Join Us This Weekend!
"See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them as their God; they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away." Revelation 21:3-4
The propers for this Sunday's worship are listed below,
the Hon. Ronald Reisner will be speaking on Sunday.

Join us for Worship This Weekend

Saturday, November 6th
Rite I Holy Eucharist

Sunday, November 7th
Rite I Holy Eucharist

Sunday, November 7th
Rite II Holy Eucharist with Children's Chapel

You can also participate by phone: 
Thank You for Stuffing the Truck for Thanksgiving!

Through your generosity, and with the help of a fantastic group of volunteers, we were able to beat our goal of 100 Thanksgiving meals! We collected 105 bags of food for Lunch Break! A huge thank you to everyone who contributed and a special thanks to Cindy Sagosz and her volunteers: Pat Locke, Suellen Sims, Wayne and Mary Johnson, Barry and Judy McCabe, Coni Lefferts, Beth Sherrard, Deb Schmidt and of course Al Sagosz! It is easy to be Together for Joy when we are helping our neighbors!
A huge THANK YOU to all of our parishioners who were able to participate in October’s Family Promise of Monmouth County drive for meals and gift cards! In all, we had 20 St. George’s parishioners and a team from our support church, Rumson Presbyterian, who generated 32 gift cards and 100 frozen dinners for the families in the program. 
These gifts make a real difference in the lives of parents and children who are working hard to recapture a stable and independent life for their families. In addition to the dinners ensuring nourishment at the end of every day, the gift cards provide the families a means to acquire basic living necessities, transportation to work, and other everyday needs. 
Our next Family Promise host rotation will be March 2022. I hope many of you will be able take advantage of this opportunity to participate in a critically important ministry that fights to combat family homelessness, and in the end is an investment in the welfare of God’s children.
Together For Joy
Watch your mailbox this week for the latest mailing in this year's Stewardship Campaign, "Together for Joy!" This mailing includes more information about the campaign and a Pledge Certificate. We hope that you will prayerfully consider supporting St. George's in 2022. The stewardship campaign continues through November 21st when our pledges will be blessed at worship.

Please join us for worship, either in person or online to hear our guest preachers share their own stories of the impact of St. George's in their families lives.

  • November 6th/7th – Ronald Reisner
  • November 13th/14th – Carole Rogers

I invite you to join us on these dates to hear their inspiring messages!

Our “Together for Joy” web page is now live: Here you will be able to find the latest information, along with videos and letters, including Matt Smith's sermon from October 31st, 2021. Check it out! 
Yours in Christ,

A Canterbury Christmas Sale

Save the date for the first Annual Canterbury Christmas Sale on Saturday, Dec 4th from 10:00-4:00 and Sunday, Dec 5th following both services until noon.

We now have gorgeous designer gowns (worn once) to be listed and sold (very soon) through Poshmark. Stay tuned for those details.
There will be live evergreen centerpieces designed by our very own Genie Flinn! On Saturday, December 4th (close to Noon) we will feature a choral group from Rumson Fair Haven High School who will be delighting us with Christmas Carols while you shop!

Recently donated collectibles, jewelry, vintage pieces and other treasures!
Wait until you see how we have “UPCYCLED” these items for our Christmas Sale!

In addition, there will be brand new items including, soaps, candles, wine, Baked Goods, Christmas decorations, even a Florentine mirror being sold at Ethan Allen for their sale price of $1100.00! 

Cutest of all, A Children’s Corner where your child has an opportunity to purchase a gift for a loved one. And, the St. George’s Elves will be happy to wrap the chosen gift.
Donate wine? Bake Christmas Cookies? Donate your gently used items? Help with set-up and staffing?

All proceeds to benefit St. George’s by the River so please help us to “blow out the Christmas lights with this first-ever Canterbury Christmas Sale.”

QUESTIONS? Please call:
Jill Gemmel (732-804-9044) Daren Hutchinson (732-241-7185) or Kathy Welch (216-272-7722)
As announced last week, St. George’s Buildings and Grounds Committee has come up with a new approach to tackling some of our smaller B&G projects. We are calling it “Parish Workday”, and it will be an opportunity for parishioners to lend a hand here at St. George’s. If a project doesn’t need professional skills, Buildings and Grounds will put out a call for Parish Workday volunteers via the usual channels, namely the Dragon Pause email and Service Bulletins. 

Our first Parish Workday project will tackle needed lawn maintenance in the close. It will consist of spreading topsoil, seeding and fertilizing many of the bare sections of the church lawn.

We still have need for volunteers, so if your schedule permits and you’d like to help out, or if you have questions, please e-mail Doug Raynor at [email protected]

Project details:
• When – Saturday morning, November 6, 9:30AM
• Who – We are looking for 6 parishioners able to bring a shovel and rake.
• Other Needs – 3-4 wheelbarrows
• Project Duration - ~ 2 hours
Thanks for considering and looking forward to a rewarding first Parish Workday.
Our Ministries Matter:
Food for Friends
The Food for Friends Committee provides meals to parishioners for a number of reasons: to those who are home recuperating after surgery, for someone chronically ill or undergoing treatment, for someone who is unable to leave the house, or for someone experiencing food insecurity. The meals provided should meet the dietary restrictions of the recipient but don’t need to be homecooked. At a time when some are homebound, this important ministry provides a strong sense of community and connection.
If you are interested in joining Food for Friends, please contact clergy or please click here to email Carole Rogers.
Women's Bible Study: Rebekah
Our discussion of Rebekah continues on Friday morning in the Library and online! Join us as we learn about a woman who Abraham requested to be his son’s Issac’s wife.
Please join us online or in person Friday mornings for the story of Rebekah, a wife, a daughter-in-law and a woman who is said to be a “resourceful trickster”!


Zoom information:

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Living Discipleship: Practicing Our Faith
In the midst of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is nestled one of the most beautiful prayers in the Christian tradition. Paul is writing to his disciples, his students, those who have joined him on the path of following Jesus and who are learning how to live in the light of Christ’s love.To these early Christians, Paul writes,“I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power for us who believe, according to the working of his great power” (Ephesians 1:17-19).

This prayer, written nearly 2,000 years ago, resonates through the ages. Now, perhaps more than ever, what the Church needs, is to know “the hope to which God has called us...the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints...the immeasurable greatness of his power for us who believe.”
These three things represent the content of the Christian faith: the hope of God proclaimed to us in the Bible, the witness of the saints from ages past, and the great power God offers to each of us to live out our lives of faith here and now.

These ideas cannot be grasped in a single moment but must be learned and absorbed and made real through a lifetime of discipleship.They are not facts to memorize but realities to encounter and experience.

We can, as a Church and as individuals, live more deeply into the reality for which Paul so fervently prays. Spiritual formation for all ages—adults, youth, and children—is one way we can seek the spirit of wisdom and revelation that God offers. Living Discipleship: Practicing Our Faith offers a survey of the basic beliefs and practices of the Episcopal Church, focused especially on The Book of Common Prayer and our liturgical and sacramental traditions.These beliefs and practices remind us that we are the inheritors of the immeasurable greatness of God’s power that transforms each of us and strengthens us to serve the world in Christ’s name. In practicing our faith, we learn how to live as disciples, not merely one day a week but every day of the week.

Join us Sundays (beginning September 26th) in person in the Library starting at 9:30am, or via Zoom, login information below.
Living Discipleship: Practicing Our Faith
Time: Sunday's at 9:30am

Join Zoom Meeting

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    +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 863 2691 3833
Passcode: 303921
Junior & Senior High Youth Parish Project - Month of November
For the month of November, St. George's Junior and Senior High Youth Groups will be providing leaf clean-up services to parishioners in need of assistance. 

Please sign up here:,
and we will match your registration with a member of our Youth Group. The parishioner and youth will work together on a mutually convenient work date/time.
Junior/Senior High Youth Group Friendsgiving Potluck Tuesday, 11/16 6:30pm - 8:00pm (RSVP Required)
We would love for Junior and Senior Youth Groupers to join us on Tuesday, November 16th from 6:30-8:00 for a Friendsgiving potluck dinner!
Please RSVP by signing up the item they will bring using this link (to avoid having a meal consisting of 50 pounds of mashed!
Below are the things to know about the week ahead for Youth and Family programs, as well as save the date information for upcoming events and activities.  

Please read all the way through so you do not miss any opportunities for your family to participate in the St. George's youth ministries we have to offer.  

If you have any questions about any of the information below, please don't hesitate to contact me at any time!

Important Reminders:

Every Sunday (unless otherwise noted - Church School 9:30am-10:20am
As the weather has gotten a bit cooler, we will now be meeting inside (masks required). 

Classrooms Weather are as follows: 
  • Pre-K-3rd Grade - will meet in the large classroom upstairs
  • 4th-5th Grade - will meet in Kije's office (upstairs)
  • 6th-8th Grade - will meet in Jeff's office (off Ralph Hall)

Every Sunday (unless otherwise noted) Children's Chapel 10:30am
Children will begin worship in the church nave with their parents. Following the opening hymn and prayers, the children will then process to Ralph Hall for their own worship service led by Jeff or Kije. They will rejoin their parents, and the worshiping community, at the Peace/Announcements for celebration of Communion.

Church School Teachers Needed!
Please consider being a Church School Teacher! Deep theological knowledge not needed! If you have a desire to walk with our young people as they explore questions of faith, please sign up using the links below, and/or reach out to me if you have questions.

PreK-3rd Grade -
4th - 5th Grade -

Save The Date: 

1. Confirmation Class Session 2 Sunday Option, 11/14/21 10:30am-11:20am Class will be held in the Library.

2. Confirmation Class Session 2 Wednesday Option, 11/17/21 4:30pm-5:20pm Class will be held in Kije's office.

If you have any questions about any of the information above, please don't hesitate to contact me at any time.

Nicole Houston
Youth and Family Minister
Canterbury Art Show…
a Tapestry of the Arts

On behalf of the art show committee, it is my great pleasure to provide the post show report to our parish. First, I want to thank the committee for their talents and dedication. As an observer, you probably witnessed the high level of organization and team work. Let me share how each committee member contributed.

Beth Sherrard, Vice-chair - Formstack, Artist Liaison, Constant Contact, Registration, and Website Coordinator, Program Layout 
Maggie Raynor, Vice-chair - Treasurer, Database and Sign-up Administrator
Terry Blake – Artists-at-Work Chair
Leslie Tuthill – Catering Chair
Prue Turnamian – St. George’s Publicity Chair
Pat Locke – Benefactor & Program Adv. Chair
Dianne Zeigler – Social Media Chair
Carole Rogers – Art from Artists Chair
Jill Broderick – Artist Liaison
Mary Jane Suruda – Art Guide Coordinator
Lisa Gilmour – Volunteer Greeter
Paula Jordan – Volunteer Greeter
Kim Warman – Grid and Art Layout
Kathy Welch – Recording Secretary
Gather together the above group of powerful, effective people, along with the parish of St. George’s, and success is guaranteed. 

As a group we want to thank all of the volunteers of St. George’s for their time and efforts:
• Extra hands to clear the art show areas, move and set up the grids. The help in taking the grids down, moving them back into the Rectory basement and re-staging the nursery, choir room and Ralph Hall.
• The group of power volunteers to stage the outside areas and anything else we needed.
• The extra people to assist artists to move in and pick up their artwork.
• The cashiers, the greeters, the art guides and the photographer.
 We hope you enjoyed yourself as much as we appreciated your help.

We also want to thank all of the special contributors who made the art show so much more – The Jurors: Laury Egan, Tom Lulevitch, and Blake Reuter; Connie Gryczka for the architectural tours; Guaranteed Nurseries; Mary Embrey and Barbara Reed for the very special church floral arrangements; and, the ad journal advertisers. Most importantly, we want to thank the Benefactors for their generous support and contributions. The art show committee wants to recognize the dedication from our clergy and staff and all the parishioners of St. George’s-by-the-River for their support of the art show. We collectively want to thank all the talented artists who participated and the patrons who came to see the Canterbury Art Show.

This year, for the first time, due to the restrictions of COVID, the Friday night reception with food and beverage was totally in the Close. The outside reception allowed us to add a raw bar. The evening of visiting with friends under the tent and stars with the melodic background music from the quartet of saxophones was magical. 

Bottom line…how did you do? 
As the primary exhibition and sale of art in Monmouth County, we had 732 pieces of artwork on display from 74 artists in the Juried, Non-Juried Original, Non-Juried Large Art, Non-Juried Unframed Matted Original or Prints, and Non-Juried Dimensional art show segments. The collective inventory value of artwork was $220,620.  We sold 121 pieces of fantastic artwork. The Art from Artists segment brought in an additional $905 in drawing tickets. The program/journal brought in an additional $2,580 of revenue from advertising. Total gross income, which includes art sales, benefactor donations, artist participation, reception and entrance fees, journal sales, Art from Artists, and miscellaneous items was $53,705 with a net income of over $28,000! 

Besides sales revenue, the art show inspired the visit of 459 people over the 4-day event. Many of the visitors were artists, their friends, art collectors, our neighbors and the community.  

We are proud of the Canterbury Art Show and its contribution to St. George’s-by-the-River and our many Outreach ministries and missions.      

Coni Lefferts, Chairman
Ruby Thornton, the Ultimate Caregiver, and one who cared for Tom and Linda Mallan for years, is looking for work. She lives in Tinton Falls and will drive to a destination locally - she does not drive on the parkway. Ruby is available to work 3-4 days a week for four hour stretches; 9am - 1pm or 10am - 2pm. She can do light housekeeping, grocery shopping or meal fixing. For those of you who may know Ruby, she is the kind of a caregiver for which we would all be very thankful for taking care of our parents or relatives. Ruby is kind, patient and a wonderful, Christian woman. She can be reached at 908-461-4461.
St. George's by the River |