Hello there my dearest lemony friends,
Aren't you excited to see what will happen in November?! Maybe we will get two feet of snow, maybe we will eat lots of food, or maybe we will read 100+ books. Who knows, but whatever comes, enjoy it to the fullest.
On to the pictures....
The first three pictures are the behind the scenes of the creation of the DPLS float for the Defiance Halloween parade. I am assuming you can figure out the theme, but in case you can't it's, "The Wizard of Oz".
The final picture was taken in front of the Friends of the Library Display.
A few weeks ago, our library system celebrated National Friends of the Library Week. That one week was created to honor those groups who support their library system. Without the support of our friends group, we would not be able to do things such as host presenters, enrich our library events with prizes, snacks, and more, obtain grants, and fundraise. They also put together our books sales and the yearly Art in the Park.
If you would like more information on our Friends Group or would like to become a member click on me.
That is all.
Be awesome my friends,