KNN Connection | November 2021
Mark your calendarthe KNN is holding a national conference to celebrate and share achievements while planning innovations for the future. More details to come!
Q&A With New Board Member Dr. Sonia Nagy Chimienti
This autumn, Sonia Nagy Chimienti, MD, began representing Dartmouth's Geisel School of Medicine on the KNN board.

What led Dr. Chimienti to become a physician and to her new role at Geisel? What helpful mantra does she turn to when she's not sure how to approach a challenge in her work?

Find out in this Q&A with our newest board member.
Sonia Nagy Chimienti, MD
Geisel School of Medicine
KNN Board Member
KNN News
Updates From Partner Schools
Developing Medical Educators of the 21st Century
Join UCSF this February for the fourth Developing Medical Educators of the 21st Century course, offered virtually. The event brings together medical educators from undergraduate and graduate medical education to:

  • Share lessons learned during the pandemic.
  • Discuss how to apply these lessons to reimagine and adapt learning environments. 
November 2021 Academic Medicine
Features Geisel's Coaching Program
Academic Medicine has published an Innovation Abstract about Geisel School of Medicine's coaching program in its November 2021 issue.

Congratulations to our KNN colleagues who authored this piece!
KNN Updates
Join members from across the network for an informal opportunity
to discuss ideas and/or practice concepts related to our work.
Guided Reflection: Caring, Character and Flourishing
Using the KNN's integrated framework as a starting point, experience a guided reflection designed to explore how caring, character and human flourishing intersect in your own life. Along with like-minded peers, use the power of introspection to gain insight on your experiences with flourishing and ways to promote or sustain it.
December 14, 2021
12–1 pm CT
Watch "Civic Responsibility:
Healthcare and Democracy" On Demand
The KNN's last 2021 discussion series session focused on the opportunities and challenges of civic responsibility in healthcare. Each speaker shared powerful lived experiences and insight.

From the recognition that "Civic responsibility is not us versus themit's a we," to the advice to "Take pain and turn it into power," Drs. El-Sayed and Zapata offered a practical yet inspirational view of civic responsibility.
Image Credit: Stephanie Starr, MD
Noteworthy Events
Harvard Macy Institute Offers Online Course on Transforming Teaching for the Virtual Environment
In this virtual course, 10 weekly sessions will explore how to make the most of technology and digital strategies within health professions education. The course will cover both theory and practice, as well as explore synchronous and asynchronous modes of virtual education.
Application Deadline:
December 1, 2021

Fee: $1,810
AAMC's Learn Serve Lead 2022: Call for Submissions in Medical Education
The AAMC will hold its annual meeting November 11-15, 2022, in Nashville. Accordingly, the AAMC has issued a call for submissions on medical education sessions. Presenters can choose a variety of medical education subjects so long as sessions encourage dialogue and consideration of different perspectives.
Submission Deadline:
December 17, 2021
by 10:59 pm CT
AMA Journal of Ethics Call for Papers: IPE and Innovation
Erica Chou, MD (MCW) and Michael Oldani, PhD, MS (School of Pharmacy/IPE CUW) are guest co-editors. Inquiries can also be directed to Dr. Oldani
Submission Deadline:
June 30, 2022
The AMA Journal of Ethics has released themes for its 2022–2023 issues and invites submissions on these topics. May 2023 will focus on IPE and Innovation.

According to the call, "Content interrogating what it means for IPE to productively influence (1) professional identity formation; (2) skill development, communication, and team-based care; (3) diagnostic openness and clinical and cultural humility; (4) and health equity will be prioritized for inclusion."
Noteworthy Resources
(Podcast Episode)
Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation | Vital Voices

Rafid Rahman, MD | Opinion | MedPage Today

Samantha Boardman | Virtues & Vocations Webinar

Harvard Graduate School of Education
Transformational Times Newsletter
MCW's Kern Institute publishes the Transformational Times e-newsletter weekly to deliver stories of hope, character and resilience from its virtual community.

Kern National Network | | website