What's Inside Our November 2024 Newsletter!

  1. President’s Message
  2. Congratulations and Thank You to Our Candidates
  3. The GO Team Did It!
  4. Voting Options and What You Need to Know
  5. 2025 Membership Renewal Drive is On!
  6. SWC Student Scholarships!
  7. Save the Dates!

November 2024

President's Message


Susan Marrinan, past president of our club and current member of our Public Policy Committee, has written an article in this newsletter (Congratulations and Thank You to Our Candidates) that perfectly encapsulates the times we find ourselves in now. I hope you find it as impactful as I did.


Sending you my best and looking forward to quieter and more joyful times post-election.


Lori Doyle



Congratulations and Thank You to Our Candidates

By Susan Marrinan, Public Policy Committee

Each member of the Coronado Democratic Club (CDC) should be proud of and grateful to the five club members currently running for local election. The deadline for our club newsletter is October 20th, so this comment is written before we know the election results. Regardless of whether these candidates succeed, each has taken an opportunity to contribute to the discussion of local issues and possible options for the future, and for this, we are grateful.


Congratulations and thank you to:

Casey Tanaka, candidate for Mayor

Shawnee Barton Merriman, candidate for CUSD Board of Trustees, endorsed by the San Diego County Democratic Party

Christine Mott, candidate for City Council, endorsed by CDC and the San Diego County Democratic Party

Amy Steward, candidate for City Council

Laura Wilkinson Sinton, candidate for City Council, endorsed by CDC and the San Diego County Democratic Party

A critical club mission is supporting democratic values, and running for office is a significant way to do this. Look at the DNC platform issued in 2023 for a refresher on our values. The DNC publishes our party platform during non-presidential election years. In contrast, look at the 2024 GOP Platform and Project 2025.


It takes courage to run for office. The Latin "Cor" is the root word for courage and means “to speak from the heart.“ In other words, to let others know your true mind. Once a person speaks their true mind, those who disagree can and usually do respond with opposing viewpoints, arguments and, sometimes, regrettable personal attacks. Knowing these possibilities, a courageous candidate speaks their truth regardless. Being brave and courageous doesn't mean being without fear; it means knowing that pain and heartache are probable and speaking up anyway.


We used to consider local elections as "non-partisan," but some of us recall that in the Obama election in 2008, unknown persons defaced Obama bumper stickers and stole Obama signs. Since then, political intimidation and personal attacks on Democratic candidates appear to have dramatically increased. Coronado elections are not the “non-partisan” kind of local elections we wish they could be; those times seem over. When the discussion of local issues shifts to personal attacks against candidates, the signs are clear that non-partisanship has been relegated to the back burner. In other words, winning appears more important than solutions to local problems.


 In 2018, Coronado Cays resident Daron Case ran for Coronado City Council as a write-in candidate. His progressive platform focused on environmental issues, including the Tijuana River sewage crisis. He thought the City of Coronado should join the City of Imperial Beach and other South Bay cities in their lawsuit against the federal government. His platform was too progressive for some unidentified residents who chose to disagree with him by slashing his tires, leaving hate-filled voicemails, and making threatening phone calls to his home rather than debating his ideas. After the election, he and his family relocated to another community rather than stay in Coronado. The "dirty tricks" employed against him were a harbinger of the future. As a result, Coronado lost a thoughtful, progressive thinker who could have made a difference.


Whitney Antrim, a club member who ran as a Democrat for the CUSD Board of Trustees because she was proud of her democratic values, was personally attacked in the local media, threatened with physical violence by unknown social media account holders, and had her home address posted on social media, to list just a few of her frightening experiences.


Whitney persevered and won her election in 2020. She has given our community four years of outstanding service, and our Coronado school district has benefited from her exemplary hard work and vision. Thank you, Whitney, for your courage and outstanding service.


This election cycle is replete with continuing examples of "dirty tricks." We hope that after the election dust has settled, our club member candidates can compile a complete account of the "dirty tricks" of 2024 so future candidates can know what they will be facing and benefit from it.


Aware of this disturbing history, our club candidates courageously entered the 2024 race to support our democratic values, and we owe them our gratitude and respect. At this time, we do not know if any of their campaigns will succeed. What we do know, however, is that this is a battle for values and worth the effort.

The GO Team Did It!


For the first time in our club’s history, we canvassed the entire town! Congratulations to the 29 club members who have stepped forward to canvass Coronado to “Get Out the Vote!“

Gail Bardin

Jim Besikof

Chuck Charter

Lori Doyle

Jill Esrock

Dianne Fishel

Patti Flores-Charter

Sally Johnson

Stephanie Kaupp

Frank King

Rebecca King

Carol Lambert 

Sharon Lapid

Patricia Leahy

Holly Nappen

Sharon McKenzie

Mike Merriman

Bob Oakley

Sarah O’Leary

Betty Padgett

Connie Pinkus

Jill Rooney

Tom Rooney

Abby Rosenthal

Mary Sanford

Deborah Schwartz

Mary Taylor

Terry Zack


They knocked on doors or called/texted homes of Democrats and Independent voters in our town to share election information and show our democratic values of caring for our neighbors, community, and country.


They took back control during this incredibly difficult election and took action. That’s powerful stuff.


As Chair of our club’s GO Team, I need to tell you how thankful I am for all the GO Team members I’ve met and gotten to know. You gave me hope and the energy to stay in this good fight.


Patti Flores-Charter

November 5, 2024 General Election


Voting Options and What You Need to Know




Starting Saturday, November 2nd, more than 200 vote centers and the Registrar’s office will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. through November 4th.


On the final day of voting, Tuesday, November 5th, all vote centers, official ballot drop boxes, and the Registrar’s office will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Voters who will return their ballots by mail must make sure they are postmarked by

November 5th and received by the county elections official no later than November 12th.


People dropping their ballots off at a ballot drop box must do so by 8 p.m. on Nov. 5th, according to the state secretary's office.


There are two drop boxes in Coronado:

City Hall and the Coronado Public Library



2025 Membership Renewal Drive Is On!


Use the link below to renew your membership for 2025. DO NOT log in. Just scroll to your desired membership level, click and complete!


Those of you who renew by November 14th will receive an invitation to our Post-Election Unity Event on November 15th to honor your commitment to our club and to democratic values. This event will be hosted by longtime member Edry Goot.


Event details to follow, but renew today and save the date: Friday, November 15th.

Renew Your Membership Here

Announcing the 2025

Southwestern College Student Scholarship Drive!


Every year, our club provides critical scholarships to deserving students at Southwestern College (SWC). Here is information about our 2024 recipients:


Nelida Barajas

Nelida is a single mother of two toddlers who has returned to college with the goal of a master’s degree in the social science field. Through her education, she knows she can provide a better future for herself and her children. She will be able to replace an unreliable laptop for school work and pay for school and housing expenses. Nelida’s volunteer work at homeless shelters, in registering voters and on local election campaigns has enriched her life greatly. She states, My engagement in the political process stems from a deep-rooted passion for social justice and community advocacy.”


Rylee Campbell

Rylee is a first-generation college student pursuing her Associate of Science Degree in Nursing as a reservist in the U.S. Navy. Upon completion of her degree, she will serve as a nurse in the Navy. Rylee was raised by her older sister because of the struggles with addiction of both parents that continue today. Rylee states, “Their struggle in life has motivated me since I was young and inspired my ability to overcome adversity. In high school I excelled in academics and athletics while also maintaining multiple part-time jobs.” She hopes to inspire others to do the same and “bring peace, strength and health into the lives of all people I interact with.”


Common characteristics of all our recipients include abusive homes, homelessness, learning English as a second language, single parenthood, and the drive to learn, make a better life, and give back to the community.


All applicants answer questions explaining why they are a Democrat, how they are politically active, and what they see as two pressing political issues. We have truly made a difference in their lives with our scholarship support.


Donate today to the 2025 SWC scholarships!





Or pay by check:

Make payable to SWC Foundation; put Coronado Dem Scholarship in the note area; and mail to:

Southwestern College Foundation 

900 Otay Lakes Road

Chula Vista, CA 91910



Upcoming CDC Meetings and Events

Friday, November 15th: Post-Election Unity Event. At the home of Edry Goot. Invitations will be sent to members who renew their dues by November 14th.


Thursday, December 12th: Holiday Happy Hour, 5 p.m. At the home of Gail and Bob Bardin. Invitations to follow.


Saturday, January 11th: General Meeting. Winn Room, Coronado Public Library. Doors open at 10 a.m.; meeting 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.; social time immediately following the meeting; clean up 12:15 p.m. Program: TBD. The new rules at the library require groups to do their own set up and break down, so your help with this is most appreciated

Explore Our Website

NOTE TO MEMBERS ONLY: If you wish to visit the Member Page of the website

and forgot the member password please

contact communications@coronadodemocrats.com



President: Lori Doyle

Vice President: Patti Flores-Charter

Secretary: Carol Grimaud

Treasurer: Edry Goot

Member at Large: Luan Troxel


Programs: Pro Tem Carol Stanford

Hospitality: Jo Antrim

Membership: Luan Troxel

Public Policy: Rebecca King

GO Team: Patti Flores-Charter

Communications: Stephanie Kaupp

Scholarship: Patti Flores-Charter