November 2020
The 2020 - 2021 online NCHS Student and Faculty Directory is now available to all PFA members! To access the online directory, click here!
Dear NCHS Family,
Fall is here! Change and transformation fill the crisp air as leaves change colors. As the leaves begin to fall, I'd like to think that we are shedding away some of the difficulties of the past, and preparing for better things to come. Change can be scary but it can also be a beautiful thing. The changes and challenges that we have faced have made us stronger, more resilient, and resourceful. And that is a beautiful thing!

November reminds us to be thankful! I am thankful for our wonderfully supportive and courageous faculty and staff as they learned new teaching strategies and helped to solve new challenges. I am grateful for the way they adapted to change in their classrooms while continuing to motivate and inspire our students. I am grateful for our supportive PFA and parents, who work tirelessly to improve students’ lives and make NCHS a special place by providing excellent programming that continually enhances the culture of our students. Lastly, I am extremely thankful for our students, who remain faithful to the wellness protocols that keep us healthy and safe. And for their enthusiasm, as they remain active participants in their learning. I am honored to lead such an amazing learning community.

The first quarter ends on November 5th with grades available to view in PowerSchool on the afternoon of the 13th. If you have any questions about a specific class, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. Please remember that comments are only required for students who receive under 80. However, we encourage parents to reach out to teachers if they would like specific feedback in a class.

It’s not too late, go get your flu vaccine! It's still beneficial as it can protect you for the remainder of the flu season. The flu shot is more important than ever this year. Seasonal flu season is just around the corner and the CDC recommends that adults and children older than 6 months should get a flu vaccine.

Finally, it’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner. It’s one of my favorite holidays, not only for the delicious food but for the opportunity to reconnect with friends and family. Between Zoom classes and Zoom meetings, we have all spent a great deal of time on screens. We (and our eyes) are all due a much-needed break from all the virtual reality. I hope you take some time to make an old-fashioned phone call to a friend or a loved one, write a letter or take the time to read a good book.

As always, I wish you good health and a very Happy Thanksgiving!

All the best,
Bill Egan
PFA November General Meeting
Coffee with the Principals

ï»żWednesday, November 11th
9:30am, Zoom link to follow

Join Principal Bill Egan and the other Assistant Principals for an informal Q&A.
Yearbook Order Information

You can now purchase a Yearbook for only $70. To purchase a book please visit the Jostens site by clicking here.

Yearbook pricing changes on December 1st so make sure you purchase now before the price goes up.

All information about Yearbooks can be found on the High School website by clicking here.

If you have any questions please contact Jim Zambarano at 203-594-4636 or

Senior Yearbook Submission Information

Hello to the Class of 2021,

All of your senior submission information can be found on the High School website by clicking here.

Please make sure you read each of the steps (click in the steps to see the information) and submit each item by the due dates.
Grade Level Parent Meetings & Information
*All PFA sessions are recorded and posted on the NCHS-PFA website*

9th Grade, Freshmen
PFA Networking: Midterm Prep
Save the date!
Thursday, December 3rd
9:30am, Zoom link to follow

Networking Chairs: Kristin Reed & Mary Lydon
10th Grade, Sophomores
PFA Networking: The Academic Roadmap - Understanding the GPA and Naviance
Tuesday, November 10th
9:30am, Zoom link to follow

Please join us to get all of your sophomore year questions answered! Guidance Counselors Cynthia Rivera and Nick Willett will discuss many topics such as the Power School GPA and how it converts to a 4.0 scale; how Honors and AP classes are weighted; what GPA colleges see and care about; and how many AP classes should a student take. They will also show us a roadmap to our students' academic pursuits and will introduce Naviance which you will use during your student’s college search. Join us for this not-to-be-missed meeting!

Networking Chairs: Amy Ravanesi & Jennifer Hladick
11th Grade, Juniors
PFA Networking: Managing Junior Year Stress
Thursday, November 5th
9:30am, Zoom link to follow 

Whether this is your first or third child in their junior year, please join us on Zoom to find useful strategies and tips to help your student cope with the pressures of this important year. Learn about the potential stressors - including academics, standardized testing, virtual college visits and social life - and understand ways to manage them all. Our panel of experts will be Cynthia Rivera, Chair of NCHS Counseling Department; Eileen Donellan, Social Worker; Susan Bliss, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., Student Support Coordinator for NCPS; and Ari Rothman, 11th Grade Assistant Vice Principal.

11th Grade Networking Chairs: Stefania Bopp & Kate Licata
12th Grade, Seniors
PFA Networking: College Decisions, Decisions!
& NCHS Senior Internships
Tuesday, November 17th
9:30am, Zoom link to follow

Speakers: Tracey Masella, LCSW, Adolescent Mental Health Specialist & Heather Bianco, NCHS Senior Internship Coordinator

As our seniors begin to submit college applications, now what? How will they cope with acceptance, rejection, and decisions? Tracey Masella, an expert in adolescent mental health affiliated with Silver Hill Hospital, will engage us in a conversation on how to help our seniors cope with the college decision process. Bring your questions!
Heather Bianco will also explain the Senior Internship Program and what you need to know now.

Networking Chairs: Taylor Benevento & Clare Caione
May 21st, 2021

Please join us today as we begin to create and plan for a magical and memorable experience for our Seniors!

Join the team by sending an email with your name, telephone number and general interests to

We welcome EVERYONE on board!

Post Prom Video

We are collecting pictures to create our post prom video! Please send photos of groups of 3 or more (middle school and up) to

Our Seniors deserve an evening to remember!
Senior Internship Program

On November 9th, all Seniors will receive a link to register for the Senior Internship Program via their school email. If students would like to participate in the Senior Internship Program, the registration is mandatory.  The registration is from November 9th to December 18th.  Please make sure Seniors check their school email. The Senior Internship Program will be from May 17th to June 11th. This year due to COVID-19, the Senior Internship Program will allow both in person and remote internships. Seniors have an option to choose internships from our portal or find their own (self design). Self Design internships cannot be with a family member's business or organization. For more info please click here.

The Senior Internship Program is actively looking for Hosts who can offer Senior internships. If you have an internship to offer, please contact Heather Bianco.

Important Dates
11/9/20  SIP application opens
12/18/20  SIP application closes
12/21/20  Students start to view available internship choices
1/5/21    Student interviews with SIP committee begin
1/15/21   SIP deadline for self designed (find your own) internship proposal
2/12/21   Student interviews with SIP committee end
2/12/21   Last Day to pick 15 internships in SIP Program, for non-self design students.
3/24/21   Mandatory meeting for SIP students
5/17/21   Mandatory meeting for SIP students
5/18/21   Internship begins
6/11/21   Internship ends (end date will most likely change due to snow days)
Counseling News
Mark Your Calendars Now!
November 7th - SAT & SUBJECT TESTS*
December 5th - SAT & SUBJECT TESTS
December 12th - ACT*
*Denotes NCHS as testing location

SAT may be registered for at
ACT may be registered for at

You are invited to use the link below to review the presentation that was given on Financial Aid Night on October 8th, 2020.

College Visit Protocols
We understand that many students wish to tour college campuses to aid in making a decision about whether to apply. We just want to remind students that these are the current protocols when traveling out-of-state.
If you travel and return within one 24 hour period, there is no need to quarantine.
If you travel to a 'hot state' for longer than 24 hours, upon return, you must either quarantine for 14 days or have a negative COVID tests before returning to school. Here is the most current list of states that are considered 'hot'.
Instead of visiting, it is advised to continue to use virtual tours and independent ratings to evaluate schools. Colleges have enriched their websites and offer a multitude of options that include speaking to students, touring individual departments and connecting with admissions representatives to more fully understand campus life. Many colleges have actually found that students are taking more time to delve into all that they offer than the typical 2 hour tour ever provided.
School News & Notices
NCHS Theatre Department
Drama Fest!!

I am so thrilled to announce that Drama Fest will be happening again this year! We need writers, directors, actors, designers, and crew members to make this student-produced festival of original one-acts to happen. Our theme this year is..."Beyond the mask". This can be interpreted in so many ways. Of course, there is the connection to what's happening now and the masks we wear everyday, but also think beyond that. Let's make sure to find the humor, the joy and the hope that lies beyond the mask. I would also like to have a student create the artwork for the poster this year. Anyone can submit! Here are the important dates:

November 8th - Poster Artwork Submission Deadline
November 13th - Play Submission Deadline
November 20th - Announcement of plays selected
December 7th-9th - Auditions
January 15th & 16th - Performances/Recording
Our Fall Shows!!

The NCHS Theatre Department has two shows currently in rehearsals set to stream online this fall! You don't want to miss them. Icarus' Mother by Sam Shepard is our Junior/Senior play that will be streaming November 19th-21st. Our Freshman/Sophomore musical is The Hello Girls airing December 3rd-5th.

Please visit our website for tickets and more info!

ï»żNCHS Athletics Department
A Letter from our Athletic Director
Fall sports competition has been a gift to our student-athletes and coaches. We have been competing against the teams in our FCIAC pod. With strong teams in most sports, our games and meets with Greenwich, Darien, West Hill, Stamford and Wright Tech have been competitive and exciting. Our athletes and coaches have worked very hard maintaining all COVID-related safety measures and protocols.

A huge thank you to NCTV, which is broadcasting dozens of games live on YouTube. Their coverage and commentary have been outstanding! We are so pleased to join forces with them to provide game coverage to our parent body and Rams fans.

While we do not yet have news on winter sports, it is imperative that you register your child now so that we can reach you with information about the status of winter sports as well as to make it easier for our coaches to communicate with the players. Please visit for updated information about all aspects of New Canaan HS Athletics.

Stay safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Athletic Director
Board Of Education
October 6th, 2020 Board of Education Meeting

Dr. Susan Bliss updated the Board on school climate and emotional intelligence. Mr. Bill Egan discussed the block schedule at NCHS and the revision of graduation standards. These revisions in mathematics include a PSAT score of 500 or greater and to add grade 11 to the “75% or better on the Algebra 2 or Precalculus midterm exam in grade 12”. The Cabinet and BOE assessed COVID-19 and its related expenditures.

For BOE meeting minutes click here.
For BOE video click here.

October 19, 2020 Board of Education Meeting

Mr. Tesbir, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Remley, Ms. Bailey, and Ms. MacGilpin shared the latest information on NCHS’s Alternative Program. Mr. Clarke gave an overview of his Facilities team’s response to COVID-19. He also gave an update on NCHS’s capital and maintenance projects. The high school had its upper parking lot repaved and some mason repair. Pending projects include LED lighting upgrades, auditorium lighting, carpet replacement and multiple flooring replacements at various schools.

Dr. Keating provided a statement of accounts. As of September 30th, 14.6% of the budget has been expended and 73% encumbered, leaving 12.4% unexpended. Salaries make up 75% of the encumbered funds. Dr. Keating gave an overview of the COVID-related expenses for the year which is currently at $1,943,091. These expenses include PPE, technology, instructional materials, cleaning supplies and staffing and transportation.

For BOE Meeting Minutes click here.
For BOE video click here.

Upcoming BOE meetings: November 2nd, 16th.
Community Events
NC Cares
Teen Decision Making: A Community Conversation
Wednesday, November 4th
7:00pm - Virtual Event

Recommended for families with children ages 13 and above. 
Join us for an exciting discussion on how to coach your kids on important topics related to their teenage years.  Joyce Sixsmith, MA, LADC, President Ram Council Foundation Inc., Attorney Matthew Maddox, Maddox Law Firm
In partnership with Ram Council.
Wednesday, November 11th
9:30am - Virtual Event

The holidays WILL look different this year.
What is your family plan this holiday season?
Chelsea McGee, LCSW and Julianne Green, LMSW

Chelsea and Julianne will provide ideas on what to include in your plan to stay connected and celebrate the gifts in the moment.


What: Take Home Spaghetti Dinner Meal Kits to raise money for equipment needed for our Scouting programs. Each Meal Kit contains Spaghetti, Sauce, Meatballs, Salad, Bread and Cookies for four, graciously provided by Walter Stewart’s Market in New Canaan
Cost: Each Meal Kit costs only $60!
When: Saturday, November 7th, pick up anytime between 4-6pm
Where: St. Aloysius Parking Lot, 21 Cherry Street, New Canaan, CT

Click Here to reserve your Meal Kit.

A portion of the proceeds from each Meal Kit will be donated to First Responders in New Canaan – New Canaan Police, New Canaan Fire and New Canaan EMS
Visit our Website