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November 2020
Leadership Council for Nonprofits and the BOLD program are proud to announce that BOLD will be held once per quarter (4) in 2021. Over the last year, we have worked with nearly 60 different organizations and trained 140 professionals for nonprofit board service. As organizations plan for 2021, we are providing a new option for organizations to make a year-long investment in the BOLD program. Private companies can now pay an annual tuition fee to guarantee 4 of their employees will go through BOLD throughout 2021. BOLD is an opportunity for organizations to invest in employees, exercise corporate social responsibility, and commit to racially diverse, inclusive, and sustainable nonprofit governance. Reach out to the BOLD Program Manager, Jack FitzGerald, for more information at
BOLD Leaders
Leadership Council for Nonprofits, host of the 2021 Securing the Future conference, is pleased to announce the Call for Nominations for the Nonprofit Leadership Legacy Awards. The Visionary Board Leader award honors an established and proven board member of a nonprofit organization in the Greater Cincinnati region who has led their organization through transformational change, weathered difficult circumstances, or demonstrated outstanding vision and achievement. Click here to nominate.

BOLD Alumni Spotlight - Megan Fischer
Megan Fischer is the CEO & Founder of Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank. She is a graduate of BOLD 3 and current member of the Leadership Council for Nonprofits board.

What BOLD board story would you like to share? Send them to us here.
Behind the Scenes of BOLD
We trained 140 professionals for nonprofit board service this year. Some of these leaders are still looking for opportunities to serve. Are you a nonprofit leader and have an open seat on your board? Let us know and we can talk with you about our graduates. We have created a form on our website for you to share these opportunities with us.
Connect | Opportunities to Serve
The Character Council which serves Greater Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana is a nonprofit organization founded in 2000. The Council is devoted to promoting good character in order to improve the lives of our residents and enrich the spirit of our community. Click the following to apply: Character Council BOD Application
Heartfelt Tidbits supports refugees and recent immigrants living in the Greater Cincinnati area by facilitating self-sufficiency through educational, cultural, and employment-enhancing programs. Their vision is to empower and enable refugee and immigrant populations past the initial 90-day resettlement period.
Email your board experience/resume to Sheryl at
They are currently looking for:
  • President of the Board
  • Treasurer
The Recovery Center of Hamilton County (RCHC) is a nonprofit organization founded in 2006, that helps empower individuals with mental illness to live more meaningful lives in the community. RCHC is a peer-run organization (PRO) directed by individuals who have overcome the obstacles of their own mental illness. The following is a link to apply: RCHC BOD Application
Winton Place Youth Center has been a 501(c)(3) since 1984 and is actively recruiting board members. Potential board members will have a special interest in at-risk youth academia programs and a familiarity with the Winton Hills community of Cincinnati, Ohio. WPYC is looking for board candidates with long-term strategic planning experience and problem-solving skills. The time commitment for board service at WPYC is two years at 2-4 hours per month. If interested in becoming a candidate, please email a cover letter and resume to Executive Director, Allison Todd at
What We Are Reading...
The Servant as Leader pamphlet by Robert K. Greenleaf
This pamphlet describes some of the characteristics and activities of servant-leaders, providing examples which show that individual efforts, inspired by vision and a servant ethic, can make a substantial difference in the quality of society.
Educate | Benefits of Board Service?
The BOLD team explains the benefits behind board service. These are great videos to share with anyone who is considering the program. We encourage you to share them on social media and tag the program.
BOLD 5 applications are now open. The application period will be open until 1/29/2021. Apply today!
Engage with Us on Social Media
Google My Business Request
We appreciate you as members and hope you are having a great experience at the Leadership Council. To increase community impact, we are working to gain brand awareness.
One way to do this is through Google My Business; we appreciate your feedback and would love for you to submit your positive review for The Leadership Council for Nonprofits.

All you need to do is:

  1. Click HERE
  2. Click on "Write a Review" (to the right)
  3. *Please Note: you must be signed into your Google account in order to write a review (enter Gmail address and password)
  4. Rate your experience with the star rating system
  5. Enter your positive experience details
  6. Click "Publish"

We sincerely thank you for your time and feedback. Please feel free to contact me with questions.
Are you a BOLD alumnus? We are on a mission to capture as many stories of our nearly 1,500 graduates on FlipGrid. Listen to this special message from Leadership Council to you and share your story here.
Thank You to Our BOLD Sponsors!