The purpose of the monthly Nonprofit Gateway Newsletter is to promote cross-sector partnerships and connect organizations in Jacksonville to events & trainings, funding & grant opportunities, COJ updates, news, and more.
Strategic Partnerships - Updates & Highlights
2022 Partnerships Award Application
Launching Soon!
The Mayor’s Strategic Partnerships Initiative Award, previously named the COJ/HUD Public-Philanthropic Initiative Award, is an annual award sponsored by the City of Jacksonville, and it highlights the power of collective impact that can be achieved through strategic partnerships.
Community Goals Framework Spotlight -
Goal 1: Quality Places
The purpose of the Community Goals Framework is to ensure the alignment of community priorities and to create a common language that all sectors can utilize to define their investments.
This month we are highlighting investments and partnerships within Goal 1 - Quality Places: Create and maintain civic assets that activate a sense of community for the benefit of all.
For this goal, we are showcasing the Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing Park, the Emerald Trail and the On-Street Bikeways & Shared-Use Paths (Trails) Network.
City Budget Highlights: multi-year countywide parks investment, annual funding for the Cultural Council, Jacksonville Zoo funding, Florida Theatre capital improvements, Riverwalk extension and enhancement, the Riverfront Plaza, countywide community center improvements and more.
Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing Park
Named after the song written in the 1800s by the Johnson brothers, the Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing Park is located at the birth site of John Rosamond Johnson and James Weldon Johnson in the historic LaVilla neighborhood. A project of the COJ Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department, the park was designed by world-renowned MacArthur Foundation “Genius Grant” recipient Walter Hood.
The Emerald Trail Master Plan serves as the blueprint for the City's multi-use trail development. It includes an implementation goal to build approx. 19.7 miles of new trails to create a 30-mile dedicated bicycle/pedestrian trail and linear park system in the next 10 years. This 10-year initiative will connect 14 Jacksonville historic urban neighborhoods to downtown, the St. Johns River, McCoy’s Creek, Hogan’s Creek, the Northbank and Southbank Riverwalk.
On-Street Bikeways & Shared-Use Paths (Trails) Network
The City's bicycle and pedestrian networks are continually expanding, enabling residents to connect to jobs, retail centers, health facilities, and other destinations by bike, foot, wheelchair, or other nonmotorized mode of travel. Existing shared-use paths comprise 55-miles of the network, plus 90-miles of funded or planned trails in the works.
Neighborhood Matching Grant
The 2022/2023 Neighborhood Matching Grant Application is open and will be due on Monday, December 12th, 2022 at 5:00pm. The program is designed to give financial assistance to registered neighborhood organizations who are interested in reducing blight within their neighborhood and ultimately enhance their community. Click here to learn more.
2023-24 Universal Grant Application
The 2023-2024 Universal Grant Application will be available starting on December 5, 2022 for the following HUD programs: CDBG, HOPWA and ESG. The Neighborhoods' Housing and Community Development Division will be hosting two mandatory workshops on November 29th and December 2nd. Applications are due on Thursday, January 5, 2023 at 5:00pm.
Beaches Community Fund Grant
Applications for the 2022-2023 Beaches Community Fund grant cycle are open to nonprofit organizations serving the Beaches communities (from Mayport to Guana) starting on November 14, 2022. Grant applications are due on Monday, January 9, 2023 by 5:00pm. Visit The Community Foundation's website to learn more about this opportunity.
COJ Nonprofit Gateway Virtual Town Hall
Join us on Thursday, December 8, 2022 from 11:00am - 12:00pm for the COJ Nonprofit Gateway Virtual Town Hall! The Strategic Partnerships Office hosts Town Halls to promote partnerships between local nonprofits and the City of Jacksonville as well as to provide key updates to stakeholders.
DFD's Education & Training Series: Opioid
Overdose & Narcan Administration
Please join Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department (JFRD) and Drug Free Duval (DFD) for a free online training about signs of overdose, and how to administer the opioid overdose reversal drug, Narcan. Residents of Duval County will receive a free Narcan kit, but anyone can join the training.
Upcoming Trainings:
- Thursday, December 15th from 12:00-1:00pm EST
- Friday, December 30th from 2:00-3:00pm EST
The Nonprofit Gateway Website provides easy, one-stop access to a wealth of information, tools, and resources your nonprofit needs for partnering with the City of Jacksonville. Click on the images/buttons below to access specific resources.
About COJ Strategic Partnerships
The Office of Strategic Partnerships, created by Mayor Lenny Curry, leads the mayoral priority of aligning the public, private and philanthropic sectors around common goals to create better outcomes for all Duval County residents. By strengthening the connection between the City of Jacksonville and cross-sector partners, our community will be better able to address complex community issues and leverage opportunities for Jacksonville's citizens.