November 2022
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District 4 Officers  
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.

Jeanne Gehret

Betsy Cutler

Bill Bauer

Pat Civale 

Joann Glasson 
President's Message
NAP District Finals
I want to congratulate our many members that registered and played in the North American Pairs (NAP) District 4 finals in October.  Winning pairs will receive a stipend to help defray expenses when they travel to the Spring NABC in New Orleans to represent District 4 in the National NAP events.  Well done folks!
Flight C Winners:
      1      Carole Campbell & Jerry Flurry
      2      Linda Schelke & Charles Schelke
3/4   Nicholas Nelson & Tara Holter
3/4   Lori Vanderlinde & Mac Beckwith
Flight B Winners:
      1      Rola Cotran & Marilyn Smith
      2      Lawrence Kidder & Gene Marks
      3      Thomas Kriz & Philip Geibel
      4      Frank Morgan & Mike Kohler
Flight A Winners:
      1      Martin de Bruin & David Hoffner
      2      Louis Glasthal & Jay Apfelbaum
      3      Albert Bingaman & Barry Gorski

Lancaster Regional Tournament
It’s here!  At last, after a 2-year hiatus, the Lancaster Regional is underway (Oct 31-Nov 6).  There’s still time to join us, and I hope you will.  It’s friendly, it’s fun, and it happens in the fall.  Don’t miss out!
More details are available at
Until next month,
I welcome your comments or suggestions (
From the District Director 
The first regional tournament that I remember attending was in 1976 in Philadelphia. I’m not sure that I knew the difference between a spade and a club at the time, but a girlfriend suggested we give it a go and off we went.     I still remember a hand from that first tournament. We sat down against two young men and the auction went.

First Young Man    My Partner          Second Young Man           Me
1 ♠                            Pass                      1 NT                                    2 ♦
6 ♥                            Pass                      7 ♠                                       Double
Pass                          Pass                     Pass

How could they possibly make a grand slam when I held two Aces and two Kings?  
I later found out that these two young men were expert players. One was Peter Weglarski and I don’t remember the name of the other young man.

Here's the whole deal:
I was hooked on the game forever…

Last weekend, I played in the Allentown Sectional and had a wonderful time meeting the players from that area and this past week, I went to the Rehoboth Beach Sectional and had a terrific time laughing, playing and socializing with bridge players.

I was reminded of how much I missed face-to-face bridge during the pandemic. I am looking forward to the Lancaster Regional that begins on October 31. I hope I get to see you there. Bridge players are so much fun!!
Always happy to hear from you –
District 4 Schedule

December 16-18
Oct 31-November 6
November 14-24

For a full year D4 calendar, click here.
For the D4 virtual club calendar, click here
For a 2022 event schedule, click here

Our Monthly Feature
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
Marti's having a busy month. Instead of For Novices Only, we are returning to Larry with a problem from a friend.

by Larry Cohen

3C by RHO - P -P - 3NT by partner - P by RHO. Do you, as partner of the 3NT bidder, play transfers? Read what Larry says about Notrump overcalls.
Master Solvers Club
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi

After reading this latest installment from nick and his team, my new mantra is Blame the Cowboys. Find out why here.
Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online here.
D4 Member Saul Teukolsky had his 15 minutes of fame in a recent Jeopardy question. Congrats, Saul! (I looked up the answer and it's quite a mouthful.)
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans
Unit 112 had an active tournament schedule in October with a well-attended Sectional in Rochester attracting 70% of pre-COVID attendance. Special kudos to Rola Cotran who achieved Life Master and Bronze Life Master status playing in the Rochester Sectional. The efforts of the Rochester tournament chairs and key volunteers are greatly appreciated.  
Unit 112 hosted one of the two NAP B finals and our players excelled. Rola Cotran and Marilyn Smith won first place overall. Lawrence Kidder and Gene Marks were second and Phil Geibel was part of the third place pair.  
The NAP results from the two Unit 112 sites hosting Flight C events will be reported next month. Special thanks to the NAP host sites! 
Face-to-face bridge continues to grow.
Unit 112 Congratulates Its Advancing Players!

Junior Master
Jeffrey Bowen, Ithaca
Carol Irby, Canandaigua
Peter Schwerzman, Watertown

Club Master
Amalia Dannenbrink, Canandaigua
Martha King, Elmira

Sectional Master
Nancy Bircher, Rochester
Zungsing Chang, Horseheads

Regional Master
Richard Goldman, Pittsford
Martha Lasley, Newfield
Life Master and Bronze Life Master
Rola Cotran, Sarasota, Fl
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania 
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!!

We have a new Junior Master to recognize this month! Please give a virtual standing ovation to:

Rosemary D Oloffson of Stroudsburg, PA


We lost a good friend and frequent player at the tables.  Jean Olcese passed away October 21, 2022.  She will be sadly missed by all.

Beth Rosenthal sent an announcement by email regarding this year's holiday party date and time. She will be holding the event at the Appletree Terrace in Dallas, PA on Sunday December 18 at 1:00 PM. It has always been a wonderful annual event of food and bridge. Mark your calendars, grab your partners and Beth will send all details by email soon. Hope to see you there.

Ever wonder how Popcorn Balls were created?? Me too!!

Typically served seasonally from October through Christmas, popcorn balls are sticky, sweet, and a bit salty — perfect as a nostalgic autumn treat or for playing an impromptu game of cards (if you so desire). The popcorn ball is an American classic, though its popularity is said to have peaked sometime from the early-to-mid 20th century. Although not as popular now as it was in the by-gone days of 1950s trick-or-treating, the popcorn ball is still an old-fashioned, easy-to-make snack. The recipe is just popcorn, corn syrup, sugar, salt, vanilla extract, and butter formed into a sticky sphere (via Karo).

According to a folktale, popcorn balls were not the creation of human hands but were instead the result of a freak weather event. The story goes that at one point during the late nineteenth century, Nebraska was undergoing what is known as the "Year of the Striped Weather," a period where intense sunshine and tremendous rain could occur simultaneously. On one Midwestern farm, the strange weather conditions supposedly had a surprising effect on the fields of corn and the hills of sugarcane being grown.
The intense, "scorching sunshine" supposedly caused the fields of corn to literally pop into fluffy, white kernels, while the constant downpour "washed the syrup out of the sugarcane." The watery syrup coated with the freshly-popped corn, creating balls as the mixture slid downhill. Some of these popcorn balls even grew to be "hundreds of feet high," according to the legend. Perhaps most unbelievable of all, the story also claims that "grasshoppers ate them all up in one day."
And now we know......Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

Hope to see you all at the virtual and/or face to face bridge tables!!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery 
Carl Ziegler
Unit 121's Al Bingamin partnered with Barry Gorski and placed in the District 4 Pairs competition. Next stop is the national pairs competition in New Orleans. Congratulations Al and Barry and Good Luck!
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley 
Lois Fuini
As we enjoy our beautiful fall weather, we look forward to the Thanksgiving celebrations we are planning with family and friends. And, we think of the many things we are thankful for. Unit 133 thanks you for your participation at our games, tournaments, and special events. We are grateful for everything you do for our unit and for one another.
                         Happy Thanksgiving!

We are saddened to report the passing of three 
of our members. They will be missed by all 
the people who knew and cared for them.

Julia Brooks
Julia Brooks, who died at the age of 84, on Monday, September 26, 2022, was a past President of Lehigh Valley Bridge Association from 2008-2009 She was born in Romania, came to the United States as an eleven-year-old and quickly adapted to and appreciated her new home. 

She married Richard D. Brooks during the middle of her college years, and after having two children, went to Cedar Crest College to complete her degree. She taught mathematics and chemistry at the Swain School, and mathematics at Emmaus High School. She joined Air Products and Chemicals in 1976 and worked there until retiring in 1997.
Julia was active as a community volunteer, for the East Penn School District, the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Lehigh Valley, the Allentown YWCA, the Lehigh Valley Chamber Orchestra and founded the Friends of the Emmaus Public Library.

After the death of her husband Richard in 2016, she met Dr. Ken Haruta and they were married at the end of 2019. She and her husbands enjoyed traveling, sailing, reading, hiking, and playing bridge.

Anne F. Cornfeld
Anne F. Cornfeld, 99, of Allentown, passed away in her home on October 13, 2022. Born in Nanticoke, PA, she was the wife of the late Harold Cornfeld. Anne was a member of Congregation B'rith Sholom, Bethlehem.

Anne was also a member of the American Contract Bridge League for many years. She played with a number of partners, most recently at Lehigh Valley Active Life, Allentown. Anne not only enjoyed the competitive spirit of the game, but also the social aspect, often saying it was the highlight of her day.

Survivors: Son, Jay Cornfeld and his wife, Karleen; Daughter, Pam Walker and her husband, Philip; Grandson, Austin Quaid Walker.

Winifred T. Pearsall
Winifred T. Pearsall, 99, of Forks Township, died Thursday, October 13, 2022 in her home. Born March 15, 1923 in Evanston, Illinois, she grew up in New Canaan, CT and moved to Easton in 1957.

Over the years, she served on the board of the Easton Children's Home and taught synchronized and Red Cross swimming at Easton High and the Third Street Alliance. Her interests included tennis, Tai Chi, skiing, water exercise, crossword puzzles and bridge.

She was a member of College Hill Presbyterian Church and a member of the American Contract Bridge League. She is survived by two daughters, four sons,13 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

New Rank Achievements 
New Junior Master
Steven Berman

Congratulations to Tom Kriz and Phil Geibel who finished 3rd and to Mike Kohler and Frank(Chip) Morgan who finished 4th in the flight B NAP District 4 finals. Both pairs qualified for a trip to play in the finals in New Orleans in March.

November, 2022 STaC Games
WHERE: Lehigh Valley Active Life 
                 Bethlehem Bridge Club
WHEN:   Monday, November 14
                 Bethlehem Bridge Club-10am
                 Lehigh Valley Active Life-12:30pm
                Wednesday. November 16
                Bethlehem Bridge Club-10am
                Friday, November 18
                Lehigh Valley Active Life-1230pm
WHY: STaC games provide players the opportunity to earn silver points at the club level. Increase your silver point count in a comfortable atmosphere with no additional travel time or expense.
COST: $7 per person(unit paying the extra costs)
REFRESHMENTS: Free bagged snacks and water/soda will be provided.
MORE INFORMATION: If you have additional questions, please email: 
                  Betsy Cutler at  
                  or Lois Fuini at

Annual Meeting and Holiday Party
Where: Lehigh Country Club 
              2319 South Cedar Crest Blvd.
              Allentown PA 18103
When:   November 13, 2022
                12:00pm   Social and Cash Bar.     
              12:30pm   Dinner and Meeting
               2:00pm    Bridge Games (Open/NLM)
Fee:       $20 per person 
How do I make a reservation?
1.   Mail checks (payable to LVBA) to:
         Bryan Snapp
         4658 Parkview Drive S.
         Emmaus PA 18049 -1212
2.   Pay by cash or check (payable to LVBA) at club games.
If you have questions please email:  Mimi Lengel at 

In Memoriam Games 
Sunday, December 11, 2022
The In Memoriam Games are scheduled for December 11th at  Lehigh Valley Active Life at 12:30pm.
Please join us to recognize the members of Unit 133 who have passed away in the past year. We will celebrate their lives and achievements by playing two charity games of duplicate bridge in their honor. Proceeds from the games will benefit active older adults at Lehigh Valley Active Life.
Please join us at one of these games:
●     0-500 NLM game
●     Open game    
Unit 141: Philadelphia 
Jay Apfelbaum
Cherry Hill Sectional Report

We thank Bernadette Hennessey May for the terrific job she did hosting and chairing our fall Sectional Tournament. A terrific site with plenty of room along with lots of free parking made for a great experience. She recruited many volunteers (even her mother). They made everything look easy. A wonderful and well-run tournament. Nothing is certain, but (personally) I expect we will return to her club for more tournaments. If you missed it, you lost out on a terrific weekend.


Our Unit will be sponsoring another Sectional Tournament January 6-8, 2023. More details will follow, but this important announcement is because Unit 141 will be electing a new Unit Board of Directors at that tournament. Here are the details:

First, any paid-up member of Unit 141 is eligible to run for the Board. We need volunteers! There are eleven positions on the Board. To run, just inform our Unit Secretary, April Apfelbaum, that you want to run. Send her an e-mail with your name and ACBL member number to It would be great to name the e-mail “Bridge Nomination” to make her job a little easier. That is all there is to it!

The deadline for nominations is December 1, 2022. If there are eleven or fewer self-nominations, the results will be announced in the January 2023 District 4-Spot. If there are more than eleven self-nominations, each nominee will be asked to supply a short bio. These bios will be published for Unit 141 members to study before voting during the tournament.

New Members
Harry E Anderson
Avery W Andracavage
Stacy Cannon
Mary Ann Gorman
Robert Gorman
Adelaide L Lennon
Sebastian D Mahh
Margaret A Monaco
Susan W Peck
Leslie T Scheid
Calen N Shah
Ella S Shah
Denise J Silvers
Sam Silvers
Allan Struzinski
Lauren A Wang
Emilia W Wu

Junior Masters
Bruce L Neff
Maria V Palumbo
William Tannery

Club Masters
Henry Goldring
Rumen I Lazarov
Judith A Schwartz

Sectional Masters
Karen Bareiss
Gloria Z Barnett
Elizabeth O'Connell

Regional Masters
Patricia McCann
Michael M Meistering
John Nothdurft

NABC Master
Sherry L Scena

Life Master
Rebecca Matthias

Silver Life Masters
Bruce M Gorman
Milind M Vaze
Rex Saffer

Gold Life Masters
Mark A Bolotin
Kevin S Fay
Ernest S Gore

Diamond Life Master
Estelle Ronderos
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania 
Russell Poppleton
Random Thoughts:

  • The first bottle of Coca-Cola back in 1894 contained about 3.5 grams of cocaine.  That explains how my grandparents walked to school, uphill both ways, in the snow, barefoot.
  • Working at an unemployment office has to be a tense job... knowing that if you get fired you will still be back the next day.
  • Marriage is a relationship where one person is always right and the other person is the husband.
  • News Headline - Local man addicted to brake fluid says he can stop anytime.

Congratulations to the following for progressing up the ACBL ladder:

Carol Schintz 
Cecelia Tauber

David Schuster
 Thomas D. Singer 

Linda Rice
Michael L. Zimmerman

J. Scott Zanger
Marilyn S. Zanger 
Jeffrey S Osman
Sally A. Patterson

Jack Thorp

South Central PA continues to host virtual games; see the website for a complete virtual schedule.  Games are held on a daily basis.

Unit 168 member Ben Hawn recently participated in a bridge podcast.  The podcast lasts about 22 minutes and can be found here.

The Harrisburg Bridge Club (HBC) will be hosting its monthly Swiss Team game on Wednesday, November 16. Both a 0-750 and an open game are scheduled. Game time is at 6:30 pm with food available at 5:45. Advance registration is requested to plan for sufficient food.  See the HBC website, for full details and COVID protocols. 

The HBC annual meeting will be held at 11:00 on Dec 10.  The meeting will be followed by lunch and bridge.  All HBC members are invited to attend.

The West Shore Invitational Bridge Club closed its doors on Oct 22 for the final time.  Lunch and bridge resulted in fun afternoon with John and Selena Swanson taking first place in the final game.  Thanks to Tony McBeth and his group of volunteers for keeping this game alive for so long dating back to the 70's when it was played at the Navy Officer's Club. How appropriate for John Swanson, a career Naval Officer, to win the final game.

Points to ponder:
  • You open 1 of a minor. LHO passes and your partner bids 2 of a major, a weak jump shift.  If you now bid 2NT, what is it?  Is it to play or are you asking partner to describe their hand further?  Make sure you and your partner are in agreement.
  • I went to the house I grew up in and asked if I could look around.  They said no and slammed the door.  My parents can be so rude.
Unit 190: Delaware 
Tammy Holm and Paula Varrassi
Delaware Clubs with In-Person Games
The Bridge Studio of Delaware, Wilmington
Harold Jordon

MOT, Middletown
Cheryl Shields

Monday Morning Bridge Club
Friday Nooners
Clare O’Brien

Shore Bridge
Monday @ 12:30
Wednesday @ 9:30
Anna DeLapo

Dave Treadwell Sectional
December 16-18
Bridge Studio, Wilmington

New Sectional Master
Joseph Pecht
New Advanced NABC Master
Silicia DeBellis
New Gold Life Master
David Venetianer
Unit 217: Susquehanna 
Jim McKeown
Check back next month for Unit 217 news.
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4Spot | November 2022 | Editor: Susan Morse