November 6, 2022:
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Church of St. Mary :: 201 E. Illinois Lake Forest, IL 60045
Parish Office Hours: 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday - Friday
From the Desk of Fr. Mike Nacius, Pastor
-------Throughout the month of November, in a very faith filled and intentional way we recall and remember those who have died, those who have “gone before us”, those who are no longer with us. At the Church of St. Mary, a touching and hope filled Mass was celebrated days ago, on the Feast of All Souls. As followers of Jesus, we are to share and model hope for one another, particularly when dealing with death.
-------At the Church of St. Mary’s, you will find a book near the baptismal font in which you can enroll the names of those whose memory continues to fill your heart. Each year this book is placed in the prominent location in the church. As we remember those who have made a lasting impact in our lives, we also remember in our prayers, all those who grieve the memories and the loss of all who have gone before us in faith.
-------How has embracing memories from the past helped us move forward through our grieving and loss? Embracing the memories can be something we do privately, and it can be something we do publicly. In a resource entitled “Embrace the Memories” the rituals listed below may help you to remember and to pay tribute to those who have died.
- Talk or write about the favorite times you shared.
- Retain special keepsakes that belonged to your loved one.
- Display a photo of your loved one. Tell them about your day or about a shared memory.
- Visit places that stimulate memories of good times together.
- Create a “memory book” of special photos you have selected. Write briefly about the memory reflected in the picture. Review the photos on holidays or anniversaries.
- Contribute money to a charity, scholarship fund, or other worthy cause in your loved one’s name.
- Donate an item to a favorite organization in your loved one’s name – a painting to a local hospital, a bench along a river or ocean, a wheelchair to the local hospice, a book to the local library.
- Plant a tree or rosebush in your loved one’s name.
- Buy a special candle and light it on special occasions – birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
- Visit the cemetery where loved ones are buried.
- Continue to wear your wedding ring or have it made into a pendant for a necklace.
-------We have a week-long celebration of Catholic Schools Week beginning the last weekend of January. Next Sunday, however, we are having a special celebration entitled, “Discover Catholic School Week” this coming week, where we can highlight the wonderful things that take place every day at our three-time Blue-Ribbon award-winning School. More information is available through the School website or by contacting the SOSM office.
-------May God bless us with hope filled hearts as we remember all of the faithful departed,
Current altar servers are also invited to attend either or both sessions for a "refresher."
Great news! St. Mary’s now has a subscription to FORMED, an online collection of Catholic videos, audio books, and also a library of so many Catholic resources.
See below for instructions on how you can easily use FORMED to enrich the spiritual life of you and your family.
Children's Worship Bulletin for November 6, 2022:
Managing Stress and Pressure
The topic for COR this Sunday is Managing Stress and Pressure. We all experience stress and pressure but what should you do in those moments? How does stress and anxiety affect us mentally, physically, and emotionally? What does our faith have to offer us? Prioritize your own wellbeing and come to COR to learn about practical tips and practice stress-relieving activities. Bring a friend! Dinner is included.
The Chosen Discussion Groups for High Schoolers
If you have a high schooler, encourage them to fill out the interest form for The Chosen Discussion Groups. Watching The Chosen with a COR discussion group is an easy, casual, and fun way to learn more about your faith and understand more about your relationship with God, yourself, and others. Fill out the interest form by Monday, November 7 to let us know your preferences. Contact Chase with any questions or suggestions.
Camp Hope Info Session
Mark your calendars for the Camp Hope Info Session on Sunday, November 13. Come to COR to hear from directors, campers, and high school buddies as they share their life-changing experiences at Camp Hope. And learn more about how you can get involved with Camp Hope! High school teens who have served at Camp Hope are encouraged to come and share their experiences too. All high schoolers are welcome and pizza is provided! Bring a friend!
Learn more about the School of St. Mary!
Please join Mandy Castle, Director of Admissions, at one of our upcoming Virtual Admissions events to learn more about the programs offered at the School of St. Mary. Current and prospective students are encouraged to attend.
Friday, December 2: Virtual Transfer Student Information Session
Friday, December 8: Tax Credit Scholarship Virtual Information Session for Givers and Applicants
All sessions start at 9:30am and can be accessed at this link. Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year opens for new families on December 1. Please reach out to Mandy Castle, Director of Admissions, at for more information.
SCHEDULE: Saturday, November 5 - Sunday, November 12, 2022
Saturday, November 5, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 8:00am: Confession - Church
+ 5:00pm: Livestream & PUBLIC Mass
Sunday, November 6, 2022:
+ 8:00am: PUBLIC MASS
+ 10:00am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS
+ 12:00pm: PUBLIC MASS
+ 6:00pm: COR Youth Ministry - PC
Monday, November 7, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 7:00pm: 2nd Grade Candle Service - Church
+ 7:00pm: Men's Club -PCLR
Tuesday, November 8, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 5:15pm: Altar Server Training - Church
+ 7:00pm: Parish Council - PCLR
+ 7:00pm: Handbell Choir - CCR
Wednesday, November 9, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 3:45pm: Altar Server Training - Church
+ 5:00pm: Guild of St. Mary - PCCR
+ 5:00pm - 6:30pm: Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction - Church
+ 6:45pm: RCIA - PCLR
Thursday, November 10, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 1:00pm: St. Mary's Bridge Group - PCCR
+ 7:00pm: Bible Study - PCCR
+ 7:00pm: Adult Choir - Church
Friday, November 11, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
Saturday, November 12, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 8:00am: Confession - Church
+ 5:00pm: Livestream & PUBLIC Mass
+ 5:00pm: Christmas Sharing Tree Distribution - Church
Sunday, November 13, 2022:
Christmas Sharing Tree Distribution at all Masses - Church
+ 8:00am: PUBLIC MASS
+ 10:00am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS
+ 12:00pm: PUBLIC MASS
+ 6:00pm: COR Youth Ministry - PC
Plenary Indulgence
The Apostolic Penitentiary, a branch of the Vatican offices which focuses on mercy and the forgiveness of sins, issued a decree granting a Plenary Indulgence during this extraordinary time. To see some of the ways we can still participate in the life of grace and the life of the Church during the Covid-19 pandemic please click here.
To find ways to volunteer within our community and to seek assistance from the parish please click here.
Here is a List of Places You may watch Mass on TV, Radio or Online:
- Online:
Church of St. Mary Livestream can be found on our Facebook Page. View past celebrated Masses or join us for a current Livestream Mass according to the schedule in this newsletter.
- DirecTV Channel 370
- Dish Network Channel 261
- Verizon Fios Channel 285
- XFinity Channel 33, 291, 1668
Relevant Radio:
- 1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT.
These Masses will be broadcast live on your local station, on the Relevant Radio® app, at, and on my Father Rocky Facebook page so you can tune in from wherever you are. The Mass will be rebroadcast each evening at 8:30pm ET / 5:30pm PT on your local station.
To read the Daily Scripture readings you may go to and select "Daily Reading" at the top left menu.
Please remember in your prayers those who are sick, especially:
Beni-de Dieu Atibalentja
Brooke Bloom
Tom Brown
Carmie Caluag
Michael Caringello
Joan Dolan
Jim Ferguson
Karl Grubert
Mary Dale Houston
Christian Jenko
James Krueger
Caroline Lyczko
Carolina Martinez
Bob Matthei
Nancy McCaughey
Kit O'Brien
Eileen O’Keefe
Sheila Uy Rayner
Dominick Roberti
Chuck Seyb
John Sternberg
Andrew Twyman
This new sick list began on September 1 and will continue through November.
If you would like to add a family member to the Prayers for the Sick, please call our Parish Office at: 847.234.0205.
Please remember in your prayers those who have gone to their eternal rest with Our Lord;
Mark Miara
(husband of Monika Miara; father of Natalie)
Jean Carey O’Neill
(sister of Honey [James] Ehret)
Michael Scott Kramer
(husband of Kristin Kramer; father of Betsie [Patrick] Sassen; grandfather of Tierney and Connell)
Leo Sheridan
(brother of John [Evelyn] Sheridan)
Jeff Farlander
(husband of Krystyna Farlander)
Mass Intentions will be prayed for during a private or public daily Mass.
Saturday, November 5, 2022:
7:30am: Jeffrey Chicoine; Lola Novelli; Craigmile-Maurer Family
5:00pm: Deanna Dudley; Tom Geldermann; Aldo Raganelli
Sunday, November 6, 2022:
8:00am: William John Mulvaney; Lorrie Nacius; Daniel Dressel
10:00am: Craig Glattly; Peter Gillespie; Anna & Carl Deckmeyer & Bob Pommer
Noon: Tom Lavelle; Robert E. Kramer; Jack Dhamer; People of St. Mary’s
Monday, November 7, 2022:
7:30am: Margaret Devaney; Dr. Joseph Mowad; Eugene Graham
Tuesday, November 8, 2022:
7:30am: Bill & Marge Ellis; Ernest Hiltebrand; Dale Jacobs
Wednesday, November 9, 2022:
7:30am: Mary Pojunas; Loretta Nacius; James Kelly
Thursday, November 10, 2022:
7:30am: Edward Hoover; Susan Jennings; Special Intention for Kit O’Brien
Friday, November 11, 2022:
7:30am: Jim Tollaksen; Rob LeClercq, Jr.; Martin Sobey
Saturday, November 12, 2022:
7:30am: Helen & John Lupton; Mark Lupton; Joseph & Betty Jane Milite
5:00pm: Jack Dhamer; Maria & Sam Scopelliti; Peggy Mullin
Sunday, November 13, 2022:
8:00am: Cimarrusti-Valentino Family; Susan Wittig; Deceased Members of the Burns Family
10:00am: Loretta Nacius; Ernie Hiltebrand; Martin Sobey
Noon: Ryan Stoll; Jacquelyn Warner; Jack Dhamer; People of St. Mary’s
If you would like to request a special Mass Intention, please email our Parish Receptionists at: and they will kindly assist you!
“May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting encouragement and good hope through His grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen them in every good deed and word.” 2 THESSALONIANS 2:16-17 There are two important lessons here. First, we are called to be generous with our encouragement and hope. As God shows us mercy, we must be merciful to others. Second, joy is contagious! The joy we receive from doing good works not only strengthens us, it encourages others as well. Share the joy of living your faith whenever you can.
Sunday Collection-------------------------------------------Actual----------------Budgeted------Surplus/(Shortfall)
October 30, 2022-------------------- ------------------------- $21,227------------ -- $25,000 ------------ ((-($3,774)
Total Sunday Collections Fiscal 2023 YTD---------- $400,640----------------$450,000-----------------($49,360)
We are grateful for the outpouring of support from parishioners while we navigate financially. Thank you for continuing to support your parish as well as our sharing parish, Most Blessed Trinity. Thank you for mailing your contribution to the Parish Office or scheduling your online donation. Offertory basket will be made available during Sunday Public Masses as well for your offering.
Ways To Give
+ Drop in the Offertory Basket during Public Mass at the end of Mass
+ Mail Your Contribution:
----- Church of St. Mary
----- c/o Business Office
-----201 E. Illinois
-----Lake Forest, IL 60045
+ Online Giving:
Schedule your recurring donations via our online Giving safe and secure portal, GiveCentral Go to: Church of St. Mary GiveCentral or click the image to the left.
Thank you!
Church of St. Mary Website
Bookmark our parish website for information on all parish ministries, events, contact information, and more!
Information on our Mass Schedule, Sacraments, School, Religious Education, Youth Ministry, Guild of St. Mary, Liturgical Ministries, Bible Study, RCIA, Bulletins, Gospel Reading Podcasts, Homily Podcasts, and more can all be found on our webpage.
Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook Page
Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook Page to get notices on viewing Livestreamed Mass! Prior recorded Masses can also be watched via our Facebook Page.
Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook page to see regular updates from popular Catholic pages such as the Archdiocese of Chicago, Cardinal Blase Cupich, and the USCCB. See news from the School of St. Mary, Guild of St. Mary, Religious Education Program, Youth Ministry, and upcoming events at our parish!
The Church of St. Mary has a YouTube channel! Once we have 1000k subscribers, we can stream live! Look for the black and white image of the Church of St. Mary when searching for the channel or click on either image here to go straight there! Don't forget to subscribe!