Shooting Sports Project Requirements & Changes
You must attend safety training to participate.
Archery Project requires that you attend 3 of the 6 practices and attend the safety training to compete in Fair Competitions.
Air Rifle and BB Project require that you attend 8 of the 18 practices and attend the safety training to compete in Fair Competitions.
Age Requirements (4-H Age as of January 1)
BB Project - 8-15
Archery Projects - 8-18
Air Riffle Project - 12-18
Shotgun Project - 12-18
Small Bore Project - 12-18
(If offered, depending on instructor availability)
You can join the Shooting Sports Project Club when enrolling in 4HOnline. It can be an additional club to your primary (Community) Club or as your main club.
Check out the MdC District website for more information.
You will find it under shooting sports on the 4-H Project Information Page.
We are asking that 1 parent from each family attend the practices to help their 4-H Member. Thank You for your willingness to help your child!
For questions please contact Shannon Moser at 913-371-2197 or
email her at