475 Riverside Drive Suite 1270, New York, NY 10115
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Happenings In & Around the Presbytery of NYC | |
Click here to give to PDA's Hurricane Disaster Relief | |
This newsletter is ordinarily published on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. All items for potential inclusion must be submitted via email to newsletter@presbynyc.org by noon on the Wednesday before the newsletter in published. All items are subject to review and editing. Timely submission does not guarantee inclusion.
Information, articles and links in this newsletter are provided for information only to the congregations and members of the presbytery. Nothing in this message should be construed as the official position of the presbytery unless noted as such.
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Contact the Transitional Leader
Looking to meet with or speak to Rev. Dr. Mary Newbern-Williams, the Presbytery's Transitional Leader? You can reach her via email at RevMaryNW@presbynyc.org or by calling the office at 212 870-2221 ext. 1
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A Message from NYC Presbytery's Stated Clerk
Clergy ID Cards are Here!
Minister Members' Clergy ID Cards have arrived. So that I can get your ID Cards to you, I ask that you email me your full name and complete address. Once I receive your email I will mail you your ID card. Let me know if you have any questions.
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View Dr. Thelma Adair's Memorial Service
The office recently received the video recording of Dr. Thelma Cornelia Davidson Adair's memorial service.
Click here to view the service.
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A Message from the Nominating Committee
There are many open spots on the Presbytery’s commissions and committees—Commission on Ministry; Commission on Preparation for Ministry; Commission on Mission, Budget & Corporate Responsibility (Board of Trustees); Committee on Congregational Ministry & Nurture; Justice Ministries, Standing Rules, and more!! These Commissions and Committees are vital to the functioning of Presbytery. To serve on a commission, you need to be a Ruling Elder or Minister of Word and Sacrament, but you do not have to be ordained to serve on a committee. There is a place for everyone: those who have a lot of time and energy to give, those with limited time, those with a lot of knowledge of how the PCUSA works and the wisdom to support pastors and churches, those who may be new Presbyterians, those with a passion for justice and outreach, those with an eye and head for details, those who can support candidates for ministry, those who can support immigrant church fellowships, and polity nerds!!
We need people with a variety of gifts from a variety of backgrounds! Please talk to your Session and congregations and discern together who might have the gifts, time, and energy to serve on a Presbytery commission or committee. To be a healthy, well-functioning Presbytery, we need you!
Contact the Rev. Eric Toodles at etoodles@aol.com, or Elder Renee Stout at bezzi421@gmail.com with your suggestions for nominees! They are eager to hear from you!
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An Invitation - Meet with Jerry Cannon as He Introduces A Shared Ministry Model of Engagement
Rev. Jerry Cannon invites you and any congregational leaders interested in the Shared Ministry Model of Engagement Program to a virtual meeting on November 21 at 9:30 a.m., where he will introduce the program, clarify its criteria, and outline expectations for participation. Registration is required.
Register here
This program may be a good option for congregations open to partnerships and sustaining a full-time pastor. Please consider participating and inviting other congregations that may be interested.
Click here for more detailed information on the Shared Ministry Covenant.
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News from the Committee on Congregational Ministry & Nurture - Holmes Camp & Retreat Center Scholarships are Available
Upon the dissolution of the Presbyterian Church of the Redeemer East Brooklyn, the Presbytery of New York City became the beneficiary of the Dorothy Hervey Roedder Scholarship Fund which is administered by the Presbyterian Foundation.
According to the agreement the income from the Fund is established for scholarships. The Board of Trustees approved at its May 3, 2021 meeting to use the funds for scholarships to Holmes Camp & Retreat Center. The Board of Trustees have also requested that Congregational Ministry & Nurture develop a scholarship program and award these funds.
These scholarships will be offered to individuals from our congregations that have a financial need, for the sole purpose of attending a congregational event at Holmes Camp & Retreat Center.
All applications must be emailed to CMN@presbynyc.org.
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News from PC(USA) - New Interim Unified Agency of the PC(USA) takes next step in reimagining work going forward
Planning process includes reconfiguring ministry work
The process of redefining what ministry will look like in the new Interim Unified Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) became a little clearer on Monday. Plans were announced that will reconfigure several programs impacting the ministries of Theology, Formation & Evangelism; Compassion, Peace & Justice; the Presbyterian Historical Society; and Communications.
Over the past year, the Rev. Jihyun Oh, now Executive Director and Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the PC(USA), gathered with leaders, including the Rev. Bronwen Boswell, Acting Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the PC(USA), and the Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett, President and Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, to support core mission and ministry priorities of the 2025–26 GA approved budget: support of mid councils, leadership development, reparative justice, life of the Communion, strategic partnerships and operations.
“These decisions are part of a lengthy process that seeks to align the mission and ministry of two General Assembly agencies to the needs of today’s church, society and our denomination. The gravity of the church worldwide has shifted to the global South. We are at most half the size compared to when the current structures were set up. Migration patterns are bringing global neighbors into our communities, so that the global is local and the local is global. How can General Assembly agencies best support our partners in ministry for the challenges and opportunities of ministry and discipleship today?” said Oh. “Working with leaders within both predecessor agencies and the Administrative Services Group, as well as seeking guidance from the Unification Commission, we are moving toward sustainable ministries that better align with our vision and values, as well as mission and ministry priorities.” Click here to learn more
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A Message from New York City's Presbyterian Women. Join Us! | |
The Countdown to Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2025 has Begun!
In July 2025, the Presbyterian Church (USA) will welcome thousands of its high school age youth and their adult youth workers to Louisville, Kentucky for four days of worship, recreation, bible study, outreach, and faith formation all around the theme of “As If We Were Dreaming”
Most programming and meals will be held at the Kentucky International Convention Center (KICC) with all participants housed (housing is an additional cost) at nearby Triennium hotels. The fee includes all programming, meals during the event, an official PYT t-shirt and more! Learn more
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The Board Bulletin - Fall 2024
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The Board Bulletin is published after each regular meeting of the Board of Directors of The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and represents key information and actions taken that affect plans and programs administered by the Board of Pensions. Some of the information found in The Bulletin:
- Travel grant added to Sabbath Sabbatical program
- Christmas gifts approved for retirees and surviving spouses
- and more...
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2024 Faith-Based Development Initiative Summit
The Evolution of a Movement: Faith-Based Development and Progress on the Policy Front Enterprise Faith-Based Development Initiative is in its 18th year, and our annual summit aims to support the growing national movement around faith-based development. This year's summit focuses on progress made at all levels of government on the public policy front to support faith-based development. Policy makers, practitioners, and faith-leaders from across the country will share their insights and perspectives on the evolution of the movement. Learn more
DATE: December 5, 2024
TIME: 12:00pm – 2:00pm ET
Register Today
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Seeking and Posting Calls and Employment Opportunities
The Northeast Crossroads Call Finder is a partnership of 15 presbyteries in the New York City/Philadelphia metro regions to assist congregations and other entities in connecting congregations seeking pastors and staff with pastors and others answering the call to service in the church. Call Finders goal is to connect church professionals with congregational ministry opportunities in the 15 presbyteries that serve the greater New York City and Philadelphia metro region. Email Yzette Swavy-Lipton to list a position on mynextcallpcusa.org. If you post an opening on Call Finder you are asked to let Yzette know if your position have been filled so that it can be taken down from the site.
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News from the Pews
- Blessings for NYC Presbytery's Justice Ministry Advocate, CRE Charmaine Massiah, and the Justice Ministry Committee on all of the work they are doing to lift up and advocate for those whose voices have gone unheard and unseen. Click here to read the Justice Ministry Committee's recent newsletter
Prayers and Concerns
- Congregations seeking pastoral leadership
Elder Dorette Winslow (Laconia Presbyterian Church)
Prayers are extended to the Indonesian Presbyterian Church, family, and friends on the recent death (click here for service details) of Rev. Alice Hermanus-Rampengan (Indonesian Presbyterian Church)
New York City Presbytery Committees and Commissions
Pastors, CRE's and Ruling Elders serving our congregations
- Pastors in new ministries
- Congregations in pastoral searches
Practicing Matthew 25 in our churches and communities
- Congregations engaged in special projects
New York City Presbytery's Young Adult Volunteers (YAV's) program.
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Employment Opportunities Within and Around the Presbytery of NYC | |
Congregational Searches on PC(USA)'s NEW CLC System
The following congregations in our presbytery are currently engaged in active searches. These Ministry Discernment Profiles (MDP) are posted to CLC's website:
Church of the Master, Designated Pastor/Head of Staff, Part-time (20 hrs.)
First Presbyterian Church, Far Rockaway, Solo Pastor, Part-time (3/4 time)
St. Albans Presbyterian Church, Solo Pastor, Full-time
First Presbyterian Church of Springfield Gardens, Solo Pastor, Part-time
Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, Solo Pastor, Full-time, click here for details
Congregations within our presbytery are currently seeking to fill these positions:
Entities outside of New York City Presbytery's the bounds seeking to fill positions:
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Church Leadership Connection
The Office of the General Assembly has launched the new Church Leadership Connection (CLC), the internet-based matching and referral system of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Call seeking individuals and call providers can now access the new system at clc.pcusa.org.
The Church Leadership Connection (CLC) staff is here to serve you. If you need any assistance or have questions about the new system, contact them by phone at 888-728-7228, ext. 8550, or by email at clcstaff@pcusa.org.
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Help your congregation's members stay connected with the latest news and opportunities in and around the presbytery by subscribing to Happenings In & Around the Presbytery, the Presbytery's electronic newsletter. Keep members updated and apprised of Presbyterian events, resources, grants, and opportunities. Have members fill out the contact information form so that their email addresses can be added to our subscribers list. Click here for the Contact Information Form. Once completed email the form to Yzette Swavy-Lipton in the Presbytery office.
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475 Riverside Drive Suite 1270
New York, NY 10115
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