November 2021
Dear Parents,

October has been a lot of fun! We enjoyed learning about animals and their homes, having fall fun at our annual festival, and of course all the fun and spooky Halloween activities!

For November, we will center our activities around the themes of transportation, thankfulness, giving, family and friends, and sharing. We'll have a friendship luncheon plus lots of additional activities for the kids. We look forward to a fun-filled month!

As a friendly reminder, with the cooler weather, please label all coats, hats, and gloves.

Have a Happy Halloween and a wonderful weekend!

November Events
  • Wednesday, November 3rd- Merrick Ave Starts Speech Evaluations
  • Friday, November 5th- Brookside Starts Speech Evaluations /Bring Photos of Veteran Family Members
  • Thursday, November 11th- Wear Red, White, and Blue!
  • Friday, November 12th- Picture Day Retakes
  • Tuesday, November 23rd- Friendsgiving Luncheon (Sign-up to be posted)
  • Thursday, November 25th and Friday, November 26th- CLOSED for Thanksgiving Holiday
Friendsgiving Luncheon
This year our Friendsgiving Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, November 23rd.
A sign-up sheet will be posted soon so you can bring in an item for our luncheon. We ask that all food items are NUT FREE please. Some items we will ask for are:
  • Individual Applesauce Packets
  • Juice Boxes
  • Individual Corn Muffins
  • Cans of: Carrots, Corn, and Beans
  • Tablecloths
  • Napkins
  • Plates
Updated forms are needed at the following dates: 3-6-9-12-18 months &
2-3-4-5 years.

You will be reminded as your child's birthday or medical expires.
Please use TLC's form every time.
Medications can be administered with proper doctor's permission and medication that matches. For example: we cannot administer Tylenol if your doctor specified Motrin. It is VERY specific.

All medication must be provided in its original packaging including the cup/syringe. This will ensure proper dispensing of the dose.

If you want medication to be given to your child to manage pain, or if your child has allergies and they require medication, please speak to an MAT trained teacher to check in your forms/medicines.

MAT Trained Brookside

MAT Trained Merrick Ave
Liz (Pre-K)
This Month's Menu
The latest menus can be found on our website.

Please bring in an alternative if your child does not eat what is on the menu. For children under 18 months, please continue to bring in yogurt, fruits/vegetables, and infant snacks. Some of the snacks are not appropriate for their age group and we don’t always have alternatives.


As a reminder, if you would like your child to be fed breakfast, please arrive before 8:45am (Brookside) 8:30am (Merrick Ave).
You are receiving this email as the parent of in the class at . If this information has changed, please send us an email to let us know.