November 1, 2024

Bethesda & Immanuel Lutheran Newsletter

Sunday Worship

8:30 Bethesda

11:00 Immanuel


Pastor Connie Monson



Parish Office:






Bethesda/Immanuel Website

Bethesda FACEBOOK 


Immanuel FACEBOOK 


We pray for all those afflicted by war.

 Hello Nancy,

Sunday services are available online.
Use the Bethesda Facebook link above.

From the Pastor


At Cabo San Lucas, at the very tip of Baja California, you can see the waters of the Gulf of California mingle with the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The two are distinguished by an obvious color gradient, which gradually disappears as you look beyond the peninsula.

As I contemplate Tuesday’s election, it seems to me that the two waters are anxiety and sadness. No matter what news we wake up to on Nov. 6, this election cycle has only heightened our sense that an unbridgeable chasm separates us all. We are not “these United States.” It feels like the sky is falling. And we don’t know how to fix it. 

Pastor Wes Granberg-Michaelson has some words of wisdom as we approach the day:

"Our temptation is to begin with politics and then try to figure out how religion can fit in. We start with the accepted parameters of political debate and, whether we find ourselves on the left or the right, we use religion to justify and bolster our existing commitments.

". . . But what if we make the inward journey our starting point? What if we recognize that our engagement in politics should be rooted in our participation in the Trinitarian flow of God’s love? Then everything changes. We are no longer guided or constrained by what we think is politically possible [emphasis added], but are compelled by what we know is most real. At the heart of all creation, the mutual love within the Trinity overflows to embrace all of life. We are invited to participate in the transforming power of this love. There we discover the ground of our being, centering all our life and action." (The whole essay is available in the Politics and Religion issue of Oneing, available here.) 

I do not want to minimize what is at stake in the election, nor the material consequences its outcome will have, both locally and globally. But we can remember that God has continued to abide with God’s people through every disaster and every tyrant’s reign. God’s love continues to permeate the universe, and we are invited to participate in the transforming power of this love.

As the waters of the Gulf of California flow out into the Pacific, as the Atlantic Ocean sweeps into the Pacific at the southernmost tip of Chile, as every sea and ocean eventually merge, so our emotional states, our political fortunes, and our lives are held in the great ocean of God’s being.

In the words of Julian of Norwich: All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well. Amen.

View November Calendar

Reconciling in Christ Statement


There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28


We welcome YOU to Bethesda and Immanuel to participate fully in our congregational life. You who may have experienced exclusion, injustice or racial inequity; You who are young, old, rich, poor; You of all abilities; You from all nations and ethnic backgrounds; You of all sexual orientations, gender identities or gender expression.


We are committed to racial equity, economic equity, gender equity, sexual equity. We are committed to learn, celebrate, advocate and welcome everyone through a series of forums and educational opportunities. May we grow in acceptance and become a voice for inclusion, equity and justice.


No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.


Remember to turn your clocks back on Saturday, November 2!!


Read Book Review by Dianne Judd
Give to LWR Hurricane Relief

Zoom Bible Study on Acts of the Apostles

A small, ragtag group of believers tries to keep the church alive. The community makes a revolutionary choice to share all things in common, reaching out to anyone who has a financial or material need. Adherents to a minority religion fight the Empire for the right to practice as they choose. Political radicals opt to go to prison rather than walk back their beliefs. Earthquakes! Shipwrecks! Defenestration!

Did you ever think that the Bible could read like a swashbuckler? The book of Acts would make an excellent movie, and has some surprisingly salient messages for our time. Come join us as we study this intriguing text a few chapters at a time. We’ll meet weekly on Zoom at 1 pm Tuesday. (While the weather’s good we might also alternate churches, Immanuel and Bethesda, for an in-person option.) Please save the date and time, and then look for the Zoom link in the weekly e-blast.

Decorators Needed!

That’s right! December is right around the corner! Decorating is always a 

good way to get into the holiday spirit and make our church sanctuary 

beautiful for everyone. We are hoping that our current committee could 

be increased by a few more jolly helpers. It will only be a commitment of

a few hours spread over the first part of December. If you have questions

or are interested, please let Paula know.  

Midweek Meditation, Reflection, and Hymns - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

In November we will be changing the focus of our midweek reflective gatherings. On November 6 we will keep the format of our previous months with a time of silent meditation and a short community prayer service afterwards. On November 13 we will start a four-part preparation for Advent and Christmas as we look deeper into four seasonal hymns - “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus,” “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence,” “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” and “In the Bleak Midwinter.” These sessions will invite the participant to sing the hymns, hear the hymns, dive into the historical and biblical context of the hymns, and savor them. The goal is to deepen the experience of the season through a more nuanced understanding of these popular songs of the season. Here is the schedule:

November 6 - Midweek Meditation

November 13 - Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

November 20 - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

November 27 - Thanksgiving Break - No Gathering

December 4 - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

December 11 - In the Bleak Midwinter

All of these gatherings will be at noon at Bayfield Presbyterian Church. There is no need to register and no obligation to attend all. Each session is stand alone and all are welcome to attend.

The BRICK’s Food Shelf Program focuses on providing a wide variety of food options in a range of forms (canned, frozen, fresh) to program participants. At times, some of the items we offer are not available through our usual donations network. This means we either need to purchase those products or go without. YOU can help out to ensure that the Food Shelf Program has a wide variety of nutritious foods to offer pantry shoppers. Throughout November The BRICK is asking for donations of potatoes, including packaged potato mixes. At the end of the month, please connect with our Food Shelf Manager Amaris Shrider to drop off your donation. Reach her by phone at 715-682-7425 ext. 103 or email at Thank you for your support!

Anything in the color blue is a clickable link

Council Meetings

November 20, 2024

Immanuel Council 6:00

Joint Council 6:30

Bethesda Council 7:00

October Draft Immanuel Council Minutes

September Draft Joint Council Minutes (No October minutes)

October Draft Bethesda Council Minutes

Women's Gather

Hello all “Gather” book/Bible study participants!  we will be meeting on Wednesday, November 13 at Bethesda.  

Monday Book Club

Book Study is on Zoom

See our website or the link above for the Zoom link

Meeting ID: 851 3905 2851

Passcode: 467574

Dial by your location

    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Healing the Heart of Democracy by Parker J. Palmer

Questions? Call Leanne 715.742.3553


South Shore Quilters

Mondays 9:00 am - Noon at Immanuel

Wednesdays 9:00 am - Noon at Immanuel

The mission-quilt group at Immanuel is always in need of donations of clean usable bed sheets--preferably flat sheets--which we use as backing for the quilts, spools of thread (whether full or not) and fabric.

The Knit Wits

Knitting & Crocheting at the Corny coffee shop Fridays 1:00 - 4:00

The Brunch Bunch
Tuesdays at Bethesda 10:00 - 11:30
Conversation and coffee with women from the community.

Immanuel has a painting group that meets on Thursdays, 10:00 - 1:00.

Retired Old Men Eat Out

Every Friday at 8:00 AM

Meet at Cornucopia Coffee

New information is Red
If you would like to be added to the list or have an update, please contact us at:

Pavel, Alla, Oliver, Viktoria, and Melissa Anna Elizabeth

Chick Anderson


34200 S County Hwy J

Bayfield WI 54814

Chemo after affects

Bennett Anderson

Grandson of Donnie Anderson

Ed DePerry

37420 State Hwy 13

Bayfield WI 54814

Doctoring at Mayo

Sharon Johnson


86520 Valley Rd

Bayfield WI 54814


Kelli Ann Clapero


Bill Ferraro


86260 Betzold Rd

Bayfield WI 54814

Fall - at Northern Lights

Mark Peterson

Dianne Judd's friend

Heart surgery and cancer

Casey French

Shirley Hanson's grandson

The family of Ruthann Compton


Myrna & Rich Northrop


87202 Co Hwy C

Cornucopia, WI 54827

Kermit Delmain

Colleen Nozal


PO Box 341

Cornucopia, WI 54827

Lorayne Reedy


PO Box 358

Cornucopia WI 54827

Lois Osterberg

702 Bratley Dr

Washburn WI 54891

Courtney Byerhoff

Bill Bodner


87560 Bark Point Rd

Herbster WI 54844

Chuck & Marcia Perry


87140 County Rd C

Cornucopia, WI 54827

Rhiannon Tourdot

Holly Tourdot

Jennifer Schlack

Karen Novachek


610 E 4th St

Washburn WI 54891

Stacey Uhlman

Kris Anderson


88700 Siskiwit Falls Rd

Cornucopia WI 54827

John Frederick

Mary Thomas


November Birthdays

2 - Marty Burkel

2 - Patty Carver

3 - Shirley Huusko

4 - Elizabeth Kramer

8 - Melinda Letnes

9 - Ryan Solberg

9 - Mary Thiel

9 - Jeff Wenz

13 - Christina Dobrovolny

16 - Diane Hall

17 - Gina Emily

17 - Opal Georgeson

17 - Pike Georgeson

20 - Jan Japs

21 - Jan Korpela

22 - Paul Ehlers

22 - Paul Lundberg

29 - Connie Monson