5879 Wyoming Trail
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Wyoming, MN 55092
St. Paul
Lutheran Church
An Evangelical Lutheran
Church of America

Our mission is to 
Share Christ's Love
with Joy!

Pastor Justin Grimm - Guest Pastor

Sunday, November 8
9:00 am Drive In Outdoor Worship & Live Streamed Service

In This Issue
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Friday, November 6, 2020
Dear Church,
What a week! Between a pandemic, ongoing racial unrest, and the uncertainties of a national election, it's hard not to feel anxious.
Speaking for myself, I slept little on Tuesday night with the election on my mind. Our daughters' elementary school is switching to full distance learning next week, so we stress over returning to having three kids at home all day. Meanwhile, some family health concerns contribute to further worry. It's all just too much to deal with at once, and it doesn't seem like there's an end in sight.
From what I hear from you, we all have similar concerns. Stress and anxiety seem to rule the day. Staying healthy is not guaranteed. And the ongoing results of the election have only highlighted the stark divisions within our families, communities, and our country. It can be easy to succumb to despair.

To continue reading Pastor's letter click here.

Bulletin: November 8, 2020
Inclement Weather...check your email, the 
website, or the 
Facebook page. 
Sunday's Worship Service is streamed live on Facebook
Worship Readings

The readings for Sunday, November 8th are:

First Reading: Amos 5:18-24
Second Reading: Acts 26: 1-8, 12-16, 19-23, 30-32
Gospel: Matthew 25:1-13 

Call 651.371.5421 to hear this week's sermon. 
Jan Brainard, long-time member of St. Paul Lutheran passed away on Friday, October 30. 

Jan shared her talents in many ways at the church from being the Parish Nurse, a member of the handbell choir, a member of the Loaves and Fishes Team, to helping to sew blankets for the Blanket Drive. Jan was always the first to offer to help where needed.

There will be a Celebration of Life service for Jan in May. 

Jan will be missed by all who were blessed to know her. 
The Call Committee continues to meet and will be receiving candidate names from the Synod in the coming days. We ask that you continue to pray for the members of the Call Committee in this process and ask God to guide them down the path towards the candidate who will grow and lead our congregation with abundance and grace. Amen. 

You can ask the council a question, any time, any day! 

Click here to ask.

How can you serve on Sunday? We need readers, ushers, hospitality ministers at the Hospitality Station. Please call Melissa 651-462-5212, or email [email protected] to sign up.

Snow Shoveling 

We are in need of volunteers to shovel on snow days! 

Since we have not had much help with the church cleaning, we have broken the tasks up into more manageable chunks in hopes that more families assist with the upkeep.  In order to move back into the church, we need to show consistent effort in keeping the building clean. 

Please take a look at the schedule and see what you would feel comfortable doing.  If you have any questions, please contact the Covid response team [email protected] 
If you are able to help, please either call Melissa at 651.462.5212 or email.


We are blessed to have knowledgeable and caring nurses in our congregation! They have some words of advice for us: 
Stress and Anxiety
Stress is defined as a demand placed on your brain or body. It's a part of the body's natural flight or fight response. Oftentimes, competing demands can create stress. An event that makes you nervous or frustrated can make you feel stressed. 

Click here for a list of symptoms, and other helpful tips for dealing with stress and anxiety.

* * * * * * * * 
Remember to pray for these nurses and all those on the front lines fighting the coronavirus. 
How can you make a difference
this holiday season?

You can make a difference by:

  • Donating non-perishable items on Sunday mornings for Family Pathways.
    • The food cart will be placed, by the hospitality station. This food will be taken to Family Pathways for distribution.
  • Make a monetary donation. Mark your check Family Pathways. This money will be used to purchase turkeys (for Thanksgiving) and hams (for Christmas). Donations over what is needed for purchasing the turkeys/hams will be given to Family Pathways.
  • Volunteer on the third Saturday of the month to help distribute the food boxes.
    • They are in need of one volunteer per month to assist. Volunteers show up at 8:45 am and are usually done by 10:00 am; you will be lifting heavy boxes of food into vehicles. If interested in helping, please contact Dave Haselbauer.
  • In the coming weeks, we will be sharing more ideas on how YOU can make a difference this holiday season. 
The weather looks to be cooperating and therefore, we are planning on having Sunday School after worship this Sunday, November 8th. 

Currently, we are planning to continue meeting every other Sunday, as long as we are holding drive-in worship. Depending on the weather, we may begin to meet inside. We will keep you informed of these changes as they occur. So watch Refresh & ReNEWS and your email for updates.

Chris & Katie
We will have class the next two Wednesdays, November 11th and November 18th from 6-7pm in the fellowship hall.  During that time we will be working on our Advent video projects, in lieu of classes in December.
Family Devotions for all ages! Sign up at: [email protected] or call Melissa in the main office at 651-462-5212.
Questions: Contact Council Treasurer, Chris Timmons at [email protected]

As of 11/05/2020
Over / (under) Budgeted $
Year-to-Date Totals

$ 138,560.40


Sunday, November 8 - Guest Pastor Justin Grimm
9:00 am      Outdoor and Live Stream Worship
10:00 am    Outdoor Sunday School
Wednesday, November 11
6:00 pm      Confirmation - Fellowship Hall
Thursday, November 12
6:30 pm      Call Committee Meeting
Sunday, November 15
9:00 am      Outdoor and Live Stream Worship