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Thursday, November 2, 2023

>>> Click here for this Sunday's bulletin <<<

Turn your clocks back one hour Saturday, November 4

Don't forget to turn your clocks back one hour when you go to bed Saturday. Daylight Savings time ENDS at 2 a.m. Sunday, November 5. This is also a good time to replace the batteries in your smoke alarms and similar devices.

Enjoy your extra hour of sleep!

A quick riddle for you ... What if there was a "magic machine" that removed carbon from the air, produced oxygen, and grew itself? Click here for the answer.

A message from our Pastor and Teacher

November 5, 2023 - Covenant Sunday and Communion ~~ "What is a Covenant?"

Covenants exist in religion, law, and everyday life. A covenant is a binding agreement between two or more parties in which they agree to work toward specific goals together. Legal covenants might be written but covenants can also be verbal, as in the Bible. God made verbal covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Solomon. Jesus made a New Covenant with his followers. The New Covenant was based on loving others as God loves humans.

We will make covenants today as a congregation, each person covenanting to focus on a specific spiritual goal, and to commit to particular activities of service in the life of the congregation. If you need help completing your Covenant, call the office, talk to your Shepherd Group leader, or come Saturday morning for Sacred Saturday which will have a focus on Covenant writing (please note, you're welcome to Sacred Saturday regardless if you want to use that time to write your Covenant).

Sunday's Scripture:

Jeremiah 31:31-34


  • Prayers for Rick Cruz who has COVID. (11/2)
  • Prayers for Dina and Chuck Zamaria who got quite a bad case of COVID on vacation. (11/2)
  • Prayers for Kathie Blakley who came down with COVID after her cruise. (11/2)
  • Prayers for The Beardemphl family. Kraig's niece passed from life to Life. (11/2)
  • Prayers for the family and friends of John Melcher, Mary Melcher’s brother-in-law who has passed from life to Life. (11/2)
  • Prayers for Nancy Wallace Ternasky, this year's Art, for Heaven's Sake featured artist, who is experiencing serious health concerns. (10/26)
  • Prayers for Barbara Kimball, a friend of Carol Robb, who broke her collarbone when she fell while hiking in Arizona. (10/19)
  • Prayers for peace in the Middle East. (10/12)
  • Prayers for Jim Sommer’s recovery from knee replacement surgery. (10/12)
  • Prayers for the friends and family of Lori Michaels whose father passed from life to Life. (10/12)
  • Prayers for victims of natural and human-made disasters everywhere, especially flood victims in Libya and earthquake victims in Morocco. (9/14)
  • Johanna Ballard requests prayers for her sister Cathy and her good friend Bette. (9/7)
  • Samantha Sanchez-French requests prayers for her father, Eric, regarding some not-so-good news about his health. (8/27)
  • Prayers for Dan Schoepf who faces continued health challenges. (8/10)
  • Prayers for Dick Ault's brother-in-law, Charles Proctor, who faces serious health problems. (8/13)
  • Steve Arth is recovering at Asistencia Villa and appreciates prayers and cards. He's beginning to walk with physical therapy. (10/3)
  • Prayers for Janet Edwards, who is in the Plymouth Village Care Center following a fall with pelvic fractures.
  • Prayers for Carla Becerril, who is on hospice and very much appreciates calls, visits, and notes.
  • Prayers for Cynthia McGuigan as she continues her healthcare journey.
  • We continue to hold in our prayers the people of Ukraine.

Ongoing Concerns:

Karen & Daniella

Jerry Andrews

Scott Ault

Dave, brother of Johanna Ballard

Cousin of Rick Cruz

Norma Erickson

Katia Hage

Mary Lou Haney

Beki Hill

Harriet Holt, Beki Hill's mother

Jenny, Sister of Jules Rattray

Amber McGuigan

Bill Buchanan

Pastor Elaine's nephew Michael

Floyd Orr

Ryan and Evan Paul

Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel, Maggie George and Maggie's siblings

Spencer, friend of Stacey Greene

Robert Silver

Arika Torres

Rosemary Tuohy

Racial Justice reflection of the week

There's a type of despair that is unique to those who are exiled on their own lands. When you are taken from your home and transported to a different place you can hold the dream of home in your heart. But, when your home is taken and you are hunted and killed on your own land, there is no home for you to dream about. 


Sherri Mitchell Weh'na Ha'mu Kwasset, Native American lawyer, author, teacher and activist.

From the Environmental Justice Team

“When the eyes of the world turn to Los Angeles for the 2028 Olympic Games, will they see a smog-choked city full of traffic jams, gas furnaces and fossil-fueled power plants? Or a beacon of light in a polluted world, bursting with solar panels, electric cars and induction stoves? The short answer: probably both.


"But an ambitious plan [the Clean Energy 2028 Roadmap] unveiled Wednesday could lead to more of the good stuff and less of the bad stuff.”


To see the rest of Sammy Roth’s Los Angeles Times article about this plan (“Can L.A. lead world on climate?”), go to the source at

To see the Clean Energy 2028 Roadmap, go to: .

The Covenants are here! The Covenants are here!

Still need a Covenant booklet? Download one here!

You may pick up your 2024 Covenant Booklet at the office, Mondays through Thursdays between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Use the link above to download a booklet from the RUCC website.

This Sunday, November 5, is Covenant Sunday. Please have your completed 2024 Covenant ready to turn in, on or before that date. If you'd like to submit your Covenant electronically, you may email it to (This mailbox is accessible only to the Pastor.)

The Pastor ponders...All Saints' Day

I didn’t grow up with any awareness of All Saints Day. To my childish understanding, “Saints with a capital S” were some kind of mythical superheroes, miracle working ancients venerated by Catholics and Anglicans.


I was reared in a low-church style of faith. The Disciples came into being during the days of the primitive log cabin and coon-skin-cap frontier in the early 1800s, when the wild west went only as far as Kentucky. 


Click on the button to the right for the rest of Pastor Elaine's thoughts on All Saints Day.

All Saints Day

Sacred Saturday, November 4

This week, many of us are dedicating time to composing our covenants. It's an opportunity for us to ponder our commitments to the RUCC Community and to reflect on our continuous spiritual journeys. This Sacred Saturday will center around the ongoing process of covenanting, and specifically, our 2024 RUCC covenants. If you feel that having a tranquil space to write and express yourself would be beneficial, we invite you to join us this Saturday, November 4, at 9:00 a.m. We'll conclude our gathering at 12:00 p.m.

Even if you are not in the process of making a covenant, or if you've already completed yours, we encourage you to attend. This sacred time is meant for your inner self and whatever it may be seeking.



Save the date and your treasures. We'll be collecting them the week before the sale.

Questions? Want to be on the committee? See Pam Dunn, Kathie Blakley, or Claudia Tolar.


Faire Hours: Saturday, November 18, 

Set-up 8 a.m., Faire 10 a.m. to 2 p.m..

Sunday, November 19,  Faire 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

We need your help with our book sale table. Please donate books related to topics including health and wellness, mental health, self-care, spirituality, social justice topics, diversity/equity/inclusion, environmental issues such as climate change, etc. We really would appreciate kids books too. The donation box is in Covenant Hall. Questions? Contact Ginny Cruz 720-308-7835.


The Youth Group is leading the Bake Sale at the Alternative Christmas Faire! All proceeds will go to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. We will need volunteer bakers to help us!

Please get out your cookbooks and your baking pans to help us with this fun event.

Please contact Andrea Morics ( if you’re willing to contribute baked goods and for which day.

Holiday Shopping – The RaiseRight program can be your partner during the holidays to help you shop, while also supporting RUCC’s missions. Click here for a guide to the best ways to use the RaiseRight program during the holidays. Whether you use the gift cards to buy your everyday staples, for donations, to buy gifts, or to give out as gifts, the dollars you are already spending will go further through the rebates that RUCC receives. 


Bonuses – Some brands will offer higher than normal rebates periodically. You can always see the current bonuses in the RaiseRight shop at Current bonuses include Adidas, Golden Corral, Main Event and SpaFinder. 


About RaiseRight: When you purchase gift cards through the RaiseRight program to pay for your day-to-day expenses or provide as gifts, RUCC receives a rebate that helps fund our missions. It’s an easy way to raise some money for RUCC. Hundreds of retailers participate, including grocery stores, gas stations, home improvement stores, department stores, online retailers, and much more. Please contact Jennifer and Pam at if you need an enrollment link, need help setting up/accessing your online account or placing an order, have any questions, or want to learn more about the program. This video will give you an overview of how to get started.


Upcoming order dates for physical gift cards:

  • Order by Nov 13 – available for pick up Nov 19
  • Order by Nov 27 – available for pick up Dec 3
  • Order by Dec 4 – available for pick up Dec 10
  • Order by Dec 11 – available for pick up Dec 17

Mentone UCC plans gospel concert November 11

November 11, at 5 p.m. is the date set for Mentone UCC's Gospel Concert "Make a Joyful Noise."

The church is located at 1205 Beryl Ave., Mentone, CA 92359.

After a two-year absence, RAIC is returning to the concept of a community choir for our annual Thanksgiving service. The organist will be Jeffrey Rickard, Minister of Music at Trinity. Tina Skousen (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) will be the guest director.

Anthems chosen this year are Handel’s Thanks Be to Thee and Rutter’s For the Beauty of the Earth.  







NOVEMBER 12, 2023

Please note corrected date. The concert is not on the 19th as previously reported

4:00 p.m

Trinity Episcopal,

419 S. Fourth Street

Redlands, CA 92373

d045a64b-a3fc-4dd2-807e-0394ada1e581 image


  • November 4 - Sacred Saturday 9 a.m.-noon
  • November 4-5 - Daylight Savings Time ends -- "Fall back" Saturday night!
  • November 5 - COVENANT SUNDAY - Please have your completed Covenant ready to turn in on or before Nov. 5. See details in the article above.
  • November 5 - Book Group meets after church.
  • November 5 - Worship Committee (Advent planning)
  • November 11 - Mentone UCC Gospel Concert
  • November 12 - Pet Blessing Sunday
  • November 12 - Wider Ministries quarterly meeting
  • November 12 - Worship Committee (regular meeting)
  • November 12 - Annual Community Thanksgiving service at Trinity Episcopal Church
  • November 18-19 - Alternative Christmas Faire - See article above.
  • December 10 - The Youth Group's Annual Christmas Pageant - Contact Andrea Morics for more information. There are parts for children and youth of all ages

The church calendar is found at

Click on "calendar" in the red banner near the top of the page

This Week at Redlands United Church of Christ

Sunday, November 5 - Communion and Covenant Sunday



  • 9:15 a.m. - Seekers
  • 9:30 a.m. - Kids Zone
  • 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service
  • 11:30 a.m. - Fellowship time in Covenant Hall
  • 12:00 p.m. - Book Group
  • 12:00 p..m. - Worship Area Meeting (Advent planning)

Monday, November 6

Tuesday, November 7

  • 7:00 p.m. -Stewards

Wednesday, November 8

  • Noon - Lunch Bunch with Pastor Elaine

Thursday, November 9

Friday, November 10

  • 7:00 p.m. Closed women's AA meeting

Saturday, November 11

  • 5:00 p.m. - Mentone UCC Gospel Concert

Sunday, November 12 - Pet Blessing Sunday

  • 9:15 a.m. - Seekers
  • 9:30 a.m. - Kids Zone
  • 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service & Sunday School
  • 11:30 p.m.- Fellowship time
  • 12:00 p.m.- Wider Ministries Meeting
  • 12:00 p..m. - Worship Area Meeting (regular meeting)
  • 4:00 p.m. Community Thanksgiving Service at Trinity Episcopal

RUCC Staff

Interim Pastor: Rev. Elaine Schoepf

Honorary Minister of Arts and Worship:  Rev. Erin Beardemphl

Music Director: David Wells

Associate Music Director: Sophia Ohanian

Children's Education Director: Susi Jacobsen

Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Vacant

Office and Property Manager: Veronica Bermudez

Child Care: Joette Orman



Phone: 909-793-3520


Staff and Other Emails