Working to Make God's Love and Justice Real in Our World

The Presbyterian-New England Congregational Church

November 2022

24 Circular Street, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
A Note From Your Pastor...

Dear Church,
After three months of Sabbatical leave, I have returned. I met with our supply pastor, Rev. Peter Carmen, yesterday for the “hand off.” Thankfully, not much happened while I was gone. There was no big tragedy within our community, the church did not burn down, and Peter had only nice things to say, including how welcoming you all were to him. As I am slowly starting to see people again I realize that many have assumptions and questions about what my three months “off” were all about. I am going to try to attempt an answer with the following FAQs:
Where were you?
At least one person thought I was somewhere far away. As much as I would have loved a three month trip to the desert, a walk on the Camino, a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, I was mostly home. I spent some time visiting family in Massachusetts and California. I vacationed in New Hampshire for a week. But as the mother of two school-aged children, I was also doing very mundane things like making my children breakfast, doing their laundry and making sure homework got done. While none of that sounds very exciting, having time to do those things without the added pressure of running a church was a gift.
Did you write your dissertation?
In a word: No. Before my sabbatical I met with my doctoral advisor who told me quite bluntly that I was burnt out and that to spend the three months of my sabbatical writing under a deadline was not faithful or healthy. Did I do work on my dissertation? Yes, but I did not complete it. In fact, while I was originally going to graduate from the Doctor of Ministry program this May, I am now looking at a May 2024 graduate date. And you know what? That’s totally fine. Prioritizing health over productivity is the right way to go.
So what did you do?
Beyond visiting family and a week away in August, not much of note. Some of it is personal. I took daily walks. I read books. I took piano lessons with Pam. I thought a lot. I did at least one jigsaw puzzle. I “mom-ed.” I spent time with my spouse. And I reconnected with the center of who I am – you know, that part of you underneath all the junk that the world heaps on you? Yeah – that’s the center. The core. The place where God resides and keeps calling all of us back to. Sometimes in order to find that center and essence of the self, we have to step away not so much physically as in going somewhere else, but emotionally and spiritually as in letting go and trusting.
And did you get SO MUCH DONE?!?!
A Sabbatical is not about getting things done. It’s about being and reclaiming. BUT - Did I clean out my basement and put together a huge pile of stuff for the rummage sale? You betcha. Did I feel guilty on days when I “only” went on a walk, read, and made dinner for my family? No way. The essence of Sabbath time might be: We are human beings not human doings.
What’s next?
I go back to being your pastor, with a new and fresh perspective. I feel healthier, more grounded and as a pastor that can only be a good thing. All churches are struggling right now because of the affects of COVID. We have rebuilding to do. As we think about the next few months, I’d like us to focus on what new things might be bubbling up. A lot of us want to go back to how things were (five years ago…fifteen years ago…fifty years ago…) but they’re not going to. We have to approach this new season of our collective life as something we’ve never seen before but also with great faith that the Spirit is leading us through it.
Final thoughts:
Thank you for the opportunity you gave me. The three month sabbatical after six year service to the church was part of my call agreement and is a faithful way to honor a pastor and the work they do. While it was “part of the deal” when I was hired, it’s not something I take for granted. I am so very grateful for the chance to attend to the other various areas of my life. AND so very grateful for the ways in which you showed up as church to one another in my absence. This truly is a remarkable group of people and I feel very honored to be part of you.
Come to church this Sunday.
I’m really looking forward to seeing you.

Pastor Kate
A Note From Your Visiting Pastor...

Dear PNECC friends,

It is that time! I am excited that your pastor, Kate Forer, is returning from Sabbatical—will be back by the time you read this. It’s that time. I am concluding my stint as your Sabbatical Supply Pastor this week.

In the fleeting time I have had to be with you, I feel like we have gotten to know each other just a little! And brief though it has been, I have grown quite fond of you, collectively and one by one. I will miss you.

My parting charge for you as a church is this: Don’t take this congregation for granted. You are an extraordinary and intentional faith community that deserves—and requires—the love and care each of you can provide. And don’t take your pastor for granted! She too is an amazing human being, who deserves you as a congregation, as well as a good dose of the same love and care you have offered me.

None of us is perfect: for the things I have done that unintentionally caused pain, and the things I have left undone, I ask your forgiveness. We are all broken bits of creation, glued back together by grace, with a lot of light shining through the cracks. Thanks for sharing your light with me.

May your ministry continue strong, and your love abound, in the days to come.
In Christ’s Peace,
Peter JB Carman, Sabbatical Supply Pastor 

"Welcome Back, Kate and Thank You, Peter" Luncheon
Sunday, November 6
We welcome Kate back to church this Sunday as we say thank you to Pastor Peter for being there for us these last three months. Bring your enthusiasm and appetite. More info to come! Please sign up online if you would like to bring a dessert.  Pastors' Luncheon
Church Cleanup Day
Saturday, November 5
9am to noon
Grab your rake, leaf blower, work gloves and join us for the fall cleanup and repair party. Free fresh air & sunshine (guaranteed!) plus donuts & coffee. Bring the whole family!  This year's projects will include edging our walkways, clearing leaves, some painting, power washing and preparing for winter. If you own an edger or power washer, please contact Jim MacNeill or Harry Meehan.
Garage Sale
Saturday, November 12

We will be accepting donations during the following times:
  • Sunday, November 6.... 1pm-3pm
  • Monday, November 7.... 12:30pm-2:30pm
  • Monday, November 7.... 5pm-7pm
  • Wednesday, November 9.... 12:30pm-2:30pm
  • Wednesday, November 9.... 5pm-7pm
  • Thursday, November 10.... 12:30pm-2:30pm
  • Thursday, November 10.... 5pm-7pm

PLEASE -- no clothing, stuffed animals, electronics or exercise machines (treadmills and the like.) We could use a few more volunteers, especially the day of the sale

Help Needed
Thanksgiving Baskets
November 18-20
LifeWorks Community Action (formerly Saratoga EOC) provides neighbors in need with a free Thanksgiving basket and a gift card to purchase a turkey. PNECC will be one of the four distribution sites with produce packing on Friday afternoon and distribution to the public on Saturday and Sunday.  If you'd like to sign up to help, please contact Harry Meehan at [email protected] with the day and time you are available.
 Shifts will be:  
  • ·Friday November 18. 2pm - 4pm
 (to pack produce bags)
  • ·Saturday November 19..... 9:45am - 1pm
  • ·Saturday, November 19..... 12:45pm - 4pm
  • ·Sunday November 20..... 12:45pm - 3:30pm
  • ·Sunday, November 20..... 3:15pm- 5:00pm 
Tasks on Saturday & Sunday involve checking in clients as they come to pick up their goodies or handing food baskets to them.  
In Memoriam

MaryAnna O'Donnell died on November 3rd. Please hold her family and friends in your heart during this sad time. Arrangements have not yet been made.

You may send notes of support and condolences to her husband Scott via the Caring Bridge. Click here.

Pledge Sunday
November 20

Nominations Wanted!
We are seeking Elders, Deacons and Trustees to serve as leadership for a three year term. Contact the church office to nominate yourself of someone you know. Contact Pastor Kate for more information.

Thanks to everyone who participated in Trunk or Treat on Halloween night! So much fun for all!
Beer and Hymns
Sunday, November 20
The Parting Glass

At this event we celebrate Martin Luther who loved beer and wrote hymns! (And also did that 95 Theses thing, kick starting the whole Reformation.) All are welcome! Beer drinking not required. Please RSVP Beer & Hymns We need a minimum of 20 participants.
Apple Picking & Bus Ride!
Saturday, November 5

Meet at church to take the bus to Riverview Orchards in Rexford to collect apples for food pantries. If we have less than 10 folks we will carpool from church. Feel free to bring a bag lunch. 
The mission team of twelve people from PNECC want to thank the congregation for all your generous donations. Because of you, the Cuban people will receive medical supplies; technology in the form of laptops, ipads, cell phones, a rechargeable light, and a printer; food; school supplies including backpacks; kitchen supplies; and clothing. We are even taking a sewing machine and a piano keyboard! You have donated the large suitcases that will carry these gifts to Cuba. You have donated money for gifts to the churches of Cuba. The team is thankful and thrilled, but our emotions are nothing compared to those emotions of the Cuban people in Los Palos when they open the suitcases.
YAHA Luncheon
Tuesday, November 15
Longfellows Restaurant
Our guest is Duane Vaughn, the Executive Director of Shelters of Saratoga. He will update us on shelter programs, the emergency cold weather shelter and the effort to establish a permanent support facility in transitioning the homeless to sustainable future opportunities. Cost of the luncheon is $18 per person. If you are not sure you are on the regular YAHA calling list for making reservations, feel free to bounce an email reservation back to me at [email protected], give me a call at 518-727-3615 or see me before or after the Sunday services over the next two weeks.
Theology Book Group
November 15 at 7pm
Nolan House/Zoom
Reading selections for the fall are from The Essential Reinhold Niebuhr, edited by Robert McAfee Brown with a Zoom option for those who want to participate virtually.  
Northshire Bookstore in Saratoga Springs has the book in stock. Ask for the book ordered for PNECC Club.   For details of reading selections, Zoom log-in information, or any questions, contact Terry Diggory, 518-860-0262. 
Middle School Youth Group
Sundays 9:30am-10:30am
2nd Floor Nolan House.
High School Youth Group
Sundays Noon-1:15pm
2nd Floor Nolan House
Morning Musings
Mondays at 8:45am
Uncommon Grounds

Prayer Circle
Tuesdays at 9:30am
Fellowship Time
Join us following worship services for fellowship and refreshments. Members of the congregation are invited to bring snacks to share - you can drop them off in the kitchen before church begins.
You may pay your pledge by mail (PO Box 582, Saratoga Springs) or click the donate button on our website.
We also welcome payments via "bill pay" from your bank.