November 2024 news from Florida Church Planters!

Paul wrote these words to the church in Philippi,

“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my

requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the

Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

Philippians 1:3-6 NLT

At Florida Church Planters, we have the same gratitude for our partner churches! They are tremendous partners in spreading the Good News about Jesus across our state. Planting new churches is the fastest way to reach people who don’t know Jesus. The financial and prayer investment that our partner churches are making makes each new church we start possible.

In 2024 we celebrated the launch of churches in Bunnell and Naples and we are looking forward to the launch of churches in Cutler Bay, Leesburg and Sarasota in 2025. Thank you to each of these great churches for their partnership in 2024!

Bethesda Christian Center

Christ’s Church Jacksonville

Community Christian Church

Cornerstone Christian Church

Creekside Christian Church

Crosspoint Christian Church

Daytona Outreach Center

Eastside Christian Church

Encounter Christian Church

First Christian Church Fort Myers

First Christian Church Homosassa Springs

Generations Christian Church

Journey Christian Church

Lifepoint Christian Church

My Anchor Church

New Day Christian Church

New Hope Christian Church

Northeast Christian Church

Salty Christian Church

So Flo Christian Church

Thrive Christian Church

Tomoka Christian Church

Central Christian Church St. Pete

We are confident that God is continuing His work across Florida through our partnerships with each of these churches!

Join Us in 2025 and Beyond

The need to plant even more churches each year has never been greater. But we can’t do that without you. We’re looking for more churches and individuals to partner with FCP.

Our desire is to see every independent Christian Church in Florida join us on the church planting adventure. Would your church consider becoming a partner with FCP? We’d love to share our vision and plans with your church leadership. If you would like to know more about FCP and how to become a partner church fill out this short form and our Director will contact you very soon.

Maybe you would like to personally partner with FCP to plant more life-giving churches in Florida. We would be thrilled to have you join us! Click here to give one-time or become an ongoing financial partner.

Church Planting Opportunities in Florida

Florida Church Planters and GCMI Partnership for Miami

While the city of Miami is home to half a million residents, the metro area of Miami is just over 6 million people. Forty-two percent of those living in metro Miami were born outside of the US in nations including Cuba, Colombia, Haiti, Brazil, and Venezuela and other locations throughout Latin America. Miami is also home to significant Jewish communities, Middle Eastern peoples, and Hindu and Muslim South Asians. As a secular city, nearly half of Miami residents never attend religious services of any kind.

Global City Mission Initiative and FCP are partnering to advance the Gospel in the metro area of Miami. Over the next year or so, FCP and GCMI will be working together to discover & mobilize catalytic church planters to serve the incredibly diverse communities of Miami. We hope to see work begin on the ground by 2026.

Metro Orlando

Orlando is not only a major vacation spot but is also home to universities, large corporations and thousands of people. Orlando is one of the top fifty most Post-Christian cities in America. There are huge areas where the city is exploding in growth but there are very few churches. The need for healthy churches is huge. 

If you would like to learn more about either of these opportunities or church planting anywhere in Florida click here!

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