We hope you are finding lots of tricks and golden treats at the Lancaster Regional at Spooky Nook! This month, you can give thanks for a number of sectionals, STaC week (Nov. 18-24), and, of course, the fall National in San Fran, starting Nov. 28. And be sure to congratulate our NAP winners, pictured below, who will represent our district in Columbus, Ohio this spring. Well done!
Many in our District have had good reason to thank Wendy de Chadarevian for all she has given to bridge. Now, she can use our support. Please scroll down for a flyer about an upcoming fundraiser in honor of Wendy to be held on Dec. 8.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact your District 4 board members.
Meyer Kotkin
Dave Kresge
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
Congratulations, and well done, to the 11 pairs who recently qualified to represent District 4 (D4) in the North American Pairs Championships (NAP) Finals in Columbus starting March 19, 2020. The NAP is a true "grassroots" competition as players first have to qualify at club games from June through August in order to play in the D4 NAP finals for the coveted right to represent D4 in the National Finals and pick up a nice stipend on the way. The 11.5 table four-session Flight A (no Masterpoint [MP] limit) final was held on Oct 5 - 6 ; the 56.5 table two-session Flight C (less than 500MP) final was also held on Oct 5; and the 28.5 table two-session Flight B (less than 2,500MP) final was held on Oct 12.
Flight A
Flight B
Flight C
First Place
Art Korth (U141)
Andy Kaufman (U141)
$1,400 Stipend
Lawrence Kidder (U112)
Laura Krauss (U112)
$600 Stipend
Frank Feng (U141)
Michael Xiong (U141)
$1,400 Stipend
Second Place
Martin de Bruin (U141)
David Hoffner (U141)
$600 Stipend
Andrew Rosenberg (U141)
Wayne Rosenberger (U141)
$1,400 Stipend
Ellen Luchette (U121)
Lila Gleitman (U121)
$600 Stipend
Third Place
Jay Apfelbaum (U141)
Dan Boye (U112)
$400 Stipend
Mike Kohler (U133)
Guinevere Ritter (U133)
$400 Stipend
Benjamin Eckerson (U168)
Michael Mendelson (U168)
$400 Stipend
Fourth Place
Only the top 3 finishers in Flight A qualify for the National Final
Tom Henson (U120)
Carole McCallum (U120)
$200 Stipend
Michael Haas (U141)
Brandon Fong (U141)
$200 Stipend
A special shout out to Michael Haas (U141) and Brandon Fong (U141), two up and coming young players. I believe Michael is about 10 years old and Brandon may be 11 or 12. That is young - I have socks older than those two young men combined. They not only play well, their ethics and deportment at the table are exemplary. Michael and Brandon were able to take advantage of D4's unique (at least in the ACBL) policy that allows all full time students to play in D4 Regionals, NAP and Grand National Teams (GNT) for free. While it is tough to get young people in to the game, if they want to play, D4 will try to make it easier for them to afford to play.
Some of you are saying to yourselves, there goes Meyer drinking and making typos. Second place in B got a larger award than first in B? Yeah, when in doubt, assume I made a mistake but here I am correct. Laura (U112) and Laurence (U112) got the first place MP award of 22.5 Gold but Wayne (U141) and Andrew (U141) got the $1,400 stipend because there were 21 tables at North Penn and only 7.5 tables in Johnson City. The D4 NAP Conditions of Contest mandate this stipend distribution when one site had more than 12 tables and the other site had less than 12 tables.
Thanks to Dr. John Dickenson (U141), the D4 NAP and GNT Coordinator for a great job and growing this Grassroots competition.
As this is the time of the year for being thankful and giving thanks, I want to say thank you to all the volunteers in D4 - both at the District and Unit levels. The District and Units continue to survive and run successful events only because of your efforts. I want you to know I not only appreciate all that you do, but as long as I am President, I've got your backs. Someone gives you trouble, I will bring down the wrath of my office upon them. I have a full arsenal at my disposal, and I will not tolerate even the slightest abuse of D4 volunteers.
At the September Wilmington (U190) Sectional, I met the new hospitality chair, Debbie Schenkel (U190). What a delightful and nice person as well as being incredibly efficient and competent. She put out quite a spread, including a full lunch, and had a smile on her face the whole time. Then, along comes Player X, complaining loudly that nobody in D4 cares about his special diet. I took Player X aside and went through the standard explanation that we are not a restaurant and we can't cater to every diet under the sun. "But my diet is so easy to accommodate," says Player X. I ask him to volunteer to be on Debbie's team but Player X didn't have the time and didn't know what days he would attend the tournament. I suggested Player X bring his own food and even told him I brought my own food (my doctors do not want me to eat healthy food for fear they won't be able to pay their country club dues) but he said that was too much bother. Now, my dear friend Corey Krantz (formerly U141, now D9) is trying me to convince me that inner peace comes from understanding the troubles of others. I asked about his dietary requirements and Player X told me that he can only eat food that had been fermented for 72 hours in the dung piles of Tibetan Monkeys, then carried by Unionized Sherpas to Shanghai where the fermented food is shipped to a packaging plant in the basement of a brothel in Hoboken, NJ. When I went to the brothel to purchase food for Player X, it turned out that the monkeys were constipated and the Sherpas were on strike against General Motors. As the D4 chick magnet I was very uncomfortable in the basement of a brothel with nothing to do. Fortunately, some of the employees there needed help with their College Calculus classes so I spent some time helping them with their homework. Still, I have no inner peace about this and upon returning home, I tried my approach with Player X. I don't think he will be complaining again.
As we give thanks for all the good things we have, let us remember in our thoughts, prayers and deeds, those in our bridge community who are ill and/or fallen upon hard times. Wendy de Chadarevian (U141) is suffering from a life threatening, debilitating illness. Wendy has given her life to bridge, not only as owner of Raffles Bridge Club but as a U141 and D4 volunteer. When I first became chair of U141 Sectionals, there was no job Wendy wouldn't do to make the tournament a success. When I became chair of the Philadelphia Regional, she said to me just tell her where to be, when to be there and what to do. Wendy's medical bills are onerous and she needs our help. I ask all of you to Save the Date of Dec 8, 2019 when Wendy's friends will be running a fund-raising brunch and charity game. See below for more information on games and lectures that will be raffled off from the top bridge players in D4 and across the country, as well as how you can contribute.
On this 65th anniversary of Veteran's Day, let's all give thanks to D4 players and their families who are serving or have served in the US Armed Forces. To D4's active soldiers and veterans and their families, I offer the words of GEN (RET) Peter Pace:
There are those who speak to you who say, he lost an arm, he lost a leg, she lost her sight. I object. You gave your arm, you gave your leg, you gave your sight as gifts to your nation so that we might live in freedom. Thank you. And to your families, families of the fallen and wounded, you've sacrificed in ways that those of us who have not walked in your shoes can only imagine.
As always, I welcome all comments and suggestions on any D4 matters and issues. My e-mail is guymath@comcast.net and my cell is 856.986.5109
From the District Director
I just returned from Chicago where I spent the weekend working with four other ACBL members restructuring a plan to reduce the size of the ACBL Board of Directors. The Task Force was headed by David Lodge from District 22 (Southern California). Other members of the Task Force are A.J. Stephani from District 11 (Ohio), Jay Whipple from District 9 (Florida) and Margot Hennings from District 6 (Washington DC).
The current ACBL Board of Directors is composed of 25 representatives from 25 different geographic areas in the United States and Canada. When you have twenty-five people trying to come to a meeting of the minds, it is an incredibly difficult process. The Board also spends a great deal of time on bridge-related issues that could and should be done by outside committees and management.
Numerous studies show that the optimal size for problem-solving teams is about six people. When there are seven or more people in a decision-making group, each additional
member reduces decision effectiveness by about 10 percent.
Our task was to find a way to reduce the board in size while honoring the knowledge and service of our existing board members and assuring that all the functions currently being performed will be performed by the appropriate committees.
We started by reviewing all the different suggestions and plans that have been proposed to reduce the ACBL board over the last twenty years before brainstorming what we might suggest that would be different enough to make the ACBL board both more efficient and also improve board focus on the big issues that are paramount.
After two days of meetings we agreed upon a plan that will reduce the size of the
ACBL board from 25 to 13 members. This will be accomplished by combining
adjoining districts that will logically be joined into 13 Regions. The existing Districts
will remain intact so there will be no changes to District Treasuries, NAP or GNT
events, but the combined Regions will send one representative to the Regional Board.
Under the plan, District 4 will be combined with District 3 and instead of two
District Directors, there will be one Regional Director representing the area.
We felt it was not in the best interest of the organization to make a drastic change in the
size of the ACBL Board. Our current Board has a wealth of knowledge and experience
that should be honored, so we have made the reduction in the ACBL Board on a
gradual basis, providing for sitting directors to finish the balance of their term and
serve an additional three year term during the transition.
Although financial reasons were not the impetus for the restructure, there will be a
savings of more than $100K a year when the transition is complete.
The next step in the process is to bring a motion to the Board of Directors in San
Francisco for their vote. Since the restructuring requires changes to the by-laws, we will
need a two-thirds majority to begin the transition.
I am confident that our Board of Directors will put personal interest aside and support
this much needed change.
Nov. 8
Nov. 9
Nov. 11
Nov. 16-17
Dec. 14
Dec. 20
Dec. 27-31
Our Monthly Feature
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center
by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
Marti proves that bridge brings a glow to even the most primitive surroundings!
Bridge by Candlelight
As we start to think about Winter, memories of past Winters emerge. Wait till I tell you about this one. My husband Gary and I run 4- and 5-day bridge seminars at various resorts. Over Halloween week several years ago we were doing a week at Warwick Center in New York State. This was right smack dab in the path of that year's early blizzard. (Remember that?) This was our first time at this location, and we were anticipating a great time. The facility has roots going back to the 1920-30s, and looked charming.
Everything was fine Sunday when we and our 36 participants checked in. Sunday night we lost some power to the bedroom wings of the resort, but all was still well. Monday, things started to get exciting. We lost all power in the entire resort. The power company promised we'd have all our modern conveniences back by evening but they lied. And they lied the next day, and the next one, too.
I had no idea bridge players were so tough. Of the original 36, 24 people wouldn't go home. The folks running the resort, Arlene and Ken, were very resourceful. Not only did they manage the feat of having hot meals three times a day for us (how they did this is still a complete mystery to me), but they found a local hotel that still had power. They bused us there in the evenings so we could sleep in warmth and have hot water, but our days were spent at the resort teaching and playing bridge.
Picture this: The bridge room had a big fireplace at one end, and we had a roaring fire going all day. Unfortunately, it provided more ambience than heat. In the morning, we moved all the tables to the east side of the room to get what little daylight came in. Afternoons, the process was reversed and tables were shifted to the west side.
Each day, people were offered the opportunity to go home and every day they voted to stay. We played bridge in coats and mittens. We could see our breath. There were fat candles on each table to provide light. Bridge by candlelight? Hardly romantic!
Gary and I held our breath each morning, praying they would vote to go home. Nope. They wouldn't leave. I had trouble holding the marker for the white board because my hands were so cold. Shuffling was an ordeal. Words froze on my lips on their way out. But those players wouldn't go home. All I can say is they come from much sturdier stock than I do. I was ready to leave Monday morning.
And now the confession... as much as I complained about the conditions, I can't think of a week where I had more fun. Our "hardships" brought us together, the people were simply a hoot and morale couldn't have been higher, and Arlene and Ken managed to make our travails seem minor (mostly with big bottles of wine). One evening is unforgettable. They had scheduled a pianist to play for us. Picture the roaring fireplace, candles everywhere, the most glorious music... and the audience bundled in winter coats and mittens.
Everyone was so eager to learn more about our game that the cold and dark were no obstacles to pleasure. While I wouldn't want to do it again, it will go down as one of the best weeks I've ever had. And I'll never take hot water or electric light for granted again. I have learned tho' that we can survive without them. Briefly.
Master Solvers Club
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
The honors may not be where you want them, but you can't control the deal. Can partner fill in your weak spots? How do you explore? See what our
Master Solvers suggest. As usual, there is apparently no one right answer!
Sunday, December 8, 2019
11:30 am
Charity Game - Extra Points
Silent Auction - Lessons with Elite Pros
Carl Berenbaum
Shannon Cappelletti
Arnie Fisher
Joann Glasson
Bob Glasson
Bobbie Gomer
Corey Krantz
Meyer Kotkin
Marty Rabinowitz
Rick Rowland
Please sign up ASAP
(card fee $40/pair)
Proceeds go to Wendy's Care
Please consider making a donation if you can't attend.
Checks can be made out to Wendy de Chadarevian and sent to Raffles at 3901 Conshohocken Ave. Greenbriar Club Apartments. Philadelphia PA 19131
Congratulations to Our NAP Winners!
Flight A
Art Korth and Andy Kaufman
Flight B
Johnson City, NY
Lawrence Kidder and Laura
Flight B
North Wales, PA
Andy Rosenberg and Wayne Rosenberger
Flight C
Michael Xiong
Frank Feng
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Unit 112 Congratulates its Advancing Players!
Junior Masters
Richard Ellison, Syracuse
Loring Hannah, Alpine
Martha Hannah, Alpine
Meg Matlock, Pittsford
Julia McAndrew, Fairport
Holly Nielsen, Rochester
Anthony Saba, Rochester
Club Masters
Mary Sheila Ayres, Delhi
John Brown, Delray Beach, FL
Susan Brown, Delray Beach, FL
Carol Burger, Oneonta
Michael Huss, Whitesboro
Mark Kinnan, Syracuse
Sectional Masters
Lorraine Baker, Penfield
Cathy Dayan, Penfield
Janice Guenther, Oneonta
Annmarie Kinnan, Syracuse
Jacqueline La Penna, Syracuse
Janice Meyer-Volpe, Pittsford
Jean Rabson, Fairport
Janet Winfield, Elmira
Regional Masters
Mary Helen Cathles, Lansing
Wayne Decker, Andes
Darlene McDade, Hilton
Robert McKinnon, Elmira
Fares Nassar, Ithaca
Dr Marcy Rosenkrantz, Ithaca
Marilyn Smith, Syracuse
NABC Masters
Judy Farris, Canandaigua
Mary Seeman, Pittsford
William Wooster, Fairport
RM Clark, Dansville
Judith Jack, Boca Grande, FL
Dr Padmanabh Kamath, Rochester
Diana Smith, Fairport
NABC Masters
James Ertel, Canandaigua
Denise Slatterly, Caledonia
Bronze Life Masters
RM Clark, Dansville
Silver Life Masters
Margery Edwards, Thonotosassa,FL
Gene Marks, Ithaca
Ruby Life Master
Philip Geibel, Durhamville
Bobbie Smith, Barneveld
Sapphire Life Master
Val Jakubowitch, Townsend, DE
Duncan Jones, Newark
Diamond Life Master
Sally Hill,Webster
Note to players
- when you advance your rank check your email from our secretary (sandjack) for a free play!
Mohawk Valley Bridge Assoc: 10/1 8T - 70.87% -
**Betty Youmans and Richard Hartz**
Club Directors Please email me games over 70%
Join us for our Unit 112 last sectional of the year
Finger Lakes Sectional
Health & Senior Services Bldg - 2465 Bonadent Drive, Suite 4
Waterloo, New York
Tournament Information - Mary Miller - 585-746-9478 OR Jim Carroll - 315-406-1711
November 16
- Stratified Open Pairs (2 Sessions*) 10:30 & 3:00
Stratified NLM/499 Pairs (2 Sessions*) 10:30 and 3:00
*Pairs can opt to play a single morning or afternoon session
Sunday November 17 - Stratified Open Swiss Teams 10:30 Play Through
Stratified by Average - A 1500+ B 500-1500 C 0 - 500
Stratified NLM/499er Swiss Teams One Session 10:30
(a second session may be added if there are at least 3 teams wishing to play)
Congratulations to our October Sectional Winners
Rochester Fall Sectional Winners
Open Pairs
17.5 tables / Based on 29 tables
Flight AB&C 1
Michael Breen - R Clark - Dansville
Flight 2nd Jerome Weiss, Penfield - Michael Carney - Pittsford 59.01%
Flight B 2nd Lynne Ackerman, Pittsford - Mary Miller, Canandaigua 54.77%
Flight C 2nd Denise Wernette - Mike Rudnick, Pittsford 54.00%
499er Pairs Sat
- 9 tables
Flight AB&C 1
David Latart - AlanBergerson, Rochester
Flight A & B 2nd Swing Harre, Rochester - Kathleen Kingston, Fairport 57.20%
Flight C 1st Judith Peterson - David Peterson, Rochester 56.16%
Flight C 2nd John Cullen - Joyce Lindley, Rochester 49.40%
Sunday Open Swiss Teams
- 16 Tables
Flight A 1
Jerome Weiss, Penfield - Sally Hill,Webster
John D'Errico, Alton - Gary DeWitt,Williamson
2nd Sam Maitra - Roger Woodin, Rochester
Douglas Ross, Pittsford - David Hunt, East Rochester
Flight B 1st Lynne Ackerman - Dolores Toohey, Pittsford
Richard Hurd, Freeville - Ornit Grossman, Ithaca
Flight C 1st Bill Hettrick, Conesus - Patricia Connell,Livonia
Lawrence Abate, Williamsville - Denise Slattery, Caledonia
Sunday 499er Swiss Teams
- 11 Tables
Flight A & B 1
Barbara Shapiro, Fairport - Lisa Rowland, Rochester
Thea Steinberger - Suzanne Seller, Pittsford
2nd Susan Randall, Chocton - Toni Conaway, Perry
George Isgrigg - MarySeeman, Pittsford
Flight C 1st Kathleen Toole, Rocheter - Donna Montgomery,Fairport
Nandini Joshi, Fairport - Debra Maier, Pittsford
Endwell Sectional Winners
AM Open Pairs
5.5 Tables/Based on 9 Tables
Flight A 1
Harry Nuckols - Mary Poplawski, Vestal 69.27%
2nd Leo Birmingham,Whitney Point - Irving Memis, Vestal 59.90%
Flight B 1st Dorothy Erney - Stanley Erney , Endwell 58.33%
2nd Janelle Tauer, Ithaca - Susan Manning, Hector 52.60%
Gregory Liebner, Vestal - Frank Cole, Apalachin 52.60%
PM Open Pairs
7 Tables
Flight A 1
Harry Nuckols - Mary Poplawski -Vestal 64.29%
2nd Leo Birmingham,Whitney Point - Irving Memis, Vestal 61.01%
Flight B&C 1st Dee Derosa, Syracuse - Jon Davidson, Cazenovia 60.42%
2nd Angela Sykes, Endicott - Linda Fields, Painted Post 55.06%
199er Pairs Sat Morning
- 5 tables
Flight A& B 1
Nancy Pille - Richard Pille - Binghamton
2nd Mirella Dell'osa-Capoda, Endicott - Kathryn Frech, Johnson Ciy 60.00%
Sunday Open Swiss Teams
- 9 Tables
Flight A 1
Mary Poplawski - Harry Nuckols, Vestal
Courtenay Footman - Lawrence Kidder - Ithaca
2nd Daniel Boye, Syracuse - Barry Passer, Newfield
Roselyn Teukulsky - Saul Teukulsky, Ithaca
Flight B 1st Brion Keller - Ellen Keller, Binghamton
Frank Cole, Apalachin - Gregory Liebner, Vestal
2nd Eileen Schuchman, Chenango Bridge - Sharon Steinberg, Vestal
Janice Wolfe, Oxford - Roger Monaco, McDonough
Flight C Kenneth Lane - Lois Lane, Horseheads
Anne Field, Horseheads - Cathie Gunselman, Big Flats
Good Luck to all of our players going to the Regional in Lancaster
See you in Waterloo at the Finger Lakes Sectional in November
Play in a District 4 STaC Game at your local clubs!
Snowbirds are leaving to warmer climates; check our our website and visit some local games in your area. Closer games may be across state borders.
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Hello Unit 120!
Wahoo's and Hoot Hoot's go out to the following outstanding Rank Achievements for October.
New NABC Masters
Begona Kowet of Lords Valley
Marie M Lewis of Dallas
Larry I Taren of Dallas
Victoria B Tarleton of Bear Creek Twp
New Club Masters:
David W Frischholz of Hawley
Kenneth W Lloyd of Scranton
Michael Salitsky of Scott Township
New Junior Master:
Mary Dockeray of Shavertown
Unit 120 sectional
was held at the Quality Inn October 4, 5 and 6. Following are Unit 120 members and top rankings:
Friday afternoon
1 David Meyer and Marlene Meyer of Scranton
1 W Burns III, E Stroudsburg and Carole McCallum, Newfoundland
1 Mary Ellen Petcavage, Bear Creek Twp and Barbara Musnuff, Dallas
Saturday morning
1 George Mansour, Scranton and Bill Orth, Sugarloaf
Saturday afternoon
2 David Meyer and Marlene Meyer of Scranton
3 1 David Wessel and Karen Wessel of Clarks Summit
4/6 Stephen Tillman, Shavertown and Sara Eisner, Scranton
4/6 2/3 Sue Kluger, Kingston and Ellen Preece, Dallas
Sunday Swiss teams
1 David Meyer, Marlene Meyer, Sara Eisner and Stephen Tillman
NAP Flight B
was held in Johnson City, NY on October 12 and Unit 120 members had the following rankings:
#4 Tom Henson, Towanda and Carole McCallum, Newfoundland
#14 W Burns III, E Stroudsburg and Bill Orth, Sugarloaf
Standing Ovation to all of you!!!
You probably are not aware that writer and editor Sarah Josepha Hale
convinced President Abraham Lincoln to officially declare Thanksgiving a national holiday that recurred every year after years of persistent lobbying. Hale also founded the American Ladies Magazine, which promoted women's issues long before suffrage. She wrote countless articles and letters to persuade the president to recognize the holiday federally, which she believed could help unify the Northern and Southern states amid gathering tensions and divisions. Hale kept at it, even after the Civil War broke out, and Lincoln actually wrote the proclamation just a week after her last letter in 1863. So, in 1863, expressing gratitude for a pivotal Union Army victory at Gettysburg, President Abraham Lincoln announced that the nation would celebrate an official Thanksgiving holiday on November 26, 1863.
You all know Sarah Josepha Hale, however. As I mentioned, she was a writer and editor and first published in 1823. One of her most well know children's poems, published in 1830, was originally titled "Mary's Lamb," which of course today is better known as "Mary had a little lamb."
So why do we historically eat turkey on Thanksgiving?? Simply because turkey is a native North American bird that was readily available back then and large enough to serve plenty of guests. Interesting!!
May you all enjoy a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving with friends and loved ones.
See you at the bridge tables!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Brian C Snyder
Unit 121 now offers four 0-500 games every week. They are on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 12:30, Friday morning at 10:15, and Saturday morning at 10:00. All of these games are at Sacred Heart Villa.
Our next 0-500 Sectional will be held on Friday December 20, 2019. CLICK HERE for more information.
Sue Wessner will host a bridge cruise November 9-20, 2020.
CLICK HERE for more information.
Congratulations to the following on their advancement in the ACBL Masterpoint Ranks:
New Sectional Master - Susan Hildebrand
New Regional Masters - Shirley Lutz, Gilbert Deleeuw
New NABC Masters - Beth Jasinski, Joseph Kovach
Lois Fuini
Happy Thanksgiving!
As the leaves change color and begin to fall, our thoughts turn to Thanksgiving celebrations with family and friends -- and to the many things we are thankful for. Unit 133 thanks you for your participation at our games, tournaments and special events. We are grateful for everything you do for our unit and for one another. Happy Thanksgiving!
New Rank Achievements
New Junior Masters
Curtis McDowell
Thomas Sumter
New Club Master
Karen Guido
New Sectional Master
Patty Fosselman
New Regional Master
Sandy Sorensen
November STaC Games
Please join us for an exciting opportunity to play for
Silver Points right at our own home club.
Monday, November 18th
Lehigh Valley Active Life - 0-100 game and 0-500 game at 12:30pm
Thursday, November 21st
Lehigh Valley Active Life - 0-300 game
at 12:30pm
Friday November 22nd
Lehigh Valley Active Life - Invitational Game at 12:30pm
Mentor/Mentee Swiss Teams
Thursday, October 3, 2019
10 teams participated in the Mentor/Mentee Swiss Teams Game at Lehigh Valley Active Life in Allentown. We are very pleased that so many of our Mentors helped our Mentees enjoy the experience of Swiss Teams.
Thanks to Mike Kohler for organizing this event and Mimi Lengel for the hospitality.
Betty Abrams, Janet Imdorf, Florence Futcher, and Quentin Patterson
In Memoriam Game
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The In Memoriam Game is scheduled for 1p.m. at Lehigh Valley Active Life in Allentown. Please join us to recognize the members of Unit 133 who have passed away in the last year. We will celebrate their lives and achievements by playing a charity game of bridge in their honor. Family and friends are invited to join us to share special memories of their loved ones. Proceeds from the game will benefit active older adults at Lehigh Valley Active Life.
For the past 20 years, this Special Event has been facilitated by former Unit 133 President, Julie Brooks. This will be her last year managing the In Memoriam Game and we would like to sincerely thank her for her extensive contributions to the game of bridge, to Unit 133, and to our community. Julie is not only being recognized by Unit 133, but also by District 4 for her dedication to supporting various charities through special events and grant writing. Thanks Julie! The Unit 133 board will be selecting a board member to continue Julie's efforts.
North American Pairs Qualifiers
Unit 133 members Gwen Ritter and Mike Kohler qualified third in the North American pairs, flight B, for District 4. They will receive a small stipend and complimentary card fees in the competition at the Spring NABC in Columbus, Ohio. Congratulations! Unit 133 is proud you will be representing us in Columbus.
Unit 133 Fall Sectional
Thanks to everyone who participated in our tournament. Whether you attended for the competition, the silver points, or the camaraderie, we hope you all left happy. Special thanks to Pat Saeger and her committee, Betty Abrams, Barbara Berk, Betsy Cutler, Barbara Dopera, Lois Fuini, Mimi Lengel, Karen Myers, and Mary Jo Stofflet, for all their efforts organizing and implementing this event. Thanks to Mary Ann Sharpless, Partnership Chair, for finding partners for the pairs events and teams for the Swiss events.
Am Open - Tom Kriz and Walt Bell
Am NLM - Lauren Dougherty and Maribeth Fryman
Pm Open - Karin and Stan Yellin
Pm NLM - Gail Kirrstetter and Craig Bailey
Am Open - Ellis and Vicky Sokoloff
Am NLM - Craig Bailey and Gilbert DeLeeuw
Pm Open - John Dickenson and Walt Bell
Pm NLM - Kathleen and Stephen Riepenhoff
Swiss Open - Jim Kenny, Marie Bond, Arup and Bagisa Mukherjee
Swiss NLM - Cecily Myers, Sunny Kline, Gretchen Reed, and Jan Morganthau
Upcoming Events
- Annual Dinner - Open and NLM Pairs - Sunday, November 10 at Brookside Country Club at 12 noon
- November STaC Games - Monday 21, Thursday 22, and Friday 23 at LVAL at 12:30pm
- In Memoriam - Open and NLM Pairs - Sunday, December 8 at LVAL at 1pm
Annual Meeting and Dinner
Sunday, November 10, 2019
: Brookside Country Club
901 Willow Lane, Macungie PA
: Sunday, November 10, 2019
12:00 PM Social and Cash Bar
12:30 PM Dinner and Meeting
2:00 PM Bridge Games (Open and NLM)
: $25 per person (by October 30th)
How do I make a reservation?
Mail checks (payable to LVBA) to Mimi Lengel, 1460 Fox Ridge,
Easton, PA 18040
Pay by cash or check (payable to LVBA) at club games.
If you have questions please email:
By the time you read this, our October sectional will have come and gone, but as I am writing this, it is just about to take place. Thanks to everyone who came out and made it a big success (he said hopefully). Thanks to Donna Morgen, Bob Cole, John Dickenson, Meyer and Josh Kotkin and anyone else who helped with logistics and setup.
Special thanks to Bernadette Hennessy May of the South Jersey Bridge Club for being such a great host. If something went wrong, blame me and not her!
Congratulations to new Grand Life Master Marty Rabinowitz. He just got edged out for youngest Grand Life Master by the Grossacks.
We have 2 NEW LIFE MASTERS this month. Congratulations to Michael Minoff of Cherry Hill and Demry Sibson of Wayne.
Other folks moving up in the ACBL ranking world:
New Diamond Life Masters (5000 points) -- John Dickenson and Peter Kyper
New Sapphire Life Master (3500 points) -- John Schwartz
New Ruby Life Master (1,500 points) -- David Rose
New Silver Life Master (1,000 points) -- Julie Hough
New Bronze Life Masters (750 points) -- Art Fischman, Judith Kersun, and James Koss
New Advanced NABC Masters (300 points) -- Richard Godshall, Sherri Lampert and Dianne Meyer
New NABC Masters (200 points) -- Michael Haas, Marjorie Hamilton-Baer and Jill Powell
New Regional Masters (100 points) -- Dudley Beggs, Diane Bricker, James Dowling, Suzanne Goldman, Anne Jacobs, Judy Kaplan, Maureen Luke, Peggy Michaud, John Mojta, and George D Woodbury
New Sectional Masters (50 points) -- Cheryl Berman, Alan Kaplan, Diana Kramer, Martina Martin, John Matera, Nancy Padula, John Roberts, Margaret Stabert, and Leslie Wildstein
New Club Masters (20 points) -- Maryann Altland, Sally Bellwoar, Linda Lehn, Becky Levinson, Regina Matczak, and Dolores McGowan
New Junior Masters (5 points) -- Don Adams, Marilouise Berdow, Genevieve Brogdon, Christina Carter, Karen Cerefice, Eleanor Davis, Joanne Duffy, Michael Duffy, Martin Greitzer, Janet Izzo, Joe Manko, Sue Ellen Masty, Dianne McCarthy, Tara Patel, Anne Pearl, Barbara Peoples, and James Smartt
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
to these Unit 168 members on their new masterpoint
rank achievements:
Sectional Master:
Tony Zettlemoyer
Regional Master:
Donna Smoker, Neil Treeby
Life Master:
Janice Leuenberger
News From Harrisburg Bridge Club:
We welcome November with the unveiling of a new and improved bridge club, featuring all new vinyl tile flooring and carpeting, fresh paint on the walls and woodwork, and a whole host of extra point games with hospitality.
- Tuesday, November 5, 12:15pm (Open and 0-750 sections): Member Appreciation Game (Club members play for FREE)
- Friday, November 8: NLM/750 MP Sectional
- Wednesday, November 13: Wine and Cheese game
- Week of November 18-24: STaC Week - Silver Points!
- Wednesday, November 20: Monthly Swiss Teams (Open and 0-1000 sections)
- Sunday, November 24: 2-Session Pairs event - 11:30am - FREE to all ACBL Unit 168 Members!
***Includes lunch between sessions
***Unit Annual Meeting between sessions
Junior and Senior Mentor Games, which require pre-registration, will be announced by email - be on the lookout!
Finally, the HBC will be closed for Thanksgiving, reopening Mon. December 2.
Open to one and all. Lunch catered by Mazzela's.
Sunday December 8
"Mangiamo Italiano"
at the Bridge Studio
Stratified Pairs with E'delzioso Pasta & Insalata. Reservations Suggested
Eleanor M. Chase, Zelva A. Devine, Pamela Folz, Sandra Karg, Joseph E. Pecht, Margaret D. Runde, and Wendy A. Tilles
Joan Glazerman
Burt Modispaugh and Yvonne R. Watson
Diane D. Gordy
Lynne M. Brooks, Robert M. Haas and Bill Watkins
Caroline C. Hughes and John B. Strange
Steve Chen and Suzi Steffenhagen
Top Unit 190 masterpoint winners
1. 24.78 Andrew Stayton
2. 20.35 Robert Taylor
3. 20.35 Anne Taylor
4. 20.03 Eliezer Solomon
5. 16.07 Terry Patton
6. 12.37 Jeff Ruben
7. 9.59 Nancy Steele
8. 9.59 Jane Myers
9. 9.57 Francis Bizzocco
10. 9.46 Trina Williams
11. 9.21 Dorothy Hand
12. 8.95 Gail Levy
Thief Eli Solomon
Wanted for stealing silver from the Rehoboth Beach Sectional
Alert! He is known to be dangerous and crafty.
Top Unit 190 masterpoint winners
1. 20.23 Rick Rowland
2. 16.55 Jeff Ruben
3. 9.73 Prem Premakumar
4. 8.44 Andrew Stayton
5. 6.53 Robert Taylor
6. 6.53 Anne Taylor
7. 6.19 Richard Popper
8. 3.79 Trina Williams
9. 3.79 Susan Derrickson
10. 3.79 Patricia Brown
11. 3.79 Gail Levy
12. 3.64 Caroline Hughes
Mr. October - Beer Card Winner Bill Herdle
Next Beer Card Event on Monday November 4th
For news and results from around Unit 190, check out the Unit 190 website and click on the links below:
Congratulations on the following rank advances!!
Christine Ayoub to Junior Master, Joyce Wilson to Sectional Master and Charnell Havens
to Regional Master.
Announcement for those near State College who are interested in learning more about
bridge or know somehow who is interested:
Mike Anesko of State College is now an ACBL Accredited Teacher, having completed the TAP program at the nationals in Philadelphia last year. This summer he conducted a six-week series of lessons on Bidding Basics with one of our local (non-sanctioned) beginners' games, hosted on Mondays by Bob and Marie Secor of Boalsburg. Each weekly session drew 5 or 6 tables of students, full of questions and eager to learn more. Mike will give a second series on Play of the Hand this coming Spring, if the Secors gauge there is
sufficient interest.
Please join us for our next sectional May 29 to 31, 2020 at the
at the Boalsburg Fire Co in Boalsburg, PA
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4Spot | November 2019 | Editor: Janet Johnson | janet.johnson210@gmail.com