November 2024 Bulletin

In This Issue

Winter Dress Code Update ⏐ Trio Azura Performance ⏐

Titans Spirit Wear Pop-up Shop ⏐ Varsity Basketball Games & T-shirt Design Reveal ⏐ Mock Trial Season Overview ⏐ November Visit Opportunities

Important Dates

NOVEMBER 7— Trio Azura Performance (Lecture & Performance Series)

NOVEMBER 10— Deadline to order spirit wear & letter jackets

NOVEMBER 11— Student Visit Day

NOVEMBER 13— Prospective Parent Info Night

NOVEMBER 14— Pizza Lunch

NOVEMBER 18— Student Visit Day

NOVEMBER 26—HS boys and girls basketball games (t-shirt contest reveal)

NOVEMBER 27-29—Thanksgiving Break (no school; office closed)

Trinity Calendar

Winter Dress Code Update

Due to unseasonably warm weather, the start date for the winter dress code was postponed. Starting Monday, November 4, students will no longer be able to wear shorts to school. Please refer to the Student Handbook in the front of the Trinity Student Planner if further clarification is needed.

Trio Azura Performance

We are looking forward to hosting Trio Azura at Trinity on Thursday, November 7. They will give a performance for students and faculty during the school day as part of our Lecture & Performance Series.

Trio Azura, a world-class chamber music ensemble, took first place in last year's Fischoff competition. You can read more about them here.

Titans Spirit Wear Pop-up Shop

A variety of Titans spirit wear items are available to order from an online pop-up shop facilitated by the Dugout (linked below). Letter jackets are also still available to order from the Dugout, using the order form attached here. The deadline for both spirit wear and letter jackets is November 10. All orders will be received before Christmas.

Please reach out to Kathy Klimek with any questions.

Order Spirit Wear

Varsity Basketball Games & T-Shirt Design Reveal

All are invited to support Titans basketball on Tuesday, November 26. The high school boys and girls teams will compete against St. Thomas More. Start time for the girls game is 6:00 p.m. The boys game starts at 7:30 p.m.

We will also announce and celebrate the winner of the student t-shirt design contest. Tacos will be available to purchase from a food truck vendor, and t-shirts with the winning design will be available to purchase.

Mock Trial Season Overview

Mock Trial season for the 2024-2025 school year is beginning to take shape. Here is a general overview of this year's team coaches and important dates.

Freshman Team Coach: John Drake

Sophomore Team Coach: Andrew Shaffer

Junior Team Coach: Michael Palmer

The important dates for the season can be found here, on the Indiana Bar Foundation website. If your child participates in Mock Trial, you will receive regular updates and information about practice schedules and competitions from his or her team coach throughout the season. Mr. Dennis Staffelbach is the faculty sponsor for Mock Trial. If you have general questions about Mock Trial, please email him at Joanie Shaffer will be assisting in an administrative capacity by emailing important communications to Mock Trial parents throughout the season.

November Visit Opportunities

Do you have friends or neighbors who would like to learn more about Trinity? Please encourage them to take advantage of these upcoming opportunities!

Monday, November 11— Student Visit Day

Wednesday, November 13— Parent Info Night

Monday, November 18— Student Visit Day

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