November 2021 Newsletter
To give aid and encouragement in promoting the education and welfare of at-risk children in the state of Georgia
Golf Tournament
Golf Tournament Succeeds in
“Giving and Growing for Georgia’s Children” 
Sunny and Cooler temperatures provided a perfect day for Golf! Golfers, Volunteers and even Captain America showed up to raise funds for The Circle for Children benefiting Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Georgia and The Linda Gross Memorial Scholarship. Excited to announce we exceeded the amount raised last year!
1st Place Team: Steven Thomas, Bobby Hughes, Josh Martin & Corey Keister
 2nd Place Team: Matt LaMontagne, Kyle Allen, Griffin Campbell and Steve LaMontagne
THANK YOU to our volunteers who welcomed Golfers, sold Mulligans and Raffle tickets, coordinated the Putting contest and passed out Welcome bags.
HUGE THANK YOU to our Sponsors
Gold Sponsors - America’s Home Place, Bridget & Barry Conner
Silver Sponsors - Donna & Fred Aycock, Fortress Real Estate, LLC

Golf Patrons – Cindy & Pat Formica, Moore Colson CPAs and Advisors – Elaine & Steve LaMontagne, Controlled Climate Services and McMichael & Gray, PC.
The numerous Hole Sponsors, additional Donors, all the great business who donated great Raffle Prizes and our Members. Our success is due to these generous people.
Thank you to Kimberly Johnson and Heather Tally for Chairing the very successful event.
Recent Events
New Member High Tea
Upcoming Events
Fall General Membership Meeting: November 2
At our Fall General Membership meeting, Athleta East Cobb will showcase ladies styles and trends perfect for Fall Travel and Around Town activities. Everyone who attends the general meeting will receive a discount coupon and be entered into a drawing for a free clothing item!

The store will have an assortment of clothes available for viewing as part of their presentation at the meeting.
The Circle for Children would like to welcome the new and retuning members:

  • Dori Boyer
  • Laura Fite
  • Che’ Frost
  • Trayce Leak
  • Emily Lemmy
  • Brenda Shirley

We are very excited and look forward to introducing these ladies at the General Meeting November 2nd. If you need a new Circle name tag, please let Tricia know.

Thank you,
Tricia Leuallen and Charlene Rowe, 2nd VP, Co-Chairmen, Membership
Coming Soon...
The 2021-2022 Circle for Children Directory Update
Heather Rees may reach out to you in order to confirm some information and/or ask for a photo for the upcoming Directory.
Current members will get an insert packet delivered or emailed to them in November. New Members will get the Circle Directory Booklet with their insert.  
If you have any changes to your name, address, cell phone number, email or photo, please reach out to Heather Rees, [email protected].
Annual Event
If you would like to be a sponsor for this year's fundraising event, please go to the website for more information or contact Cindy Formica at [email protected] for any questions.
The Moonlight Soiree Auction is one of our big highlights and a big fundraiser in the spring! Begin to get your creative juices flowing, as we will have themed baskets for the silent auction! 

Also, do you have a home or venue that you would be willing to donate for the live auction?  This is a fun and exciting way to raise money for the children at Devereux and for the Linda Gross Memorial Scholarship Fund! Contact Cynthia Barr at [email protected] with any suggestions or requests!
Devereux Update
Donations for Devereux for the 2021 – 2022

Now is a great time to start looking for items for Devereux Donations!

We will be collecting items for Devereux again at our Fall General Membership meeting. Friendly reminder that if you are planning to order items online to shop early! Fed Ex and UPS are short staffed and are behind on many deliveries. Please consider shipping delays when placing your orders.

Also, Devereux is a non-profit organizations and for their accounting purposes I need to provide an amount with our donations from The Circle. Please put a note in the bag with the donated items with an estimated amount of the donation or a receipt. It is so helpful when adding and submitting the total donation amount to Devereux and The Circle treasures. Thanks so much for your help!

If you have any questions about these collections, please contact our Devereux Liaison 
BJ Wooldridge at either678-571-1459 or [email protected].

BJ Wooldridge
Sign up to help fill Christmas Wishes for Children at Devereaux!
Just click the link below and you will be taken to a page where you can view the wishes for Christmas wishes to be filled. You can sign up to fulfill a single wish or more. All details will be on the Devereux SignUpGenius:
Fall Spooktacular Event at Devereux
A big THANK YOU for The Circle members volunteering to help with the event and the generous donations from The Circle members of candy and decorations donated for the Fall Spooktacular at Devereux on October 29. The amount donated for the Fall Spooktacular Devereux was $201.76. Your donations and volunteering for the event put smiles on the staff and children faces at Devereux.  A huge thanks to Heather Rees for acting as our collection spot for dropping off donations for this event and also for doing the SignUpGenius for the Fall Spooktacular event at Devereux.

Please look in your Circle membership packet that was sent out and you will find 2 important papers that list all the Donations for Devereux and Devereux Volunteer Events for the 
2021 - 2022. Mark your calendar or put them in your day planner.
BJ Wooldridge will help put up decorations in the Devereux cafeteria November 3.

Hope Event Gala at Devereux was a huge success they raised $45,214 from the event.

NOTE: Tour of Devereux has been rescheduled to Sunday, December 5, 2021 at 1 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit the campus and learn more about the therapeutic and educational programs that support the needs of the students at Devereux. If you haven't been on campus it's worth the tour. Gwen Skinner, Vice President of Operations will be our tour guide. 
Please rsvp to Cindy Formica by December 1 to [email protected] or 770-980-0763 (home) or 770-490-3010 (cell).

Scholarship Update
The Scholarship Committee is getting ready to prepare end of semester care packages for our scholars. Look for more information in your email this month and if your interested in helping please contact Belinda Vogel at 404-632-8573 or [email protected].
Access the Directory online with new Password! The new 2020-2021 directory of active Circle members can now be viewed on our website. For the privacy of all members, the directory is password protected. You can access the directory under the membership tab on the website.
November 3      Danielle Houret-Lam
November 6      Melissa Malmberg
November 8      Donna Murphy
November 11   Katherine Kernis
November 18   Melinda Stuk
November 19   Heather Tally
November 22   Glenda Evers
November 25  Shannon Price
November 29   Sarah Davis
If your birthday (month and day) is not in the new Circle directory, please email that information. We would love to acknowledge that special day.
Circle Celebration Fund
Can't think of a gift for a friend? Consider donating to the Circle Celebration Fund in their name. A lovely acknowledgment will be sent to the honoree informing them of the donation you made in their name. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to donate.
Circle Correspondence
Please send any Circle Correspondence to [email protected] for announcements of births, loss of loved ones, outstanding events or illnesses. Please include the individual's address so the corresponding secretary can send the appropriate correspondence. Also, indicate if the information should be posted in the newsletter.
What is Amazon Smile?
Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Circle for Children every time you shop at no cost to you.  When you shop at you'll find the exact same low prices and vast selection as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to the Circle. uses your current Amazon account.

How Do I Get Started?
Click the button below to get started or on your first visit to you will be asked to select a charity. Type in The Circle for Children. Click the "select" box next to it. Click "agree" to confirm you have been informed that you must go to every time you make a purchase in order for the Circle to receive the charitable donation from Amazon.
Kroger Community Rewards will donate a portion of your grocery purchase total to The Circle for Children.

Please sign up for a Kroger Card the next time you're grocery shopping and link it to The Circle for Children.

To link your Kroger card go to and login to access "My Account". Under "Community" select "Community Awards" then click the "link card" button. Then, search for "The Circle for Children" or enter number, CX636. You can also call Kroger at 1-800-562-4438 and they will sign you up over the phone.