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Thursday, November 23, 2023

>>> Click here for this Sunday's bulletin <<<

A message from our Pastor and Teacher

November 26, 2023 - Reign of Christ ~ "When Changes Come, Christ is There"

What is this Reign? What is its purpose? Where will it be? What does a reign even mean to us in 21st century America? Does it have any relevance to us? Why should we even bother with it? Why do pastors always talk about it this time of year?

Sunday's Scripture:

Ephesians 1: 15-23 

Concerns / Prayers:

  • Karen Walsh fell and broke her arm. She's in a lot of pain. (11/16)
  • Dina and Chuck Zamaria have had COVID. Chuck is better; Dina is still testing positive. (11/16)
  • The Beardemphl family suffered the loss of Kraig's niece passing from life to Life. (11/2)
  • Nancy Ternasky, this year's AFHS's featured artist, is experiencing serious health concerns. (11/16)
  • Jim Sommer’s recovery from knee replacement surgery has been "bumpy" but headed in the right direction. Diana is having cataract surgery Monday. (11/16)
  • Steve Arth continues in his recovery from a broken hip (11/16)
  • We continue to hold in our prayers the people of Ukraine and the Middle East

Ongoing Concerns:

Karen & Daniella

Jerry Andrews

Scott Ault

Dave, brother of Johanna Ballard

Carla Becerril

Bill Buchanan

Cousin of Rick Cruz

Janet Edwards

Norma Erickson

Samantha Sanchez-French's father

Katia Hage

Mary Lou Haney

Beki Hill

Harriet Holt, Beki Hill's mother

Jenny, Sister of Jules Rattray

Amber McGuigan

Cynthia McGuigan

Pastor Elaine's nephew Michael and brother Dan

Floyd Orr

Ryan and Evan Paul

Dick Ault's brother-in-law, Charles Proctor

Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel, Maggie George and Maggie's siblings

Spencer, friend of Stacey Greene

Robert Silver

Arika Torres

Rosemary Tuohy


Office closed for Thanksgiving holidays

Reminder: The Church Office will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 23 and 24.

We need you!

If you missed out on turning in your covenant earlier this month, it's not too late! But sooner is better than later - it would help our planning for next year to know you're "in" and how you want to participate in the RUCC community. Here are a few tips to help get it done:

  • If you need a new booklet there are extras in the church office, or you can access one online
  • If you have questions, Pastor Elaine, your shepherd leader, or the board members are available to help.
  • If the covenant booklet feels daunting, you can just send an email to [email protected] and write out in your own language whatever you wish to say. You can even make a covenant verbally by just speaking with Pastor Elaine.

The point is, please don't let the process or the paperwork be a barrier to covenanting with RUCC for 2024. We're better with you in!

Special Congregational Meeting to vote on replacing the church roof

The board has called a short congregational meeting on Sunday, December 3, 2023, right after worship, to vote on this motion:

The board recommends a contract to replace the roof on the church building, at a cost not to exceed $100,000.

If you will not be there in person that day please vote using an absentee ballot so we are sure to have a quorum for the meeting and vote.

We will be able to cover this expense using the Building and Contingency Funds, which have a combined balance over $130,000. Note that this proposal does not include solar panels but does not hinder us in any way from adding panels later.

Racial Justice reflection of the week

On the World Day of Social Justice and ahead of the UNESCO World Conference: "Internet for Trust", Racismo MX and UNESCO Mexico launched a campaign #RevolucionaElAlgoritmo that calls to change algorithms, starting with the presentation of a video documentary entitled "Revolution vs. the algorithm", at the Digital Cultural Centre in Mexico City.


The documentary "Revolution vs. the algorithm" showed how different groups, identities, people, and bodies continue to be stigmatized by the way they are epresented in spaces and platforms that are used every day, such as internet search engines, while other groups are completely invisible, hindering the eradication of prejudices and inequalities.



From the Environmental Justice Team

LZ Granderson, concluding his recent Los Angeles Times opinion piece about the costs of climate change and the refusal of some politicians to seriously address the issue, says “I don’t know what all the strategies against climate change should be or where the money will come from. I do know it’s impossible to find answers with leaders who benefit from avoiding the problem.


Source: “The costs of climate change are falling on states that can’t afford them,” LZ Granderson, Los Angeles Times, 11/20/23:

Announcing two vacancies to be filled at RUCC

Redlands United Church of Christ is seeking candidates for the positions of Youth Director and Nursery Care Worker. The job postings are on the RUCC website. If you know someone who would be a good match for either of these positions, please ask them to apply. We hope to have both positions filled by the first of the year. Thanks for helping us with two important searches.

.......................~~ The Personnel Committee


Link to Job Openings

Sharing our blessings with Caring for Kin

In the month of November, we will be collecting food items for Steps4Life, which provides transitional housing to individuals and families in Redlands. Examples of items to donate include traditional holiday items (e.g., Stove Top Stuffing, canned yams) as well as items such as boxed milk, canned vegetables, oil, spices, coffee, sugar, and flour. Keep up the great work, RUCC!

Do you want to organize this year’s Christmas Eve tamale dinner?

We are looking for someone to coordinate volunteers and food preparation for the Christmas Eve tamale dinner this year. We have a few volunteers who are willing to lend a hand, but we are searching for a leader. If you are interested, please email Minori Tsukimoto at [email protected].

Responsibly Recycle Your E-Waste at RUCC!

Bring your old TVs, monitors, printers, DVD players, cameras, phones, and much more to the collection truck in the RUCC parking lot on Saturday, December 2 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.


RUCC will receive a percentage of the profits made from recycling basic materials.


For more details about acceptable items to recycle use this link: CLICK HERE

Calling all engineers (or wannabes- no experience necessary!)

Save the date, Saturday, December 9, because that’s when we will be building the gingerbread houses to be decorated by the kids the following day!

We’ll gather in Covenant Hall as close to 10 am as is achievable, and under the expert tutelage of Heidi Malone and Barb Lord, we’ll build houses that will make you wish you were 1” tall!

............................................................................ Hope to see you there!

Decorating supplies needed by December 10

It’s GINGERBREAD HOUSE making time! Please help us out by donating colorful decorations for the houses like:

  • Red vines
  • Froot Loops or similar cereal
  • Red hots
  • pretzels
  • Small candy canes and other small candies

Bring the goodies to the counter with the microwave in the kitchen. And THANKS so much!!

Gingerbread houses are coming to town December 10

Mark your calendars for December 10, because that’s when the Gingerbread houses are coming to our town! The Gingerbread engineers are working hard to produce the delicious bases for our kids’ masterpieces of design.

Kids, come to Covenant Hall after the service on December 10 get your house, grab a seat, and slather on the frosting to get started!


This year Wider Ministries has selected four recipients for Angel Tree donations. We’re starting Sunday, November 26. The Angel Tree, adorned with the giving envelopes, will be in the narthex, and the envelopes will also be available at the Scrip table.

Place your cash or check in the envelope and using the form on the outside of the envelope, indicate which group(s) you wish to support, and the amount of your donation.You may also make your donation on Realm. December 10 is the deadline for donations.

The four recipients include:

  • Family Services - This year Wider Ministries will shop with your monetary donations for a family of four: Mom, Dad, a one-year-old boy and a two-year-old girl. 
  • Village Elementary (Barb Lord’s School) is a very high poverty school. We have frequently had this group on our Angel Tree list, and Barb reports that your gifts make a significant difference to these families.
  •  Steps4Life, which provides transitional housing, is another familiar organization that certainly deserves our support to make the holidays brighter for these families.
  •  Afghan Refugee Families - We thank Cherie Rouse for bringing a group of Afghan refugees to our attention. These are people who helped U.S. Forces in opposition to the Taliban. They were forced to flee their homes, spent several years in exile, and finally were admitted to this country recently with virtually nothing. Basic necessities such as clothing and food will help them feel more secure and welcome in their new situation.

Wider Ministries hopes you will agree that these are four worthwhile candidates for the Angel Tree and urges you to be as generous as you are able. Drop your donation envelope in the offering plate or at the scrip table.


The Christmas Fund

The Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross is an annual UCC offering that expresses thanks to retired and active UCC pastors and lay church workers and their families, providing direct assistance to supplement pensions, medical insurance costs, and funds to meet emergency needs


This year's Christmas Fund theme is "Grace Upon Grace," from John 1:16: "From Christ's fullness we have all received grace upon grace."

Join with others in the United Church of Christ to return "grace upon grace" to those who have given so much to each of us and to our churches. You can donate to "The Christmas Fund" by making a note on the comment line of your check.



Save the date and your treasures. We'll be collecting them the week before the sale.

Questions? Want to be on the committee? See Pam Dunn, Kathie Blakley, or Claudia Tolar.

Making your holiday shopping easier, and helping RUCC at the same time!

Angel Tree Donations - The familiar red Angel Tree envelopes are available on the Angel Tree itself, as well as at the Scrip table. You may return your check or cash donation by dropping it off at the Scrip table or placing the envelope in the collection plate. You may also make your contribution on Realm--Click on "Giving" and scroll down until you find "Angel Tree."

Dazzle Days – From November 25 to December 8, there will be bonus rebate opportunities on physical and eGift cards for more than 75 brands. If you missed the eGift card bonuses during the recent Raise Days, take advantage of this next opportunity. Click here for a flyer with more information about Dazzle Days

About RaiseRight – When you purchase gift cards through the

RaiseRight program to pay for your day-to-day expenses or provide as gifts, RUCC receives a rebate that helps fund our missions. It’s an easy way to raise some money for RUCC. Hundreds of retailers participate, including grocery stores, gas stations, home improvement stores, department stores, online retailers, and much more. Please contact Jennifer and Pam at [email protected] if you need an enrollment link, need help setting up/accessing your online account or placing an order, have any questions, or want to learn more about the program. This video will give you an overview of how to get started.


Upcoming order dates for physical gift cards:

  • Order by Nov 27 – available for pick up Dec 3
  • Order by Dec 4 – available for pick up Dec 10
  • Order by Dec 11 – available for pick up Dec 17

Seekers to start new book December 3

Seekers will finish the current book this Sunday, and then resume meeting on December 3. They will begin with reading “Man’s Search for Meaning”  by Victor Frankl. 


Nan Root: Co-Leader/Facilitator

Johanna Ballard: Co-Leader/Communications

Book Group News - Meeting December 3

The RUCC Book Group will meet on December 3, after church at noon, in the Founders' Room. The book selection is "The Art Thief" by Michael Finkel. The discussion leader is Mark Leggett.

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  • November 23-24 - Thanksgiving Holiday - OFFICE CLOSED
  • December 2 - Sacred Saturday 9 a.m. - noon
  • December 2 - Electronics Recycling 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • December 3 - First Sunday of Advent
  • December 3 - Special Congregational meeting to vote on new roof
  • December 3 - Book Group at noon in the Founders' Room
  • December 10 - The Youth Group's Annual Christmas Pageant
  • February 10, 2024 - RUCC Rummage Sale

The church calendar is found at

Click on "calendar" in the red banner near the top of the page

This Week at Redlands United Church of Christ

Sunday, November 26

  • 9:15 a.m. Seekers
  • 9:30 a.m. - Kids' Zone
  • 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service
  • 11:30 p.m.- Fellowship time

Monday, November 27

Tuesday, November 28

Wednesday, November 29

  • Noon - Lunch Bunch with Pastor Elaine

Thursday, November 30

Friday, December 1

  • 7:00 p.m. Closed women's AA meeting

Saturday, December 2

  • 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. -- Electronics Recyling Drive
  • 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sacred Saturday

Sunday, December 3 - First Sunday of Advent

  • 9:15 a.m. Seekers
  • 9:30 a.m. - Kids' Zone
  • 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service
  • 11:30 a.m. - Brief Congretational Meeting
  • 11:30 p.m.- Fellowship time

RUCC Staff

Interim Pastor: Rev. Elaine Schoepf

Honorary Minister of Arts and Worship:  Rev. Erin Beardemphl

Music Director: David Wells

Associate Music Director: Sophia Ohanian

Children's Education Director: Susi Jacobsen

Director of Youth Ministries: Vacant

Office and Property Manager: Veronica Bermudez

Child Care: Joette Orman



Phone: 909-793-3520


Staff and Other Emails

[email protected]

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