Issue: 305                           
November 9, 2017 
In This Issue

Quick Links

TCGIS Online Calendar

Upcoming Events

Nov. 9-10: Parent Teacher Conferences

Nov. 12: Martinstag Celebration at the Landmark Center

Nov. 14: PTO Meeting

Nov. 16: Picture Retake Day

Nov. 17: Admin Hosted Kaffeeklatsch

Nov. 20-24: No After School Activites

Nov. 22: Early Release

Nov. 23-24: Thanksgiving Break
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Administrative Information
Are you REALLY 'Giving to the Max'?
Last year we raised an impressive $28,500 during Give to the Max. But did you know...less than 5 of our family donors "maxed" their donations last year by harnessing the power of their employer's matching funds program? Imagine how much more we could have raised with matching funds! As we enter the final week of Give to the Max, please take advantage of any matching gift programs your employer may have to double your donation's impact! Click here to read more.

Intern Spotlight!
Click here to read about how our middle schoolers feel about the intern program, and click here to read the next intern spotlight!
Conferences Tonight and Tomorrow

Parent teacher conferences are tonight and tomorrow! All elementary and middle school teachers will be in their respective classrooms, and all specialist teachers will be in the art room, 301. Please refer to your schedules for room numbers and times. 
Order Window for School Lunches/Milk, Bus Seat and Kinderclub will open Monday, November 13!

Please log on to our online store website  Boonli starting Monday, 11/13, to place your child(ren)'s Bus, Kinderclub and School Lunch/Milk order for  DecemberAll orders are due by midnight on Sunday, November 19.

If your family is new to our online store, please  click here  for more information on the Boonli website, how to "Register" for an account and how to navigate the site. Please note the school password needed during the registration process is  TCGIS1 . If you need assistance with your existing account login, please email us at  ordering@tcgis.org .
Coffee and  Morning Circle on November 17

We would like to invite all parents for coffee and treats AKA Kaffeeklatsch at 8.30am on Friday, November 17. Elementary School parents can join us after Morning Circle, and Middle School families can just come straight to the foyer. This event is hosted by the school's Admin Team (Herr Anderson, Frau Braddock, Frau Haarbusch, Herr McKay & Herr Mullins). We hope to see you there!
ONE More Week to Order Spiritwear

This is your last chance to order spiritwear! Check out our online store to see what we have to offer and to place your order today. We will be accepting orders through November 17. Orders will be available for pick up in early December. These items are great gifts for upcoming birthdays and holidays!

Please note that we will only be accepting orders through our online Square store. No orders will be accepted through Boonli or in person.

The next time you're at school, be sure to check out the wings in the entryway!  In honor of Peace Day this fall the elementary students learned about street artist Kelsey Montague and her participatory #WhatLiftsYou murals. Each student decorated a feather in art class to include in our mural, which is now ready for photos!
Looking for After School Activity Instructors 

We are looking for instructors for the winter session of after school activities! If you would like to offer a class please fill out the attached form and email it to lkalish@tcgis.org or hand it in at the office no later than November 14. This session of after school activities starts January 1, 2018. If you have any questions about teaching a class, please email Lauren Kalish at lkalish@tcgis.org. 

All information regarding class offerings and registration will be available November 30.
 *Please note this has been moved earlier than in our printed calendar. This is to avoid any interference with winter break.
Looking for 5th/6th Basketball coach

TCGIS is looking for a coach for a combined 5th/6th co-ed basketball team. The season starts  Dec. 1 and runs through  February 9. Depending on the number players who sign-up we may have up to two teams at the 5/6 level. Compensation is $900 per team.

Duties include:
  • At least one hour per week for practice after school per team(MondayThursday, or Friday)
  • Able to drive self to and from games(one per week per team) at different Twin Cities locations(Wednesdays at 4:30 or 5:30)
  • Weekly communication with the league director and parents
  • Knowledge of and/or experience with the rules of basketball and coaching a team
  • Attending an end-of-season party/banquet at TCGIS
If you are interested please contact Chad Prater ( cprater@tcgis.org) by  Friday to set up a time to talk further. Coaching job preference will be given to the most qualified individual. 
Book Fair Open Friday During Conferences!

The book fair will be open on Friday during conferences (8am-3:30pm). Come stop by and see the books we have!
SEAC Meeting November 20

Please join The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)  on Monday,  November 20 from 6:00-7:30 at TCGIS in r oom 100.  We will talk about what drives behavior and learn how Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports are being implemented within TCGIS.
Please call Cherste Eidman with questions:  651-233-6053.
Picture Retake Day Next Week!

Our picture retake day has been rescheduled and will now be on Thursday, November 16. If you would like to have your child retake their picture, please send them with their proof or picture package on retake day. This will help ensure that the correct order is printed for their retake picture.

We will also be retaking ALL class pictures starting at 8:30am that morning. After students retake their class photos they will have the opportunity to retake their individual photos. 

If you would like to order pictures click here to login. 
Saint Martin's Day Celebration at Landmark Center

Students in Kindergarten through third grade will bring their lanterns home today. Please bring them with you to the Landmark Center to participate in the lantern parade at the end of the festivities. We will be selling electric tea lights at the event for $0.50 for those who don't have a light for their lantern.
Share Your Culture with Drama Class!

Do you have experience with another culture (besides the United States or a German speaking country) that you would like to share with a K-3 drama class?

Did you grow up or spend extensive time in another culture? Do you know a dance, song or story you could share?

Frau Hall would be extremely grateful for your help! Last year's Carnival of Cultures was such a success because of parent contributions. We would love to have you come in and present  your wealth of knowledge to the class!

Please email Frau Hall shall@tcgis.org with questions or if you are available to help.
Rummage Sale Donations Now Accepted!

New this year for the rummage sale! Please leave your donations at the top of the Aula stairs on Como Ave. during the following dates and times:
  • Tuesdays: 11/14, 12/5 and 12/12 until 8:30am
  • Thursdays: 11/16, 12/7 and 12/14 from 2:30-3:30pm
Please only drop off your items during these times.  If you have any questions contact Christine Ustun at  706 631-7941.
PTO Announcements
PTO Announcements

Join us for the PTO Meeting  November 14 from 6:45-8:30pm.  RSVP for meeting and childcare  here and find the p revious meeting minutes  here

GAI Announcements
GAI Announcements

Kaffeestube on Saturday Mornings
Kaffeestube European Breakfast Café, Saturdays thru November 18; 8:30am - 11am
Enjoy our European-style breakfast buffet with your friends & family! Frühstück includes German rolls, cheeses, cold cuts, eggs, spreads, and more!

Book Reading 
by Author & Holocaust Survivor Fred Amram
Join us after Kaffeestube on Saturday Nov. 11  for a book reading by award-winning story teller Fred Amram as he reads from his book We're in America now: A survivor's stories.

Fun with  German Card Games
The GAI Skat Klub invites you to play cards. Join us on Saturday, Nov. 18 at 10am to learn and play popular German card games. FREE AND OPEN TO ALL! NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED! 
  • Mau-Mau for Kids (similar to Uno®)
  • Canasta (a Rummy type game)
  • Schafkopf (a trick-taking game)
  • Skat (a bidding and trick-taking game)
No prior knowledge required! Each game will have a host who will explain the rules and get you started. 

Registration now open for FallVERGNÜGEN - Conversation, Literature classes