When it comes to funding new initiatives for your business or non-profit, it's hard to beat a monetary grant award. Right now, there are two current grant programs we are aware of that could be of benefit to you.
The first is the recent unveiling of the DECD's Domestic Trade Grant initiative. This program is designed to help Maine-based entrepreneurs expand to new markets and grow their domestic sales outside of Maine. The DECD website has all the information you need to submit an application. The deadline to apply is December 15th. More information can be found HERE
The second is the Economic Recovery Hub Program, administered by SMPDC. This grant program is intended for businesses formed in the last three years that were impacted by the pandemic but did not receive any covid-related funds, as well as non-profits. Monetary grants are available, as well as Technical Assistance / Support grants. Apply by December 7th. More information can be found HERE