November 7, 2023

In this edition of ENews:

  • Diocesan Convention is a wrap!
  • Holy Trinity, Nevada City celebrates 150 Years
  • West Coast Collaborative Accepting Applications for English Language Lay Preaching Cohort
  • Trinity Cathedral to host workshops on Civic Engagement November 16
  • Application Deadline for Congregational Development Grants is next week
  • Weekday Sacred Ground Group at Trinity Cathedral starts tomorrow

Around the Diocese

2023 Diocesan Convention is a Wrap!

Top left: Bishop Megan was presented with an American Girl Doll created to look like her, complete with custom made vestments. Top right, Bottom Left and Right: Anne Seed, Russian River Deanery Rep to the Board of Trustees; Steven Well from St. James, Yuba City; and Matt McMillen and Amanda Jackson of St. Luke's Galt all posing with a likeness of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry – who is scheduled to be here April 26–27, 2024 for the Fearless Faith Revival.

Last Friday and Saturday, Clergy and Delegates from around the diocese gathered at Faith Church, Cameron Park for the 113th Annual convention.

If you have photos from convention you'd like to share, please email them to Maria Ramirez at

We'll feature a full wrap up report of convention next week - but here's a quick recap:

Governance Elections:

Standing Committee

Clergy: The Rev. Anne Pierson

Lay: Bismarck Maddy

Board of Trustees

At-Large: Fernando Dizon

Capitol Deanery Representative: Don Taylor

Central Deanery Representative: Peggy Doyle

Russian River Deanery Representative: Daphne Vernon


R1-2023 | Petition to the 81st General Convention to Add Howard W. Thurman to the Episcopal Church Calendar | Passed

R2-2023 | Migration with Dignity | Passed

R3-2023 | Canonical Amendment on the Qualification of Regional Deans| Passed

R4-2023 | Canonical Amendment on Appointments to The Disciplinary Board | Passed

R5-2023 | All Are Welcome to Receive Holy Communion | Did not Pass


P-1-2023 | Petition to Change the Status of St. Nicholas Episcopal Church From Special Focus Parish to Organized Mission | Passed

Bishops Cross Recipients:

The Very Rev. Ed Howell

Jo Ann Williams

Donations to Bishop's Disaster Fund: $3,249.00

You can still give to the fund! Click here to make a donation. 100% of your gift goes to disaster relief.

Holy Trinity, Nevada City to celebrate 150 Years

Top: Anniversary banner at historic Holy Trinity Church in Nevada City. Middle, left to right: Andy Harris, Karen Hoida, Bishop Megan, Rector Brad Helmuth, and Summer Green. Bottom: Group shot of attendees at the 150th celebration.

On Sunday, November 5th, Bishop Megan was the celebrant at a service marking the 150th anniversary of Holy Trinity, Nevada City. It was a joyous weekend of events, including an open house on Saturday, the worship service Sunday, followed by a brunch. Congratulations to Holy Trinity on this milestone.

Here's a link to Bishop Megan's Sermon:

Applications now open for English language

Lay Preaching Cohort

The Episcopal Dioceses of El Camino Real, Northern California and San Diego are accepting applications for the 2024 English language cohort to prepare individuals to apply for a Preaching license (the Spanish language cohort will begin recruiting in January). We are seeking adult learners of all ages and educational backgrounds who are actively involved in ministry in their congregations and demonstrate gifts in lay leadership. Participants must be members of a congregation within one of our three partner dioceses.

Who is this for? Lay members of our congregations with gifts for preaching and leadership in ministry.

What will we study? Biblical exegesis and preaching theory and practice.

Where will we meet? On Zoom

When will we meet? Once each month on the 4th Thursday from 5 - 9 p.m.

We are currently accepting applications through December 1, 2023.

To apply, visit the West Coast Collaborative’s website at


Questions? Contact the dean:

The Rev. Sr. Kathy Lawler

West Coast Collaborative

Trinity Cathedral to Host Workshops on

Civic Engagement

On Thursday, November 16, Trinity Cathedral welcomes Alan Yarborough, Church Relations Officer for the Episcopal Church, who will lead two timely workshops on Civic Engagement.


Church and Politics, Oh My!

Supporting Church Leaders Navigating the Public Square

Thursday, November 16, 2023 | 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Brown Bag Lunch / Zoom

Churches serve public roles for their communities from outreach ministries to disaster response, to convening for worship and loving relationship. Churches also play a public role in politics. In a time of heightened partisanship, what does healthy and effective political engagement look like? How can we better serve members of our own congregations and the broader community around us? In this session with The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations, we will explore public engagement from the standpoint of the church’s role in building relationships and working with government officials to tackle critical issues and in building the church’s capacity for holding spaces where conversations on such topics can take place. In-person or on Zoom.

In-person or on Zoom.

Contact Alex Leach to Register.


Make Me an Instrument of Peace

How to Engage in Better Conversations on Tough Topics

Thursday, November 16, 2023 Forum | 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Brown Bag Dinner / Zoom

Civil discourse is a critical part of engaging in our civic life together, as it can help us to bridge partisan political divides, learn from one another, and create better solutions to the problems in our communities. But what is civil discourse? Is it different from civility? Based on the online class created by The Episcopal Church and ChurchNext, this evening workshop with Alan Yarborough of the The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations will explore developing an individual and community capacity for civil discourse, applying it to public policy conversations, and assessing how civil discourse fits in with other types of engagement.

This hybrid session will be from 5 to 7 pm at Trinity Cathedral, Sacramento. Some light refreshments will be provided. In-person or on Zoom.

Register Here:

Contact the Rev. Alex, for more information.

Around the Diocese

Fifth Anniversary of Camp Fire is Tomorrow

Office of the Bishop

Apply for a Congregational Development Grant!

Does your church have a small project that needs a boost?

Congregational Development Grants are for anything that helps strengthen your ministry.

These small grants (generally up to $2000) may be used for things often not funded by other diocesan resources, including building repairs or improvements and personnel.

Priorities echo those of our Board of Trustees:

  • Congregational Vitality
  • Creation Care
  • Formation/Discipleship
  • Racial Reconciliation
  • Youth & Young Adults

Other areas (community organizing, feeding programs, etc.) may also be funded.

An example of grants made last year include funding for a neighborhood outreach summer program, flooring for a kitchen where food is prepared for the community, support for summer youth service program, and increasing the reach of online services through hiring a local young adult to run tech for worship.

Total grant pool is $13,000. Number of grants awarded depends upon number of qualified applications received.

Application deadline: Thursday, November 15, 2023

Grants will be announced by November 22, 2023

To apply:

Send an email to Canon Julie Wakelee at

Please include:

  1. A short paragraph explaining the need and how it will strengthen your congregation.
  2. A stated agreement that you will provide a short report on how the funds were used, along with photographs of the completed project, due by September 1, 2024. You will also agree to this information being shared in diocesan communications.

Churches that received CDG funds in prior years must submit their reports and photos before requesting new grants.

Click below to view video replay of our webinar last week with CPG’s leadership and Kathryn McCormick, Chair of The Church Pension Fund Board of Trustees, where they discussed CPG’s vision, finances, and work. Please feel free to share it with your colleagues, vestry, deputies, and others who may have an interest in learning more about CPG’s work.

Episcopal Foundation of Northern California

Click here to view the Book of Dreams:

Partners in Ministries of Health

FREE! Advent Study from Living Compass

Offered to you by the Diocesan Partners in Ministries of Health.  

To order, contact:

Susan Wahlstrom, Coordinator


Please include number of copies, & for what congregation.

Please include private street address as no delivery is possible to churches.  

We’ll take it from there! 

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

Weekday Sacred Ground Circle at Trinity Cathedral - Starts tomorrow!

Sacred Ground is a program developed by The Episcopal Church exploring in depth the issues of racial justice in the church and in our world. The course is eye-opening and inspirational for how we live out our faith. 

Especially designed for those who prefer meeting in the daytime, this Sacred Ground circle will meet weekly (with breaks during the holidays) on Wednesday afternoons from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, beginning Nov. 8 at Trinity Cathedral or on Zoom, depending on each participant’s preference. 

The course will be led by the Rev. Jim Richardson, priest associate; the Rev. Tina Campbell, retired deacon; and Ms. Susan Hotchkiss, retired director of adult formation at Trinity Cathedral. 

Each week features videos viewed before each meeting and appropriate readings. Conversation and the sharing of our own stories is encouraged in our group.

This course also fulfills the Diocesan racial healing requirement.

For more information about Sacred Ground, go here:

Contact the Rev. Jim Richardson:  with questions or to register. 

Racial Justice Audit Executive Summary and Report now Available

View / Download Executive Summary
View / Download RJA Report              

Missioner for Church Life

First, thank you to everyone who attended last week’s evangelism gathering on Zoom. At our meeting, we talked about an online Advent/Christmas evangelism training with the Rev. Ken Kroohs.

Rev. Kroohs reminds us that “Most churches have visitors on Christmas Eve—and then never see them again!” In two, free 90-minute sessions online, the Rev. Ken Kroohs teaches proven steps to both have even more guests and have some of them return to worship regularly with you. Sessions are on Tuesdays—November 7 and 14—offered twice each day.

To learn more and register, go to

Also, we discussed a brief YouTube video from magician Penn Jillette which can be found here:

In the video, Penn Jillette shares a story about receiving a gift of a Bible. Even though this famed magician is an atheist, his reflection on receiving this gift gives us some insight on how to “do evangelism” in a loving, invitational way.  Check it out! Many thanks to the Rev. Cliff Haggenjos for passing this along.

We’re excited to announce that we will have a diocesan-wide New Camino training on February 16 & 17, 2024 at St. John’s, Chico. The Rev. Antony Guillen, the Episcopal Church’s Missioner for Latino/Hispanic ministries will be here to help us explore opportunities for Latino/Hispanic ministry in our diocese.

This training is suitable for individuals as well as church teams. 

Please go to:  to indicate your interest in attending and to receive updates regarding lodging and expenses. 

Spirituality of Fundraising

by Henri Nouwen

Most of our congregations have already begun their fall giving campaigns, but it is not to late check out this easy-to-read and inspirational resource from Henri Nouwen. It might help you look at your stewardship efforts less as drudgery. “Fundraising is, first and foremost, a ministry,” Henri Nouwen writes. “It’s a way of announcing our vision and inviting other people into our mission.” Nouwen encourages us to see fundraising as spiritual work and approach it confidently. “Fundraising is precisely the opposite of begging,” he points out. A Spirituality of Fundraising is brief and can easily be read in one sitting, so if you would like to receive a copy to share with your stewardship team, contact the Missioner for Church Life, the Rev. Mack Olson at

Advent Resources

Before you know it, Advent will be here, so be sure to check out these Advent resources from the Episcopal Church. 

This Advent and Christmas, The Episcopal Church offers the following resources to help you and your congregation share signs of God’s love through the coming of Jesus Christ—the “good news of great joy that will be for all the people” (Luke 2:10).


  • Digital and printable resources to promote your Advent and Christmas events on social media, websites, or around town
  • Customizable promotional video for your Episcopal congregation
  • Advent curriculum, calendar, bulletin inserts: “Journeying the Way of Love”
  • Advent curriculum: “Preparing to Become Beloved Community”
  • “Sermons That Work”
  • “Lesson Plans That Work”
  • “Prophetic Voices” podcast series
  • “d365” devotions
  • Advent wreath-making video and blessing
  • Printable letter to Santa and Christmas card
  • “Las Posadas” churchwide Christmas pageant
  • Episcopal Relief & Development Advent toolkit
  • AdventWord inspirational online calendar
  • And more

Find links to all resources

Mark Your Calendars

This Advent, join Canon Julie and Missioner Mack as we read and pray with the poetry of Maya Angelou. 

Thursdays from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

November 30 - December 21

On Zoom

Register now at:

Diocesan Book Study TODAY at 6:00 pm

Join Missioner Mack in a diocesan-wide discussion of Dr. Catherine Meeks’ The Night is Long, but Light Comes in the Morning: Meditations for Racial Healing 

Tuesdays at 6:00 pm

September 26 – November 14 

Zoom link

Clergy Openings in The Diocese

St. Luke's |Woodland is seeking a Full-time Interim Rector.

View Job Description here.

Job Opportunities in The Diocese

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral | Sacramento is seeking a new Director of Cathedral Choristers (Children’s choir). Read the Job Announcement Here.

For job descriptions or questions, please contact or call Cn. Julie at 916.442.6918 x 214

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email by Wednesday of the prior week
Submit a Calendar Event

The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ

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