November 3rd, 2024

We stream our sermon LIVE Sundays @ 10:00am.

Please click here to watch online.

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Community of Grace!



Please click here to submit prayer requests, praises, newcomer information, or update your contact information.

Community of Grace

WORSHIP: It’s More Than You Think


Worship – A posture of the heart that recognizes the presence and _____________ of God and ascribing __________ to Him.

Praise – an _____________ of admiration and ___________ as an act of worship.

Why do we praise?

1. We praise God _____________________.

2. We praise God because _________________________.

3. We praise God because _________________________.

What are the benefits of praise?

1. Praise puts us in the position to claim the ____________ of God.

2. God ____________ in our praises.

3. Praise is a ____________________________.

Verse of the Week

“The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.”  Isaiah 29:13

Ministry News

Prayer Ministry | Sundays @ 8:30am

Join us in corporate prayer on Sunday mornings. It's a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community, united in worship and purpose. Let's lift our voices and hearts together, embracing the power of collective prayer. We look forward to seeing you there and sharing this time with you via Zoom from 8:00 am - 8:30 am. Click on the Zoom link here. Meeting ID: 598 261 804, Passcode: 053343. If you have questions, email Kathleen Chandler.

Guys Grub Group | 3rd Wednesdays @ 12pm

Guys Grub Group-GGG is starting back up on 11/20. It's a great time to get together and just chat and hang out over lunch. Different restaurants are chosen each month. Please reach out to Bob Cale @ 303-378-1903 or to join and get details!

Students of Grace | Wednesdays @ 6:30pm

New series starts this Wednesday! Have you ever found a playlist that felt like it was made exactly for you? When we connect with a song or playlist, we play the songs on repeat because we never get tired of hearing them; and when Jesus taught his followers what it looked like to live for him, he wants us to have that same feeling too. In this 4-week series from the book of Mark, we'll take a look at how we can make loving like Jesus, a daily part of our lives. Jesus shows us that listening, loving others, caring for their needs, and offering encouragement are worth repeating! Join us Wednesday evenings at the Light House! For more info, please reach out to Pastor J.

Children's Ministry | Sundays @ 10:00am

We have a fun new series starting today! Superheroes aren't heroic only when they feel like it—they're brave each and every day. The best heroes can even inspire the people around them to be brave, faithful, and hopeful in their own lives, too. In this 4-week series, kids will learn more about what it looks like to see God as the hero of our story as they hear the story of Ruth and Naomi. They'll see how God gives them companions, opportunities, boldness, and hope so they can be heroes, too. Join us. Sundays @ 10am in the Light House!

Women's Bible Study

A new women's Bible study starts Friday, November 29th where we will be studying Kirsten Hart's Chat Christmas. This will be a Zoom-only, four-week, different topic of discussion, "chat time," so if you miss a week you will not be behind. This study is designed to get to know each other as we concentrate on celebrating Thanksgiving and the birth of our Lord. Please contact Judy Cale for details and to get zoom link.

COG Ministries List

Did you know that we have over 16 ministries here at COG? We also have a few more on our ‘wish list’ and are looking for new leaders! To get a list of our current and ‘wish list’ ministries, please reach out to Holly Vogel.


Coming up

Women’s Christmas Craft: November 9th | 1pm

Join the Women of Grace for a Christmas Craft Afternoon! Nickie Rodriguez will guide participants in creating a festive decoration for their home while we enjoy light snacks and a brief devotional in the Worship Center lobby.

Annual Chili Cook-off: November 10th | 5pm-6:30pm

Join us for our 2024 ‘Great Bowls of Fire’ Chili and Mac & Cheese Cook-off! This is a very fun event where we enjoy food and get to meet new friends and enjoy the old ones. Sign up to bring Chili, Mac & Cheese, crackers or a dessert at the Get Connected table!

Aspire Women’s Conference: November 16th | 5:30pm

The Aspire Women's Conference is an evening full of laughter, learning, stories and music! Cost is $30. If you would like to meet the speaker, comedian, and worship leader ahead of the scheduled program the cost will be $40 and start time is at 5:30pm. Carpooling is available, leaving COG at 4:30pm. Cost is reduced by $5 with 10 or more ladies attending. Sign up at the Get Connected table.

Christmas Secret Sisters Gift Exchange: Starts Dec 8th

 Sign up at the Get Connected table to participate. Dates will be from December 8 thru 29. With a lunch get-together to find out who your Secret Sister is after service on the 29th.

Facility Manager Position 

We are looking for a facility manager to take care of the cleaning and minor maintenance needs around our campus. This is a part-time position that starts on January 1, 2025. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Pastor Joel or Pastor Chris.


Weekly Ministries

Student Ministry: Wednesday nights, 6:30pm. South Building. See Pastor J.

Men: Tuesdays @ 6am. Pastor Joel at 720-231-1838. Studying through Luke.

Women: Fridays @ 9:30am. Contact Judy Cale for more info.

RightNow Media

Text Registration Code - Text "COMMUNITY" to 49775

Giving 10/27/2024

Last Week: 6,661

Weekly Budget: $10,345

Year To Date Giving: $401,295

Year To Date Budget: $434,490

Below are the ways that you can contribute your tithes and offerings to the church.

  • Write a check to the church.
  • Bill Pay through your banking institution.
  • You can give securely online: Online Giving


Joel Bundick – Senior Pastor

Chris Hart – Associate Pastor

J. LloydPastor of Youth and Discipleship

Samantha Sloan - Children's Director


David Finton – Worship Pastor

Rhonda Mott – Finance Administrator

Holly Vogel – Marketing & Office Manager

John Carroll – Media Director

Carol Bryan - Facilities Manager

303-522-2293 (Text)


Joel Bundick        720-231-1838

Bob Cale              303-378-190

Roger Chandler 303-766-9058

Ben Durkee         303-720-4464

Joe Eichenseer  720-280-9966

Kevin Fisher       316-218-2583

Tom King             303-506-5551

Tom Wager         605-769-0255

Bob and Judy Cale: Sunday, 8:30 am


Jim and Carol Bryan: Tuesday, 5:30 pm


Steve and Cris Veteto: Tuesday, 6:30 pm


Joel and Catherine Bundick: Tuesday, 7:00 pm


Roger and Kathleen Chandler: Wednesday, 6:00 pm


Chris and Melanie Hart: Thursday, 7:00 pm


4343 S. Flanders St.

Centennial, CO 80015


Community of Grace Website

Hours of Business:

Sunday: 8am-12pm

Mon-Thurs: 9am-4pm

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