Greetings, from Mexico!

Last Mission Trip for 2023

November 3-5, 2023

$139/Adult $109/Minor

 You are Qualified!

Please forward this email to a friend!

You're always one decision away from a totally different life! Looking for peace and fulfillment? Maybe healing from a life event? Going through a 12 step program? Need different scenery? Has GOD nudged you to do this? This may be your answer. Serving others is great therapy. We guarantee you will love this experience! A vacation with PURPOSE! Over 15,000 people can attest! GREAT FOR SMALL GROUPS & CR groups!

God is ready to use you. Are you ready?

QUESTIONS? Text 480.231.1940



Our mission has always been to help those in need with the hope that is found in Jesus. Through the willingness of individuals like yourself, who give of their time and resources, we are able to meet basic needs that we take for granted.

For 20 years, we have been building relationships with churches in the Rocky Point area, constructing and renovating church buildings, hosting medical clinics, visiting and praying for those in the rehab shelters, listening to the stories of the hopeless and forgotten and providing laughter and fun to children through pancake breakfasts, crafts and games! 

This trip we are installing styrofoam insulation and drywall, along with children's ministries!

You are QUALIFIED to be part of this mission trip by attending the November 3-5 trip! 

For only $139 (kids are $109) you can make a difference in countless lives in Rocky Point!

Please come alongside as we serve others in practical ways by building church buildings in the community, have fun with the kids, and build relationships within the community

Mission Villa Granada has rooms that sleep up to 4 people, each room has a private bathroom w/shower, HVAC, hot water and tempurpedic mattresses. Amenities include an outdoor swimming pool, hot tub, pool table, foosball, and outdoor courtyards.

Arrive Friday by 4 PM at Mission Villa Granada. If you need round trip transportation, there is an option when signing up for the trip.


5 pm Community tour of Bario

7 pm Hot Dinner

8 pm Group Meeting


7:30 am Hot Breakfast

8 am Pastor Devotional

8:45 am Head out to Service Project

1 pm Lunch at Villa Granada

2-4 pm (Rehab Visit for First timers)

4-7 pm Free time-relax, beach, shopping

7 pm Dinner-Carne Asada Tacos

8 pm Group meeting


8 am Continental Breakfast

Free time, attend a local church

Depart at your discretion

Facebook pages:

Weekend Missions-Mexico

Mission Villa Granada

If you have put off stepping out in faith, maybe it's time to go! God is working BIG in Rocky Point, go and see it playing out. If God is nudging you to go, don't ignore the nudge! It's human nature to hesitate, and it's satan's job to create doubt, but God's work does not stop or hesitate. Once you're on a trip serving God, all of a sudden you sense that this is the best vacation there is! Put all the doubts away and sign up today. Weekend CLICK HERE

If you've never been on a mission trip before, this is the perfect opportunity to get your feet wet, serving a community in Mexico just 4 hours from Phoenix! Even if you've been involved in missions before, we'd love for you to join us as we serve the community of Rocky Point.



If you have been on a mission trip with us before, you are qualified to stay at our Lodge anytime for the ridiculously LOW PRICE of $49/night per room. Many rooms sleep 4 persons. Price goes to $69/night after January 1. 2024.

Click here to make a reservation: Lodging Reservation


Help Wanted: Landscaper, Repair/Maintenance & Facilities person to work on-site at Mission Villa Granada 2-3 days per week. Send contact info to

Sign-up for Trip
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