We exist to make followers of Jesus Christ who love God
and others.
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Cook’s United Methodist Church
November 2024 Newsletter
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From the Pastor
According to most dictionaries, generosity is defined as the quality of being plentiful. Most of us hear the word “generous” and automatically think of quantity. The amount is the measurement by which you or I determine whether our giving is generous.
Quantity will always be a qualifier of generosity but it is not the most important qualifier. For Jesus followers, there are other spiritual truths at play. Our motivation for giving and how we give are just two of them. When researching generosity in the Scriptures, rarely do you find the exact word ‘generous’ or any variation of it. Instead, we find in both Hebrew and Greek (the original languages of the Old and New Testaments, respectively) teaching or examples of giving graciously (Psalm 37:21) and scattering or sowing bountifully (Proverbs 11:24-25, 2 Corinthians 9:6). The Bible reveals that generosity is seated in goodness, is a fruit of God’s Holy Spirit moving within us (Galatians 5:22-23) and that goodness of the person who gives of herself/himself originates from God and is empowered by God in her/his living through faith. Note taken: the Scriptures ‘talk’ about generosity more from the perspective of how we give and why we give than how much we give.
We certainly have a resounding witness in God’s Word to God’s generosity: the immeasurable glory of creation, the level of trust God places in each of us, the willing and total sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf, and so much more! We have begun our stewardship season by focusing on Jesus’ own words (according to Paul): “The Lord himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35) In essence, the Biblical witness teaches us that the recipient of our time, energy, attention, thoughtfulness, resources, etc. is blessed AND that we are blessed in the gracious giving of the gift. Jesus would know – he gave everything to and for us.
This season of stewardship focus is much bigger than just a budgeting process for the coming year or encouraging church members and friends to give more to fund more ministry. In a time of focus on stewardship is a remembrance of the core of the work God calls us to: God is trusting us to care for creation, including ourselves and one another. The why’s and how’s of our generosity are more important than the measure of our gift.
Over the first three weeks of November, we will continue to explore the witness of God’s generosity and challenge ourselves to practice more closely the generosity of Jesus. We hope that you will join us in 4 things:
- Join us in worship at either experience (or both!) each week as we seek to understand this promised gift of God’s Holy Spirit. We’re glad to welcome you in-person or online!
Use the Generosity Practice Companion Guide to bravely discover what you believe about God’s generosity and your own. (You can pick up a copy at the church or find one online at www.practicingtheway.org.) Some of our Sunday School classes are using this material or you could gather your family or friends for the same. (Do your best to stay accountable for the best experience!)
- Keep your Estimate of Giving card close as a reminder of the privilege and responsibility of how and why you give of yourself, but don’t fill it out until closer to Commitment Sunday; give yourself plenty of time to learn something new or hear a new invitation from Jesus.
Join us on Sunday, November 16 at either worship experience – 8:45 or 11:00 a.m. - to make your Estimate of Giving for 2025 a covenant-making act with God.
Be Salt and Light!
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Samaritan Fund
The dollars in this fund are used to help those in our community with immediate needs. The money used to fund this account comes from donations left on the altar rail during communion.
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Communion Sunday
We will be celebrating the sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday, November 3, 2024. If you will be worshipping/celebrating with us from home, please gather bread (or tortillas or crackers, etc.) and juice (if you don't have grape, any juice or liquid will suffice) enough for everyone in your household. We look forward to celebrating God's grace in this very special way.
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Trustee Workday -- Volunteers Needed
Saturday, Nov. 2 @ 10:30am
(Nov. 9 Rain Date)
Work includes but is not limited to: gutter cleaning, trash pick-up, flower beds, clearing brush, indoor lamp replacement, etc. Please see Kelly Forth with any questions.
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Please join us for another meal packing event Saturday November 23rd. With the link below you will be able to view the volunteer registration details by shift, team fundraising pages and other important contact information for volunteers attending the event:
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Trustees Meeting, Monday, November 4 @ 6pm (Youth Room)
Missions Meeting, Wednesday, November 6 @ 6pm (Library)
SPR Meeting, Thursday, November 7 @ 6pm (Seekers Room)
Finance Team, Sunday, November 10 @ 3:30pm (Lamplighters Room)
Church Council, Sunday, November 10 @ 4pm (Youth Room)
Men’s Club Breakfast & Meeting, Sunday, November 17 @ 7:45am (Youth Room)
CareGivers Connection, Wednesday, November 20 @ 1pm (Youth Room)
Discipleship Team, Thursday, November 21 @ 5pm (Library)
Staff Meeting, Tuesday, November 26 @ 11:45am (Library)
Congregational Care, Wednesday, November 27 @ 10am (Lamplighters Room)
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Tea’s On Me is changing it’s name!
What a wonderful time we have had gathering over what wets our whistles, getting to know one another better, bravely considering what we know about God and what heartaches we carry because of this broken world, sharing the joy we find in life in the Church or what we dream about realizing in our lifetime … and so much more!
What we have experienced is akin to what the early Church called koinonia – fellowship infused with joy because of the common bond we have in Jesus, fellowship that often includes laughter and sharing food. So, THE COMMON TABLE will continue meeting twice each month - once in the morning and once around an early supper time. Come to one or both, invite a friend, meet a new friend, just come! THE COMMON TABLE will always be a travelling table, if you will, so mark your calendar now:
Thursday, November 14 at Billy Goat Café, 8-9:30a.m.
3690 N. Mt. Juliet Rd.
Tuesday, November 19 at Corner Pub, 5-6:30p.m.
4136 N. Mt. Juliet Rd.
The COMMON TABLE constants:
- Rev. Sandra will pick up the tab for what wets your whistle
- You are always free to stay however long you want and can.
- There is no agenda; YOU bring the questions, celebrations, beefs, and burdens and we will share them together.
- Love will hold us together no matter what.
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"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."
Psalm 107:1
I often wonder why the Thanksgiving holiday gets overlooked by society. It seems like stores like Wal-Mart and other places tend to jump to Christmas quickly and we forget the Thanksgiving holiday. We forget to take the time to be thankful for everything God has blessed us with. I am thankful for Cook’s UMC being a welcoming congregation who loves God but most of all loves each other. We are a family who cares about each other and seeks to learn more about God. I am reminded of how much God loves me by the blessings he has given me. I am thankful for God blessing the music ministry at Cook’s UMC as well. God has worked through me in ways I may never know. When was a time that God has worked through you to bless others? What are you thankful for?
As we enter this busy time of the holidays, my hope is that we don’t forget to thank God for his blessings in our own lives. May we continue to seek God’s word and remember that he loves us so much. Let’s be thankful people who will spread the good news of God to everyone we meet!
“God thank you for blessing Cook’s UMC and continuing to work throughout this church. May we be a blessing to others and remember to give thanks to you always. During this busy season, may we take time to breathe and let you know what we are thankful for. May we continue to be a light to others and be thankful people. Amen.”
Rachel Ward, Director of Traditional Music Ministry and Accompanist
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Current Information
The most recent Newsletter, Financial Statement, 2024 Officers / Committee Members Listing, and approved Church Council minutes can be found in the literature rack in the back hallway (just outside the Friendship Hall).
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Cook’s Charge Conference
November 3, 2024
Cook’s Friendship Hall
Lunch will be provided
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Help Needed!!
We need an extra set of eyes, ears, and hands in both areas of our children’s Sunday School – the Nursery (up to Kindergarten) and the Elementary Class (Kindergarten through 5th grade). Our Safe Spaces Policy requires that we support our teachers by having a second person to help out with busy activities, bathroom breaks and everything in-between. Mrs. Shari Adair is our primary teacher and does a fabulous job of teaching and guiding our children in a life of following Jesus. What a gift your help would be for her and for our children!
Our goal is to have enough volunteers that no one has to routinely leave their own Sunday School class or Small Group to serve. If you are willing to serve 2-3 times a quarter in one of our two children’s classes, please contact the church office to sign up. From our teachers and our children/grandchildren, THANK YOU!
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Neil Angell; Mrs B.; Ken Cowan; Velda Dyer; Randy Huffines;
Becky Jacobs; Dave Koslowski; Judy Leavitt; Shane Stanford;
Karen Tanner; Kris Williams
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Are You on Facebook?
You can help us spread Cook's news! It's easy: first, be sure to "Like" Cook's Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/cooksumc/). Then keep your eye out for announcements, inspiration, and invitations to worship. When they show up in your FB feed, "Like" or "Share" the posts. The more who do, the more people see it, even if they're not yet members and/or don't “Like” the CUMC page. Have photos from a church event or something you want to promote on social media? Send info/photos to Alison Nash or the church office.
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Backpack Program
The Backpack program supports our neediest children. Students are supplied with food items to bridge the weekend gap during the school year. The Church at Pleasant Grove sponsors the Backpack Program for 5 schools in our area and they need help stocking their shelves. Items requested are: Instant Oatmeal Packages; Individual Mac & Cheese; Pudding Cups (non-refrigerated; Ravioli, Spaghetti-O's; Granola Bars; Fruit Cups; Applesauce; Juice Boxes (avoid those with lots of sugar). All donations can be left in the totes in back hallway.
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SALT (Serving at the Lord’s Table)
CANNED MIXED VEGETABLES; RICE (1 lb. bags); CANNED BEANS (northern, pinto, black, kidney, pork & beans); TOILET PAPER (4-roll package); PAPER TOWELS, LAUNDRY & DISHWASHING DETERGENTS; BAR SOAP (individually wrapped); SHAMPOO, TOOTHPASTE
All donations can be left in totes in back hall.
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Habitat for Humanity
Saturday, October 26
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Home Centered
Ralph & Miriam Appleby
Dot Creasman
Gladys Pennington
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Caregivers Coffee Connection
A Caregivers Support Group meets the third Wednesday of the month at 1pm in Cook’s UMC Youth Room. This is to offer respite, support, and connection for those who are caregivers. Our purpose is to surround each other with support and friendship as we encourage the journey of a Caregiver. If you or someone you know would benefit from a loving time of encouragement or just a place to meet and have coffee, desert and conversation please know you are welcome to meet with us. If you have any questions, call Judy at 615-417-9002.
NEXT Meeting Wednesday, November 20 @ 1pm.
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Fellowship Donuts
Volunteers needed to bring donuts for our fellowship time (between first service and Sunday School). There is a sign-up sheet on the wall next to the donut table across from the coffee pots by friendship hall. 4-5 dozen needed each Sunday and must be here by 9:15am. Keep your receipt to be reimbursed by the office. Tax exempt forms available in the office.
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Saturday, November 2, Trustees Workday @ 10:30am (Rain Out Date November 9)
Sunday, November 3, Charge Conference @ 1pm (Friendship Hall)
Sunday, November 3, Girl Scouts @ 2-4pm (Youth Room)
Monday, November 4, Trustees Meeting @ 6pm (Youth Room)
Wednesday, November 6, Missions Meeting @ 6pm (Library)
Thursday, November 7, SPR Meeting @ 6pm (Seekers Room)
Sunday, November 10, Finance Team @ 3:30pm (Lamplighters Room)
Sunday, November 10, Church Council @ 4pm (Youth Room)
Thursday, November 14, Common Table @ 8-9:30am (Billy Goat Café)
Sunday, November 17, Men’s Club Breakfast & Meeting @ 7:45am (Youth Room)
Tuesday, November 19, Common Table @ 5-6:30pm (Corner Pub)
Wednesday, November 20, CareGivers Connection @ 1pm (Youth Room)
Thursday, November 21, Discipleship Team @ 5pm (Library)
Saturday, November 23, Rise Against Hunger (Friendship Hall)
Tuesday, November 26, Staff Meeting @ 11:45am (Library)
Wednesday, November 27, @ 10am (Lamplighters Room)
Thursday, November 28, Church Office Closed (Happy Thanksgiving)
Saturday, November 30, Decorate the Church @ 10am
Wednesdays @ 7pm Choir Practice (Seekers Room)
Last 2 Tuesdays of month @ 7pm Women’s Ensemble Practice (Seekers Room)
Mondays @ 9:30am Bible Study (Youth Room)
Thursdays @ 6:00pm Boy Scouts (Youth Room & Shine Room)
Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays @ 6:00pm TKD (Friendship Hall)
Tuesday & Thursdays Oliver Academy 7:00 am – 3:00 pm
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November 3
2:00 AM
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In Person Giving
An offering plate is passed around during traditional worship service in the sanctuary and an offering basket is available at the back of the Friendship Hall during “The Well” worship service, or you can drop your offering off by the church office during regular business hours.
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Online Giving
You can give online at www.cooksumc.org or text cumc to 73256
Standard text message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies.
Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel.
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Electronic Bank Draft
If you are interested in this easy and convenient way of giving,
please contact the church office.
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Mailing address: PO BOX 379, Mt. Juliet TN 37121
7919 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet TN 37122
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Sunday Schedule
8:45am Traditional Worship (Sanctuary), Facebook Live & YouTube
10:00am Sunday School
11am “The Well” Worship Service (Friendship Hall), Facebook Live & YouTube
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