Next year, MPAC will be responsible for providing municipalities with a Preliminary List of Electors for the 2022 Municipal and School Board elections. To prepare, we’ve formed a working group with municipal partners. 

The Elections Working Group includes over 20 representatives from municipalities, associations and Elections Ontario. 

At the first meeting last month, MPAC shared timelines for the 2022 enumeration campaign and how we plan to leverage, our online web service that allows eligible electors to confirm or update their information, add a name to an address, or change their school support for municipal and school board elections. If you have not already, you can look yourself up today.

The group engaged in a discussion about MPAC’s strategies to improve the Preliminary List of Electors for the 2022 elections, including a focus on leveraging technology, our municipal partnerships, and education for municipalities and electors.

“It was great to start establishing a relationship with such a committed group of municipal election staff,” says Shannon Long, MPAC’s Enumeration Account Manager. “The positive dialogue helps MPAC understand municipal needs, and work towards a positive enumeration process with improved quality of Voters’ Lists.”

Based on committee feedback, MPAC is developing a tool kit of sharable content to support municipal promotion of Municipalities can expect to see their tool kit delivered in mid-December.

If you missed our webinar on the introduction to the 2022 enumeration process, you can watch the recording online.

MPAC will continue to work closely with its elections partners, Elections Canada and Elections Ontario, as part of a tripartite data sharing agreement, to improve the quality of Voters’ Lists for municipal and school board election processes.

Do you have a great story about our partnerships in action? Share it with us.