Your Monthly News & Updates
In light of the increasing COVID numbers, cities and City Councils across the area are choosing to limit access to public buildings for gatherings to help mitigate the spread of the virus. As the numbers continue to increase, NTMCA members also have concerns about meeting in person. We are taking our celebration to an online virtual party. Please take a moment to complete this quick survey or complete on Facebook by November 18th.
We will still be able to enjoy fun and games, door prizes and a virtual silent auction to benefit the Alyce Deering Scholarship fund. Please dress up in your festive holiday attire and savor your favorite holiday beverage while enjoying the fellowship of you friends and colleagues.
Although we are not meeting in person, please do not forget to support our designated charity this year. Donations to Michael’s Memories will be accepted online at the link below. The Mission of Michael’s Memories is to provide firefighters with cancer the opportunity to "getaway from cancer" on a vacation with their family. Allowing them to reconnect and escape the stress, trauma, and financial burden that undergoing cancer treatment creates while also involving the community and raising cancer awareness to the public.
Note: We will not participate in the wrapped ornament exchange this year.
I hope everyone has survived their elections and are preparing for a less hectic period of time. What a ride…..
At the October NTMCA meeting, Erika McComis resigned as NTMCA Vice President. The NTMCA bylaws state “a vacancy created by the death, removal, resignation, or any other factor that would tend to disqualify one from serving as an officer within six (6) months after October 1 shall be filled by appointment by the remaining officers of the NTMCA.” Please join me in welcoming back Christine Green to the NTMCA Board! Christine has previously served our membership as Board Historian and Secretary. Christine is picking up where she left off and will serve as NTMCA Treasurer and Dianna Buchanan will step up to the Vice President position . We are excited to have a full NTMCA Board again. Welcome back Christine!
The October 21, 2020 meeting was held via WebEx video conference. Our speaker Kelley Moore shared with us how to achieve confidence, credibility and composure during crucial conversations; beginning with understanding the three voices in our heads during a crucial conversation or confrontation. (1) our own voice (2) the voices of people in our lives past or present; like family, friends, a boss, teacher that may have said something that resonated or stayed with you over time and (3) the voice in the present moment; the other person that is part of the conversation.
She stated “if you sense it or feel it, deal with it” (SFD) and part of this process is not to have off-line conversations with yourself. “All progress begins with telling the truth”; and she gave the three steps to “perception checking.” (1) state your observation, (2) share your interpretation, and (3) ask if you are correct. With Kelley’s military background she said “there is a fine line between combat and curiosity.” That is probably a good thing to remember, right? Are we asking to be combative, to get our way or are we asking for a better understanding? Kelley reminded us that the person on the other side of the table is not the enemy. Look at them as a human being and stop picking apart the threat (other people). Everyone has a contribution and perspective to bring to the table. Connect human to human with an open heart. Listen to others with the intention to understand, not to immediately respond.
I know we have all heard this before, but Kelley shared again so let’s end with this:
We judge others by their actions, words, impacts.
We judge ourselves by our intentions.
Alyce Deering Scholarship Silent Auction Items Needed!
Don’t need a scholarship this year but still want to help? Donate an item for the Alyce Deering Silent Auction at the 2020 NTMCA Holiday Luncheon Thursday, December 10!
Do you have a municipal golf course, water park, or recreation center? We’d love a gift certificate! Have some really cool City Swag hanging around? We’ll take it! How about a unique business in your community? Call your friends at the Chamber or in Economic Development to find donations today! Your help is beyond appreciated and crucial to a successful silent auction that will contribute directly to the Alyce Deering Scholarship fund. Thanks for supporting your Chapter and fellow clerks. All donations must be received no later than Tuesday, November 24. Have questions or a donation idea? Reach out to
A little more information about the Alyce Deering Scholarship and how to apply:
As the year that has been 2020 continues, budget cuts are here and we are all feeling it. While seminars and travel are often the first thing to go in the round of budget cuts, you don’t have to sacrifice the development of you and your team! Now is the perfect time to apply for scholarship funding to help continue your education whether it’s in pursuit of your Texas Municipal Clerks Certification or to keep you up to speed on the latest and greatest from the ever-evolving world of municipal clerks. Be sure to apply for up to $500 of travel and registration costs incurred while attending a seminar sponsored by the Texas Municipal Clerks Association, Inc., and/or Texas Municipal Clerks Certification or Recertification Program.
Eligibility Requirements
1. Applicant must be currently employed as a city clerk/secretary, assistant/deputy city clerk/deputy city secretary, or report to the city clerk/secretary.
2. Applicant must have been employed continuously for the past 24 months in the capacity of city clerk/secretary, assistant/deputy city clerk/deputy city secretary, or report to the city clerk/secretary.
3. Applicant must be a current (paid) member of the North Texas Municipal Clerks Association.
4. Applicant must have attended a minimum of 4 NTMCA chapter meetings in the last 12 months
5. If awarded a scholarship applicant agrees to serve on a NTMCA Committee for the next year, provide an article for the newsletter, or be a speaker for a meeting to recap the information learned at the conference or seminar.
Application Requirements
1. Applicant must submit the prescribed application including financial need, and how educational and professional goals will be enhanced by completion of the seminar, along with a commitment letter.
2. Scholarship funds shall be reimbursed directly to the applicant upon presentation of receipts. Alternative payment/reimbursement may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
3. The application must be received by the deadline date of May 1. Mail or email to Chairman of the Alyce Deering Scholarship Fund as shown on the application form.
Submitted by Laurie Wilson, Committee Chair (Carrollton)
Here is your Kindness Korner encouragement for November brought to you by Monica Solko, Lake Worth.
(Don’t forget to send me your Kindness Korner contributions for the December newsletter.)
We have a special addition to the Kindness Korner this month that I wanted to share. Lewisville City Secretary Julie Worster received Kindness Kudos from a citizen. Below is the excerpt.
“With all the crazy surrounding 2020....this consistently negative election... and working in a career that fields a lot of election questions from voters, I got a very blessed reminder today of how much just a little kindness means to people. I've been helping a resident who has been very concerned she wouldn't be able to vote so over the past couple of weeks I've been helping her navigate curbside voting. Today she and her husband sent me flowers with an extremely touching card. Her gift was unexpected as were her words...but it reminded me how easily I have let life stressors sometimes cause to not be as kind as I prefer to not take just a few moments to help someone in much kindness means to each of us, especially in today's world. I think I needed this reminder today...and appreciate how it came as a blessing and not a harsh lesson. Perhaps if we all started to prioritize being kind....we can live in world that is better.... happier...and we can be an example to others to do the same...❤❤❤ “
This Thanksgiving will look different for each of us this year. With that said, even with our losses, we all have something to be thankful for. Let’s take a moment and remember just how much we have been blessed. I will start with you. I am thankful and blessed for and by each of you and the contributions you bring to your cities, homes and each other; but especially to me! What a great group we have!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
We have had several members commit to serve our chapter! Please consider sharing your expertise and positive energy. Most committee service is accomplished through email or phone calls. Thank you so much!
Audit (2021) – Behind the scenes review – 3 committee positions open
Budget – Behind the scenes review – 3 committee positions open
Holiday Celebration (2021) – Event Planning – 4 committee positions open
Nominating – Promote and Nominate – 1 committee positions open
Professional Seminar- Event Planning – 2 committee positions open
Bylaws – Forward Thinking – 1 committee positions open
If you have any questions, please call or email Traci Henderson 817.427.6062
The Membership Application [insert application link] can be paid through Paypal at the following link Please forward a copy of the application to Christine Green at advising her that the dues were paid online. In order to take advantage of the member rate for luncheons, members must be up to date on their dues.
Brief Reminders for Important Dates & Events
- November 2020 – NTMCA no meeting (Elections)
- December 10, 2020 – NTMCA Holiday Party via Video Conference
- January 21, 2021 – NTMCA Business Meeting via Video Conference
- February 24, 2021 – Azle
- March 25, 2021 – NTMCA Business Meeting via Video Conference
North Texas Municipal Clerks Association | |