Children’s Ministry hosts Awake on Friday, November 10 from 5:00-8:00 pm. Awake is a ministry for children in 3rd – 6th grade to build friendships, explore their Bibles, and have fun at church. We will eat dinner, have a fun Bible activity, do a Veterans Day service project, and end the night with s’mores and songs around the campfire. Registration is required. The cost is $5 per child. Please email Andrea to register or for more information. (Please note, Awake will NOT be an overnight event this year.) | |
Our youth will be selling Butter Braid pastries this fall in order to raise money for our annual trip to Sierra Service Project! These bake-at-home pastries are the perfect (and easy!) way to make your holidays extra special. Look for our Butter Braids table on the patio after church this Sunday through November 26 or order online. These treats will be available for pickup on or after December 17. | |
The development of what is often called “Dinner Church” is a callback to the ancient community gathering around an actual table, with a shared meal, and an invitation where all are welcome. The Community Table gathers in Arcadia this Sunday, November 12, at 5pm. These are informal gatherings around the table with a shared meal, discussion about a topic of faith and a short message or teaching. For those who are looking for something less formal than Sunday mornings or who cannot attend then, or who are just looking for some good company, please come and invite your friends! | |
The 38th Annual Dayspring Preschool and Kindergarten Holiday Boutique is from 9am-7pm on November 17 and 9am-4pm on November 18. Featuring more than 50 local vendors, food, raffles, entertainment and more, this is our preschool’s primary fundraiser and helps the school pay for things that are outside of the operating budget (including financial aid, playground equipment, professional development for teachers, books for the library, and more!) | |
BORDERLANDS PRODUCE RESCUE | The 2023-24 Borderlands Produce Rescue season is just around the corner. Dayspring partners with Borderlands to bring unsold fresh produce from regional farms directly to our neighborhoods. Starting the third Saturday of November, we will host a monthly event for the Arcadia neighborhood. Volunteers are needed to pack food boxes of approximately 70lbs. This is a great chance to spend time in the neighborhood, interact with neighbors, reduce food waste and bring healthy food to local families. Our next event is November 18 from 6:00 - 11am. If you’re interested, please email Amy. | |
BISHOP CARLO AT DAYSPRING | Bishop Carlo Rapanut will deliver the message at the 10:00 service on Thanksgiving Sunday, November 19. He will also hold a Q&A Session in the Fellowship Hall following the service on the future of the United Methodist Church. | |
Our annual food drive is Sunday, November 19. We will have a refrigerated truck in the parking lot to collect donations (including frozen turkeys!) for the United Food Bank in Mesa. Last year’s Fall Food Drive collected 2,533 pounds of food, including dozens of turkeys! | |
During a Taizé service, we sing uncomplicated, repetitive songs, uncluttered by too many words, allowing the mystery of God to become known through the beauty of simplicity. Email Pastor Shirley for more information. The next service is Sunday, November 19 at 4pm in the Fellowship Hall. | |
TEMPE INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING | Join Tempe Interfaith Fellowship for their annual Thanksgiving Interfaith Service on Tuesday, November 21st, 7 pm at St. Augustine's Episcopal Parish at College and Broadway. There is also an option to view the service online HERE. | |
Dayspring Tempe is a drop-off site for the HopeKids Holiday Toy Drive this year. New, unwrapped toys can be delivered to the box in the narthex by December 3 and will be delivered to Arizona families in financial need who have a child battling a life-threatening medical condition. Learn more | |
ECO-DRIVING SAVES FUEL, MONEY, AND EMISSIONS | According to the U.S. Department of Energy, driving conservatively – obeying the speed limit while accelerating and braking gradually – can improve the fuel economy of your vehicle by up to 40% in stop-and-go traffic and 15-30% at highway speeds. Using cruise control helps too: varying speed by just 6mph uses 20% more fuel. At the very least, reducing your speed by 5 to 10 mph can improve fuel economy by 7%–14%, not to mention that slowing down is much safer for you and others. The roadways may feel like a battleground, but driving is an opportunity to practice our Christian faith by showing our love for the earth and our neighbors! | |
This Sunday's Message:
Sacred Space
9:00 at Dayspring Tempe
Abundant Life
Part 3: Justice and Love
Amos 5:21-24
Pastor Jeff Procter-Murphy
10:00 at Dayspring Tempe
Community Table
5:00 at Dayspring Arcadia
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Our most recent live-streamed service: | | | | |