Mask Policy and Water Bottle Policy

This is a friendly reminder that 3rd to 8th Grade students need to wear a mask to school each day. Students should be encouraged to pack multiple masks for school, just as they would with other supplies, such as pens and pencils. Water bottles are necessary too, as water fountains may not be directly used by anyone’s mouth and the School wants to discontinue the use of disposable cups.

Starting Tuesday, December 1, Third to Eighth Grade students will no longer be provided masks by the school. Southfield School has kept stockpiles of masks on campus in order to allow everyone time to invest in personal masks and to accommodate the previous shortage of masks across the country. As masks have grown in abundance for purchase and as Southfield’s stockpile expires, it is important for everyone to continue the habit of packing masks for school each day. If a student arrives to campus without a mask, they will not be allowed on campus until they return with his/her personal mask for the day. This is to discourage continued reliance on Southfield to provide a mask for the day.

A great tip: Keep a box of disposable masks in your car. This will prevent a return trip to home on the days your child forgets to pack his/her mask.