

With a donation of Chai ($18) or above, CAT will mail out a tribute card in your honor for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Get-Well-Soon wishes, Congratulations and In Loving Memory.

We'll post your tribute in our newsletter, no matter what amount you're able to donate.

Happy Birthday Card GEt well Card
Happy Anniversary CArd

Baby Congrats

You now can Order Tribute Cards, Remember A Yarzheit, Make donations to the Oneg Shabbat Table, Order a Plaque t hrough your Temple Talk Email or on our website. 

Just click on the link and choose what kind of donation you would like to make.  
Paypal is secure and safe.  You can choose to use your credit card or through your bank.  Once we receive your information, we will send you a confirmation email to let you know that we are in receipt of your donation.

November  Birthdays
And many happy returns!
bday grumpy cat         
Barry Glazer 11/2/2019
Edythe Horwitz 11/3/2019
Dr. Peter Waldstein 11/5/2019
Melvyn Reznick 11/12/2019
Elton Lewis Bailiss 11/15/2019
Faye Frankel 11/16/2019
Tess Cutler 11/17/2019
Dr. Nathan Sperling 11/21/2019
Stephen Maitland-Lewis 11/22/2019
Chelsea Cutler 11/25/2019
Jean Rosenblatt 11/27/2019
Gladys Charitan 11/28/2019
Myla Fraser 11/30/2019
Yossi Oseary 11/30/2019

vintage megaphone
October Tributes
Your Thoughtfulness is Truly Appreciated

Gail Rund In memory of Gladys Jaffe


cake platter
October Onegs
Thank you to our sponsors!

As always, thank you to our annual oneg sponsor:  ARNOLD & GLADYS CHARITAN 

Get Wells
Refuah Shleima

CAT wishes speedy recoveries to

October Yahrzeits 
May you be comforted by the mourners of Zion

Marc & Barbara Barenfeld In memory of Lena Barenfeld
Joanne Eagle In memory of Lewis Eagle
Terry Goldwater In memory of Helen Goldwater
Godfrey & Barbara Dekovner- Mayer Harris In memory of Dolly Davidson
Joseph Hoffman In memory of Rochelle Hoffman
Bernard & Jane Shapiro In memory of Lena & Sol Shapiro
Nicole-Marie Slayton & Eammon Hogan In memory of Norma Joseph
Tootsie Veprin  In memory of Sadie Raphael
Harriet Von Stroheim  In memory of Beatrice Lee Davis

If you made a donation in memory of your loved one and you don't see it here, it is because it was received after publication deadline and will appear next month
A Very Interesting Video Regarding the Medical Discoveries from Israel.

Have a Look. 



A Chuckle for the Day


Did You Know?


Our address is:

Creative Arts Temple
P.O. Box 241831
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Creative Arts Temple

P.O. Box 241831
Los Angeles, CA 90024

(818) 855-1301
                               Like us on Facebook        View our videos on YouTube