Children, Youth & Family (CYF) Ministries


November 2024

October Highlights

October was another great month for CYF Ministries at Our Saviour's! Check out a little taste of the fun that was had...

Congratulations to our 9th graders who affirmed their baptism and have taken on their own personal faith journey. Please join us in praying for these young people as they embark on this new phase of the journey! Congrats, Confirmands! We are so proud of you!

Confirmand Retreat

Thank you to everyone who helped make Trunk n Treat a roaring success! We had more kids come by than ever before! What a wonderful way to celebrate community!

Trunk n Treat

Welcome New OSLC Staff!!

Within the past month, Our Saviour's has welcomed three new amazing people to the staff! Please introduce yourself and give them a warm welcome when you see them!

Interim Pastor

Lynn Seep

Pastor Lynn will be serving the OSLC family while we are in this time of interim and the call process for our next pastor.

Email Pastor Lynn:

Rachael Pearson,

CYF Administrative Specialist

Rachael joins our CYF staff in a permanent role, working up to 20 hours fulfilling CYF Administrative duties.

Email Rachael:

Bryce Bommersbach,

Lighthouse Ministries Leader

Bryce joins the CYF team in a temporary role as a Lighthouse Ministries leader. Bryce will continue to help with the Senior High Ministries while he awaits his first call to a pastoral position.

CYF Ministries - All Ages

More About "The Grinch"

Now Showing...

Who: All ages (Those under grade 6 must have a caring adult attend with them.)

When: Friday, December 6

Time: 6-8:30pm

Where: OSLC's Gathering Space

Bring: Sleeping bag/air mattress/bean bag to watch from

Wear: You are encouraged to come in your favorite Christmas attire - pajamas, sweaters, costume, etc.

Cost: $5/person, $20 max/household

Food Included: Roast “Beast” Sandwiches, Who Pudding, Beezlenut Splash (Sprite float with lime sherbert) and more!

Sign up: Sign up on the CYF Board in the rotunda at OSLC or by emailing Leisha, Director of CYF Ministries. Sign up is not required but helpful for food planning.

Coming Up...

January 10 - Inside Out

February 7 - Inside Out 2

More About "Inside Out"
More About "Inside Out 2"

Thanksgiving Eve Worship & Pie Social

Wednesday, November 27th, 6:30pm

ALL are welcome!

Silent Auction Coming!

CYF Ministries is hosting a silent auction!

The auction will take place in the Gathering Space at Our Saviour’s the evening of our Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service.


Donate a basket/item:

Please consider making a donation of an item/basket/goods/etc. Those items should be dropped off at Our Saviour’s during business hours between now and Tuesday, November 26th.

Come and bid!:

Then come and bid on Wednesday, November 27th, 6-8pm (Bidding closed 6:30 until worship is complete).

CYF Volunteer Leadership Team

The team will be meeting once a month for planning, support and leadership opportunities. We are always open to more adults joining us! 

Contact Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries at, for more information.

Please mark your calendars for upcoming dates for meetings. All meetings are Sundays following the 10:15am worship service in the Youth Room.

November 17

December 15

January 12

February 16

March 16

April 27

May 18

CYF Calendar of Events 2024-25

Mark your calendars for monthly all-church events hosted by CYF!

We hope to see you there! Keep an eye on these E-Newsletters and the CYF Board in the Rotunda for details as events approach.

  • Friday, December 6, 6-8:30pm @ OSLC – Now Showing “The Grinch”
  • Friday, January 10, 6-8:30pm @ OSLC – Now Showing “Inside Out”
  • Friday, February 7, 6-8:30pm @ OSLC – Now Showing “Inside Out 2”
  • Sunday, March 2, 1-3:30pm @ Sky Zone, Blaine – Trampoline Park
  • Sunday, April 6, 12-3pm @ OSLC – Lunch & Color Me Mine Ceramic Painting
  • Sunday, May 10, 12-4pm @ Como Zoo Explore Creation with a Picnic & Scavenger Hunt

Questions? Contact Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries,

Camp Wapo

Save the Date for 2025

Mark your calendars ... watch for more details in January!

SEEDS - 1st-3rd Grade - Friday, June 20-Sunday, June 22

Youth & Fishing - 4th-12th Grade - Sunday, June 22 - Friday, June 27

Children's Ministries - Birth-5th Grade

Littlest Ones Play Dates

We are excited to welcome children aged birth to preschool and a trusted caregiver to our new (FREE) "Littlest Ones Play Dates". We will meet 9:30 am-10:30 am the 1st Thursday of the month.

Littlest Ones is a time for the littlest amongst us to have a great play date and a time for parents and caregivers to connect with one another. Join together for 10 minutes of circle time – story, song and more led by Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries – followed by 50 minutes of play. Parent/Guardian or other caring adult required to stay and be responsible for watching over the little ones as they play with age-appropriate toys, activities, and other fun!

Please sign up on the CYF board or by emailing Leisha at by the Tuesday prior to each play date.

Please reach out to Leisha with any questions.

There will be no Kids' Ministries on Sunday, Decrmber 1 due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

There will, instead, be Kids' Time during the message.

First Communion Class & Worship

Join Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries, for a time of hands-on learning about communion. We will learn about the Last Supper, prepare for children/youth’s first communion, bake unleavened bread, and more. Participants will then partake in their First Communion in Our Saviour’s Thanksgiving worship service on

Wednesday, November 27, 6:30 pm.


Class: Sat., November 16th 9-11 am

& Receiving First Communion: Wed., November 27th 6:30 pm

Cost: Free

All Ages are welcome!

Instruction is aimed at 2nd-5th grade but will be adapted based on the ages that are registered. We practice open communication here at Our Saviour's. If you feel your child is ready, please sign up regardless of age.

Sign up on the CYF Board in the Rotunda at Our Saviour’s, by emailing Leisha, Director of CYF Ministries, at or online by clicking the button below:

Sign Up Here!

Please sign up by Wednesday, November 6th.

Bible Live Christmas Skit in Worship!

For kids in Bible Live, we have a special opportunity for you!

Sunday, December 15th in the 10:15am worship service, the Bible Live crew will be sharing the Christmas Story for the Children's Message in worship!

Please contact Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries, at, if your young person in interested in participating. We will need a minimum number of participants to make this event happen.

Please let Leisha know by Sunday, December 1.

Rehearsal (mandatory): Saturday, December 14th, 9am-10:30am

Christmas Skit: Sunday, December 15th, 8am-11:15am

Confirmation Ministries - 6th-8th Grade

This Month in Confirmation...

November 6 - Jesus Calls the First Disciples

November 13 - The Gerasene Demonic (Guide Huddle Night - 6pm)

November 20 - The Transfiguration

November 27 - No regular confirmation programming. Join together for 6:30pm Thanksgiving Eve Worship, followed by a pie social!

Mark Your Calendars for Serving Dinner!

As a reminder, each week a Confirmation Family is scheduled to help with meal service. A reminder email will be sent on Tuesdays to the families who are scheduled to help the following Wednesday. If you are unable to attend your scheduled evening, please find another family to switch with. In the event that you are unable to switch with another family, please contact Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries,

Any adult (18+) family member of students is welcome to fulfill this role! Please plan to be at OSLC by 5pm to serve from 5-5:50pm. Then from 5:50-6pm to sell any potential leftovers.

November 6

Blake M.

Camden P.

William B.

November 13

Brody G.

Adalyn/Brynn B.

Paige J.

November 20

Brynn N.

Caiden C.

Lisa G.

Meals will be offered from 5 pm - 6pm for $5 per person

Meal Schedule:

November 6

Route 65's Shredded Pork Sandwiches

November 13

Domino's Pizza

November 20

Mansetti's Chicken Alfredo

Lighthouse Ministries - 9th-12th Grade

Lighthouse Ministries Youth Group

Who: Current 9th-12th Graders

What: Weekly gathering for fellowship, Bible study and worship

Where: OSLC Youth Room

When: Sundays, 9am-11:15am

Why: To grow in our faith, relationships with one another and continue down our journey together

Bible Study: "Confident Christian" where we'll explore different world religions and religious groups and view them side by side with our own ELCA beliefs. Learning and exploring why we believe what we do.

Bring: Bible

Provided: Breakfast treat (donuts, muffins, juice, etc)

No need to sign up, just show up! Friends are more than welcome!

November Get-Together

Can Can Wonderland, PuzzleWorks Escape Room & Dinner

Who: 9th-12th Graders

Where: Can Can Wonderland and PuzzleWorks, St. Paul

When: Sunday, November 24th, 2pm-8:30pm (Times are to meet at OSLC and returning to OSLC)

What: Enjoy this whimsical destination of Can Can Wonderland, featuring indoor mini golf, vintage pinball arcade games and dinner. End the night with an Escape Room "The Hospital" at PuzzleWorks!

Cost: $75 total, covers admission, mini golf, dinner and escape room. Sign up and pay by Wednesday, November 20th

Sign up: On the CYF Board in the rotunda at OSLC or by emailing Leisha, Director of CYF Ministries, at

Check out the websites for more information:

Can Can Wonderland
Dinner Menu

Resources - Safe Places for All

Our Saviour's CYF (Children, Youth & Family) Ministries is a safe place for all!

If you or someone you know is in need of support, the CYF staff is here for you.

You are never alone and you are loved just as you are!

If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out. We are here at Our Saviour's to listen and support.

This Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a great resource to have saved in your phone. Please take a moment to do so and share and use as you need.

You can text or call 988

or chat online:


Text Message Reminders

Want to receive text message updates/reminders about confirmation and youth ministries at OSLC? Here's how you can sign up for text messages on the different ministries:

Children's (PreK-5th Grade):

text @oslckidmin to the number 81010

Confirmation (6th-8th Grade):

text @oslcconfir to the number 81010

Middle School (6th-8th Grade):

text @oslcmiddle to the number 81010

Senior High (9th-12th Grade):

text @oslcsenior to the number 81010

[763-434-6117]  []

Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries,

Rachael Pearson, CYF Administrative Specialist,

Follow Us:

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